Chapter 5

The two felt like they were responsible for letting the hound attack me. So they offered to give me a tour around town as an apology.

I'm a bit reluctant to accept, but i accepted, it should be fine.

Then, right as I agreed, a big grin appears on Gravels face, and she precedes to drag me around town.

Glad she's happy... meanwhile my dignity is slowly dropping. Well... I'm a kid now so it's fine, I guess.

Gravel is keeping me very close as she pulls me down the streets of town, and she's a lot stronger than she looks.

I'm not resisting, but still, the arm she's putting over my shoulders is really firm. Enough that you'd expect her to be pretty bulky, but she's not. She actually looks pretty feminine.

And now that I'm closer to her, I can see it a lot more clearly. Her slit amber eyes, dark green scales running down her back in to her swinging tail, and those abs! Does she wash her cloths on those?

This really is a fantasy world. Not to mention the elegant lady over there with those dark silver eyes, smooth hair and great fashion sense, she looks like she'd be a great secretary. Well.. if she was wearing a suit, which she is not at the moment.

These two have a great contrast going on.

As we walked down the gravel road, it didn't take long before we reach the town center. Unlike the out skirts the road here is paved with stone, and there are a lot of stalls and a even fountain with a statue of a man holding a scroll in the middle.

Most of the houses here are made of wood or white washed wattle and daub. I can only see a few buildings that were made of stone.

I also don't see glass windows anywhere, they're all wooden. Guess glass must be expensive, just like in medieval times.

Alice, walks up to one of the stalls. "Mister, two mixed skewers and one bird skewer please."

"Ahh, if it isn't Alice and Gravel. Back from your quest already?"

Gravel, "Yep, we got lucky, found the thing right away. And it didn't even have a pack so it was an easy fight."

"Huhu. Bright as always I see. Here you go, that'll be 4 copper."

"Here you go." I hand him the copper.

Alice, "Hay I was gonna pay for that."

"It's ok, as thanks for showing me around town."

Alice "Humph." Ohh..! What's this?! A pout! And she's crossing her arms too! I didn't expect this surprise attack. She's adorable! A stark contrast from her elegant appearance.

Gravel on the other hand is already stuffing her face.

"And who is this young fellow? Has our little miss Black Steel found a special someone already?"

Alice, "No! It's not like that."

"Ohh? Then perhaps our Green Fang?"

Alice takes a long look at Gravel, who currently has her cheeks full, "This girl? No, definitely not, no way."

"He he. No, it's not like that. They saved me when I was being attacked by an alpha hound in the forest, and now they are even kind enough to show me around town."

"Oh, so you're new here. Well then, welcome to Grant. We're currently undergoing an expansion, but the town is still quite grand. Have a look around, I think you'll like what our town has to offer."

"Thank you."

We went from stall to stall until Gravel had her fill, then we continued looking around the town center.

Most of the stalls here look very good and they mostly sell food, but there are also some that sell accessories, souvenirs, and I can even see one that's selling some simple equipment like knives.

Which reminds me, it's about time I got myself a proper quiver for my arrows. "Do you two know where I can find good a quiver, and maybe a bag?"

Alice, "Oh that's right, you lost your equipment while in the forest didn't you."

Gravel, "Let's go check out uncle Kolo's place."

At the mention of this Alice looks a bit uncomfortable. I don't know how to feel about this.

As soon as we got there Gravel bursts into the shop and placed her spear on the front desk.

She leans on the desk, "Well hello there Sharry, is uncle Kolo in?"

Sharry, "Yes, he is in the back right now. Can Sharry help you with anything big sis Gravel."

The scene I'm seeing right now is a green haired crocodile girl, grinning and wagging her big crocodile tail in front of a little girl that has the look of 'not this again' on her face.

The girl looks about 13 maybe 14 years old, brown eyes, nicely groomed ginger hair and the face of a wittle angle.

She is level...0? Hmm...? So people in this world don't start of at level 1? I guess I just assumed that.

