Chapter 4: Civilization!!

First off.


This is a pretty big town.

I walk up to a big stone gateway with reinforce wooden doors and guards standing on each side. The surrounding walls look about 3 meters high, and it looks like they are just starting to replace the wooden walls with stone.

There are people working on it right now.

Guard, "Welcome back. Thanks for keeping up the good work." They give us a nod. "And who might this be?"

Alice, "We found him in the forest being attacked by the hound. He lost some of his stuff while being chased by some hounds, so we brought him here."

Guard, "Must be tough. The number of hounds around here has really increased recently."

Guard, "Ok, but if you're not a citizen or a member of the guild, you're going to have to get a visa made, and pay for the fee. It's 5 copper to make the visa and 5 copper per week."

"That's fine, I still have my money with me." Lucky I still have my money from the game. Though I recently bought myself some new weapons for my assassin, so my financial situation isn't as good as I want it to be. Well, can't be helped.

When I checked my inventory a few days ago I thought I saw a conversion system. Ah, here it is. Looks like my current situation is.

Amount Exchange rate

Gold 82 675 223g 1Gold-100Silver

Silver 0 1Silver-10Copper

Copper 0 1000Copper-1Gold

Now, that might sound like a lot, but it's really not that much for high level characters.

With this much money, you could buy one high quality peace of equipment at most. And there are a lot of equipment slots.

The game only used gold so this exchange system is a new feature that only got added when I was transported here.

For now I'll just exchange a few gold for silver and copper, I don't really know the prices of things in this world yet. Let's say 5 gold, that gives me 500 silver and exchange 50 silver for 500 copper.

Guard, "Well then kid, follow me."

Alice, "We'll see you after you get your visa."

I nod at them as the man takes me to a small room close to the entrance.

He pushes the door open, hard, "Garend, you here?! Someone needs a visa!"

Garend, " Yeah! Yeah! I'm here! Just filling out some parchment..." Wow. What a homey work environment. Screams all round. "So what can I do for ya?"

As he steps out form the back, I see a man around his 30s with brown hair and a small beard, he's wearing a long sleeved shirt with a maroon vest, made of leather? I think?

Guard, "Kid needs a visa."

Garend, "Ok." He takes a seat at his desk and pulls out some parchment. "I'll just need to confirm your name, age, and level before you get the vise. Oh! And of course, that you don't have any criminal records. So please place your hand on this tablet."

My information, hah? Hope that hide status I setup works or I can say goodbye to my peaceful, relaxing life.

The tablet itself just looks like a black stone board with a white magic circle, I assume, drawn on it.

As I place my hand on it, the white magic circle defuses like ink in waster and started to form in to words. It's not in my own language but I can understand it thanks to the language skill I learnt.

Name: Ether Age:15

Gender:Male Race: Human

Level: 6 Titles: None

Crimes committed: None




Phew. Looks like the hide status worked. My laid back life is safe.

Garend, "Alright, I'll need one silver for that." I hand him the silver. "So your an adult. You look a bit younger. And level 6 at your age, you're pretty good. You're gonna go far kid. This visa is viable for a week, if you want to stay longer you'll have to pay 5 copper to extend it. If you can't pay, then sorry, but we'll have to send you on your way."

"I understand, thank you." So 15 is considered an adult in this world, and level 6 is considered high for my age, huh? I'll try to keep that in mind.

When I walked out, the two of them were right there waiting for me.

"You waited for me?"

Alice, "Since you're new here, we thought we'd show you around town. You know, as an apology for what happened."

"Hehe, I already told you there was no need to apologize. You also saved me."

Gravel, "Hay! You get to walk around with two beautiful girls." She throws her arm around my shoulders. "Not to mention probably the best adventures in this town. So be happy we're personally showing you around."

She seems confident. But I'm feeling a bit uneasy about this. And best adventurers? Really? I somehow find that hard to believe. But...

That person did say level 6 was high for my age, and these two don't look that much older than 15. They're 20 at most.

Oh well. I am happy with this development. It's not everyday you have a crocodile girl show you around town.