Getting What You Want

Professor Kal sat cross legged in the chair across from the restrained dwarf, his cold eyes staring reflecting the flickering firelight. He had been silently staring at the dwarf for several minutes, causing the bearded fae to sweat profusely. A loud pop came from the fireplace as the sap in a piece of wood exploded, causing the tightly wound dwarf to jump, and let out a little shriek.

Finally moving, Professor Kal leaned forward in his chair, "What's your name?"

"Gregor Ulibarri." He said, managing to keep his voice steady.

"Well, Gregor, do you have any idea who I am?"

After a moment of silence, Gregor shook his head, always keeping his eyes on the Professor. "Doesn't matter who ya are, ya still hang for this! We've made pieces for the King himself; he won't look kindly on anyone that harms me or my wife!"