Let Me Grow!

Chapter 272 Let Me Grow!

Open Seas: Ver's ship

Taken aback by what Ver has said with his face expression surprised, Wink says as a rebuttal, what do you mean no. And why say it to me when you let Pap take on the last one.

Composed as he turns his whole body to Wink, responding back with a easy going tone, Ver states, I get you want to surpass me and not feel left behind. But the only reason I really said no to you facing this one is because I want some excitement now.

With his emotions still on high burner mode, Wink says, you want excitement, can't you get that on the next one. Why impede me. Let me grow so I can catch up to you! Besides you really don't have leadership over me any ways because you literally forced me to join your squad!

Leaning his left arm on the railing, smirking slightly, Ver says, this I know Wink, but you could have left any time, but you chose to stay. Also, since you seem really passionate about breaking your limitations, I'll give you a little test and if you pass, I'll allow you to take on the next 8 Deadly.

Turning his face serious at hearing what Ver has said, folding his arms as he replies back, Wink laments, no bullshit.

Nodding his head, Ver says, no bullshit.

Having something else to express, Wink states, so what's your little test then?

Smiling genuinely as he opens his yapper, Ver says, my test is very simple, if you can land two punches on me, facing Pengar is yours.

Curling his mouth up into a sneaky smile, Wink says with burning pride, ok challenge accepted.

End of Chapter 272