A Leader's Code!

Chapter 271 A Leader's Code!

Open Sea: Ver's Ship

Sailing still as their ship heads west from Alice's Island, smooth as the vessel moves because the water is calm, resting his upper torso on the left side railing of the ship as he gazes out, Ver says nothing.

Stepping up to Ver as he makes his presence pronounced, bandage up a bit, some placed in different areas of his face, wanting to make conversation, Wink says while walking further, what are you doing out here my rival?

Responding back as he glances over at Wink coming up to the railing, Ver states with a melancholic tone, just taking in the atmosphere. Sometimes I feel people fail to realize it's okay to just absorb their surrounding once in a while. But that's just me, so question for you, what are you out here for? You have something you want to tell me.

Dragging his right index finger along the rail, answering back with a relaxed demeanor, Wink verbalizes, yeah, I do have something to tell.

Shifting his neck so he can look at Wink, following up with a quick reply, Ver says, what is it you need to tell me?

Already ready with his comeback dialogue, Wink comments with straight forwardness, I want to take on the next 8 Deadly.

Showing no inkling of any surprise as he keeps his peepers on Wink, Ver replies bluntly, no you're not.

Taken aback by the suddenness of his words, Wink says, I don't understand...why not?

Fast with what he has to state, Ver laments, one your injured from our tussle with Alice's island, secondly, I'm fine and it's a leader's code to make sure that the people in his crew is alright. Also, I'm not going to lie to you, I want to fight.

End of Chapter 271