Solo Expedition!

Chapter 198 Solo Expedition!

Vice Lords Hideout: Training Arena


Pondering the question, I asked him with his gaze looking elsewhere, Teco says with a dancing around the answer tone, yeah, it's going alright. Question for you though, what are you up to?

Questioning me back with his face waiting for my response, I tell him honestly, bored. So, I figured, hey let me see what Teco's doing. Cause you know I don't even need to find out what Arti's up to as he just tinkers with shit like usual in his workshop.

Walking past me with his disposition even keeled, turning my body as I follow him, I say to keep the convo going, so what's your plans after cleaning your stinky ass? Not even looking my way as his eyes keep forward, Teco answers, food and rest.

arching my right brow, I say with an immediate comment, that's it just food and rest? No extra training at all to try and get up to speed with the new guy.

Stopping just for a moment as we are halfway near the door out of the arena, this time actually peering my way with his expression still the same, Teco says no extra training. Why rush to catch up when I already know that the kid surpasses me by a wide scale. But changing the topic, is the boss here at all? I wanted to have a chat with him.

Conversing back with a concrete answer, I say, nope. He's out on a solo expedition.

Looking at me with confusion, Teco says, what's the solo expedition he's on?

Scratching with my left ring finger on my left cheek, I say with unsureness, don't know myself. When I asked, he just told me he's heading somewhere by himself.

Motionless for a spell as Teco soaks that in, finally having a response, Teco says, I wonder what he's looking for or who he's looking for, but something is telling me boss is going to comeback with something.

End of Chapter 198