Chapter 13

I walk back to the town with a boar on my back, and there at the entrance, the guards noticed me. "Hay, you're back."


"That's a fine boar you got there, you're stronger than you look, being able to carry that."

The other guard chimes in, "Guess some a you adventurers are just your own types sa monsters huh?"

Ahh, I forgot that I look like a 15 year old kid now. "Ah ha ha. Thank you, but it's actually quite heavy."

"Hehe, the guild isn't far from the gate. Hang in there kid." He gestures me inside, and gives me a tap on the back as I pass.

I nod and keep walking. The atmosphere on this road at sun set is quite different from the morning atmosphere. It's gets livelier the closer I get to the center. Some people are walking with their kids, some are walking with their friends, and it looks like there are more stalls here than last time.

Normally I'd welcome this happy atmosphere, but right now, the kid caring the boar twice his size is the focus of many peoples attention, and I don't like it, so I quickly made my way to the guild.

"Hello Silvia."

"Good evening Ether. That's a big boar you have there, here to turn in the commission?"

"Actually, my commission was only to get some nectar from Thorn flowers, but I saw this one on the way back,so I thought I'd bring it back too. Can I also turn it in, or sell it?"

"If there're still commissions for boars, then certainly, you could turn it in. If not, then you could always sell it to the merchants guild. However, I would like to request that you prioritize commissions."

There were still a few commissions for boars. So I turned in the boar and the 10 nectar pods in my bag and waited for Silvia to fill out all the necessary parchment.

After she finishes, she hands me 50 silver for the commissions and as I turn back, I see a very familiar croc girl waving at me with the usual big smile on her face.

"That was a pretty big catch you brought in. I almost can't believe you can carry that thing with this tiny body of yours."

I take a seat next to Gravel, "Our build doesn't even look that different, and I'm pretty sure you could lift that boar. So why should I be able to?"

Gravel, "Uhh? Maybe that fact that I'm twice your level? But anyway, did you go in alone today?"

"Yeah, I went on a solo commission today, it was pretty fun."

She nods "Mmh mmh. Glad to hear it. Are you hurt anywhere? I know boars that big can be really dangerous at times."

"I didn't let them see me, so I'm fine. But more importantly, are you feeling ok? You sound a little strange today."

Alice rests her chin on her hand and leans on the table. "She just cares about you. She always sounds nicer when she's worried." Her eyes gazing softly at Gravel.

At this comment, Gravel turns to Alice with a deadpan face. Alice, in retaliation, brightens her smiles.

Then she turns to me, "Anyway, since you're here now, wanna have dinner with us."

"Yes paleaze. I haven't had anything to eat all day."

And so, like yesterday we have a hearty feast, and also like yesterday, Gravel wastes no time and starts with a gigantic chunk of meat.

I'm starting to think every day in the adventurers guild is a party, what with people drinking every hour of the day.

Alice, after taking a swig, "So, how are you enjoying the adventurers guild so far?"

"Well, I guess the rooms are fine, it's a bit small but it's comfy. The showers on the other hand... I don't know how you guys deal with that. I don't like having to clean myself naked in front of others. I don't like being naked in general. But other than that, everyone in the guild has been really kind to me."

Alice, "Oh, we... don't take showers at the guild wells. We have a friend who lives close to here and she lets us use her shower for a copper, so we take our showers there. If you want we can introduce you."

"Oh, no it's ok. I already rented a house near here, and it also has a well in the backyard."

Alice, "I see, you rented a house... Wait! You rented a house?! Really?!" Gravel chokes on her food a little.

"What? Is it that strange that I would rent a house?" As I pat Gravel on the back, she's wearing leather armor but I can feel her tough scales underneath.

Alice, "Are you sure you want to? Isn't a house expensive? Can you even cover for it?"

"Well, I already paid for it. It's 2gold a month, I mean I won't say renting a house is cheap, but I think it's worth it. It's just a small place in the northwest residential district."

Alice stares a bit before she pulls back, "Hmmm... well, 2gold a month sounds affordable, but still... Where did you find that deal anyway?"

"I talked to Majorri."

Alice, "Huh... ok then. Congratulations on getting yourself a house. Invite us over sometimes, k."

"You guys can come over whenever you want, you're always welcomed. I'm actually moving in tomorrow, why don't you come visit."

Alice, "Ok, we'll drop by."

Gravel finishes what she was holding before puts her arm across my back, and with her mouth still full, "Do you need help movin in."

She's definitely wiping her hand on my back, isn't she?

"Well, there is one thing. You seem like you're good with kids. Can I get you to talk to some of the neighborhood kids for me? I need some help weeding out the back yard?"

"Sure!" She says with a thumbs up and a big smile, her cheeks still bulging with food. Are we sure she's not a hamster? Just with some birth defects? I've studied croc eating behavior and it's definitely not this.

Alice, "We can help you out with that too if you'd like."

"Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it. By the way, I got some left over Thorn flower pods from my commission today." I reached into my bag and pulled one of them out of my inventory. "Do you know what these can be used for?"

Alice, "Oh, thorn flower pods. Ahh.. brings me back to when I was just starting out as an adventurer. Thorn flower nectar can be used for lots of things. If you cut it and simmer it in water you can make scented, sweet tea. People also use the nectar to make scented soap and to sweeten their food. Rich people even have it processed into fine scented sugar or have it dried to make an amazing tea. But I heard the process is very hard, very expensive and it doesn't yield very much. I heard that Mountains Rest uses Thorn flower sugar and dried Thorn flower pods to make tea, but I wasn't able to taste it myself."

"Thanks for the information, maybe I'll treat you two to Mountains Rest sometimes."

Alice, "He he, I look forward to it."

I hold out the pods, "You wast some? I have plenty."

Alice, "Sure, we'd be happy to have some."


After dinner, we parted ways and went to our rooms. This will probably be my last night in the adventurers guild.

Which reminds me, I need to build an out house or something in the back yard, or it's just going to be the same as the wells here at the guild... I'll think about it tomorrow. For now, I sleep...