
Chapter 273 Fine!

Open Sea: Ver's ship


Spaced on the poop deck of the ship as I stare at Ver with a ready to go expression, looking at me with his usual carefree face, Ver states with easiness wafting from his throat, you can come at me whenever your ready Winky, unless your intimated.

Charging at him with my quick boxer feet, closing the distance between him and I, I state in a calm but annoyed manner as I ball up my left fist, I'll show you that I'm good to fight one of the next 8 Deadly's.

Coming with a quick jab aimed at his smug scruffy face, dodging at the last second from my punch as he shifts his body to the right, eyeing me with his laxed vibe, Ver says, not bad. But you telegraph and isn't that what boxers aren't supposed to do champ.

Feeling my emotions get dialed up at him discrediting my first strike, pensive as I pivot my right leg to throw a right hay maker at him, stepping back as he dodges that one, Ver smiles and says nothing this time.

Clenching my nicely straight teeth as he is really getting to me, I say as I throw a good slew of punches with ferocity in everyone, stop looking down on me! I will catch up to you!

Evading my blows like a slippery eel moving through the ocean, Ver then does a move I wasn't suspecting, slipping behind me with the essence of a ghost as I didn't even register how he did it, placing a hand on my right shoulder as it stops my adrenaline, Ver says, fine. I'll let you take on Pengar, since I can see you actually aren't hurt like I thought.

Hearing those words that just came out from his mouth, I say nothing as I look down.

End of Chapter 273