And she only has 10 Hp, that's not a lot, she also doesn't have any Mp at all.

These two on the other hand...

Alice has 249Hp and 6Mp and Gravel has 221 Hp and 4Mp. That and their names are all I can see on the bars on top of their heads.

As for me. Thanks to my equipment, my practically cheat stats, and the fact that I used to have a Tank and a Mage character, my current Hp is 10350Hp and I have 5862Mp.

At this moment, a bald, muscular man with brown eyes comes walking out from the back. He's wearing a leather apron and leather gloves and from his physique and what he's wearing, you can tell that he is a smith.

He's level...10. Oh, not bad, 205Hp and 6Mp.

Kolo, "Uuhh, it's you again. Ok, let's see it. What happened this time." He takes the spear and inspects it. "It looks ok. You didn't break it this time."

Gravel, with a smug look on her face, looking proud. "Hu hu hu. Are ya proud of me? I only need you to sharpen it this time."

Kolo, "Well, you two almost never come to me unless you brake something. So what are you here for?"

Alice, "Hay, I never break my stuff. Ahem, we're here to get this boy a new quiver, and a bag."

Kolo, "Hoho?" He scratches his chin, "Your boyfriend?"

Alice, "NO, he's not!" Why is she blushing? Is my character that cute? Ahh.. thanks.

Kolo, "Heh heh heh. Sharry."

The little girl steps out from behind the counter, "Come this way sir."

Kolo, "And what do you mean you don't break your stuff. How many times have I fixed that shield for you."

Alice, "Excuse me, shields are suppose to tank hits for you. It's bound to break from time to time."

Kolo, "Not if you use it properly." ...and their argument continued as we walked away. I thought Alice was a calm one, but looks like they're really close.

Sharry, "We have a selection of bags and quivers to choose from. What kind would you like."

Ahhh, her voice is so cute. She's so young, but she's already working, such a good little girl. This is it, this is why I became a teacher. To see all those smiles.

Sigh, if only my students were half as enthusiastic as she is, I would have had a great time teaching. Students these days are just soo moody.

"Can you show me around first, I want to see my option."

Sharry, "Ok, the bags and quivers are all over here. We have them made out of wood, cloth and leather." She can't even reach them, but she's trying her best! So precious!

After looking around for a bit...

"I'll take this leather bag and this small leather quiver."

Sharry, "Are you sure? Leather is very expensive and this quiver is a very good one too."

Ahh, I guess I look just about the same age as her, so she might think I don't have a lot of money. "It's ok. I'd rather have good equipment that I can depend on than buy low quality equipment that breaks easily. That way I can earn back my money quicker and not have to buy new equipment all the time."

Sharry, "Ahh... ok then. Sharry has never thought about it that way."

I hand her the items and she ran to check the prices with Mr. Kolo before coming back, "The bag is 95silver and the quiver is 65silver. That will be... 1gold and 10silver."

Uehh.. are you trying to kill me with cuteness here! She's trying so hard to do math!

"I think you mean 1gold and 60silver."

She takes another look and starts calculating again with the cutest confused face I've ever seen. "Uhaa! Sharry messed up... again..."

Ahhh... priceless.

But still. That's expensive? A skewer is 1 copper and a well made leather quiver is 65silver. I don't know about this worlds currency yet, but if that's a lot then I might just be set for life.

Sharry, "Ummm, can Sharry ask... can Sharry ask what level you are?"

"Hmm? I'm level 6."

Sharry, "Ehhh?! Level...level 6? Your level 6 already? Ehh?! But... but... how old are you?"

"I'm 15 years old." Well, I'm technically 15 in this world but I'm actually 27.

Sharry, "Ehhhh?! You're only one year older than Sharry! No way... Well, one day Sharry is going to become strong too, just like big sis Gravel and help everyone."

"Hmhm. Then when that time comes, I'll be looking forward to going on adventures with you Sharry."

Then everybody looked at us and smiled, as if a big moment just occurred.

It's called being polite people! Jeeezz!