While keeping all of most recent life's knowledge and removing personal life's specific details similar to other Gamer Fanfiction Stories Protagonist wake up in a blank new fully functional and correctly made healthy copy of the body of a 17 year old Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII fully healed of all problems and issues that has no dangers, kill switches, or control mechanism in anyway.
Also having all his skills, knowledge, training, and Muscle Memory that he would have had at the end of Final Fantasy VII Remake, all without any problems, trauma, personality disorders, other consciousnesses, or issues of any kind and being a "Silver Eyed Warrior" like Ruby and Fertility Calibration all these are similar to how Template Stacking and Possession works in The Waifu Catalog CYOA by SwiftRosenthal making all of these only added information, Knowledge, and Muscle Memory while keeping the Souls, Consciousness, and Memories from before being placed in a copy of Cloud's body, also having the first tier purchase of all Defenses from the Waifu Catalog CYOA as well.
While also having a Soulsborne System that uses Souls similar to how the Souls Series instead of Runes, Experience Points, or Blood Echos all such things like Consumables and other Items that boost or increase Runes, Experience Points, or Blood Echos earned these now instead increase Souls gained, Souls are gained from defeating any and all opponents or enemies the stronger they are the more Souls they give but only 50% are gained if opponents are not killed, with Powerful Unique opponents and enemies also giving a Consumable Unique Soul similar to how bosses do in the Dark Souls Games.
The Soulsborne System has all items ever listed from the Games (Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Bloodborne, Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, and Elden Ring) for purchase inside the "Shop" Tab for purchase at the cost of Souls, Items that increase Stats do NOT count towards Level.
The "Status" Tab shows Stats, Status, Level, Required Souls to Level, and the ability to increase Stats to Level Up similar to the games.
The "Achievements" Tab that has a list of challenges, milestones, and "Plot Points" that give Rewards depending when one is completed these can be things like Souls, Items, Titles that have unique effects once gained, Non-Level Stats, and other System rewards only attainable from this Tab, rewards are claim-able at anytime after completion with each reward listed before being claim.
The "Settings" Tab to alter System Interface and HUD options.
The "Battle" Tab works with similar mechanics to that of Memories from Sekiro with a time ratio of 5 "Battle" to 1 "Real" only instead are Selected Areas of the Games blocking access to elsewhere like when there is a Summoned Phantom and that can be repeated like when resting in the Games using it enters into a meditative state that allow for fighting against Soulsborne Enemies including Bosses through a Area selection interface once an enemy is defeated will recive Souls, Drop Items, and Boss Souls following the same as from the base games, but Boss Soul Items are only received after the first time defeating each Boss, and each enemy only gives 50% of the games base amount of Souls, will automatically awaken if real body is in direct danger or if shaken.
Resting for 8 hrs refills Items and restores Status equivalent to resting at a BonFire, Site of Grace, or Lantern this is also required to change current spells selected into Attunement Slots or Memory Slots.
BonFires may be created with the use of a Coiled Sword Items purchased from the "Shop" and may also be removed and destroyed at anytime from an option inside "Settings" they are otherwise indestructible and Immovable.
The Stats listed in" Status" include: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Vitality (VIT), Endurance (END), Resistance (RES), Intelligence (INT), Faith (FTH), Arcane (ARC), Attunement (ATT), Luck (LCK), Skill (SKL), Aura (AUR) with 10-15 being the average of an 18 year old healthy male human and the average Huntsman having Stats in the 20-30 range normally without factoring their Semblance or Bonus from having an active Aura, and also Shows both current and current maximum Health Pool (HP), Focus Pool (FP), Stamina Pool (SP), Aura Pool (AP) Health Regen (HR) is 1% of Maximum Health Pool (HP) per hour, Focus Regen (FR) is 1% of Maximum Focus Pool (FP) per two hours, Stamina Regen (SR) is 1% of Maximum Stamina Pool (SP) per 30 minutes, Aura Regen (AR) is 1% of Maximum Aura Pool (AP) per hour, all Regen rates increase by 3 times while relaxing and by 5 times while sleeping, and Attunement Slots (ATS) starting with 1 Attunement Slot (ATS) and gaining another every 10 Attunement with all these Stats having no caps/maximum-limits, and also Shows details for Items, Stats, and Spells similar the Soulsborne ingame Item Descriptions and Effects but there is no Equipment Slots other than Attunement Slots (ATS), and all Resistances and Protections from the Soulsborne Games.
Semblance is able to be gained at Aura (AUR) 30, Bloodborne's Skill Stat and Bloodtinge are atlered with things requiring it instead using Dexterity (DEX) for Skill, using Skill (SKL) for Bloodtinge, Demon Soul's Magic Stat and Magic Points (MP) are removed with things requiring it instead using Intelligence (INT) for Magic and Focus Pool (FP) for Magic Points (MP), Sekiro's Attack Power and Posture are altered with things requiring it instead using Strength (STR) for Attack Power and Poise for Posture, the Arcane (ARC) Item Discovery Discovery Stats are fused into Luck (LCK) Stat, the Vigor (VGR) Stat is fused into the Vitality (VIT) Stat, the Mind Stat is fused into Attunement (ATT), Sekiro's Resurrection and Spirit Emblem Effects are changed to instead provide bonuses to Focus Pool (FP) and Focus Regen (FR) Stats, Skill Points now cost Souls to purchase equivalent to a current Level Up, Sen now converted to whatever World's local main currency and stuff that increases Sen now increases local currency, Dark Souls's Humanity Stat is removed, Bloodborne's Insight Stat is removed.
The System also comes with a partial "Player's Body" and "Gamer's Mind" similar to the Web Comic "The Gamer", the Body keeping full functionality and life as long as Health Pool (HP) is at 1 point or greater this does NOT remove or fix any damages nor prevent additional damages from accruing unless Health Pool (HP) is restored or healed but merely allows for full functionality alone with Stats functioning similar to normal "Gamer's Body", Mind provides a 50% increase resistance to mind/soul altering effects including mind/soul control, mind/soul reading, and mind/soul attacks, while making Soulsborne Spell Scrolls turn into a type of Consumable like Skillbooks from "The Gamer" that now permanently Unlocks the Spell for use.
Any Spell not placed into an Attunement Slot can still be used and cast but has its cost increased by 500% and its power reduced but 500%.
All spells maybe cast without the proper Catalyst if done so has its power reduced by 300% and its cost increased by 300%.
Spells from the first Dark Souls game are stronger then from the other games Spells of the same name and keep their limited number per rest casting making them function similar to Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder D20 Systems as spells per day thus not costing or use Focus Pool (FP) to cast but these specific scroll cost to purchase in the "Shop" are increased by 20 times compared to the Focus Pool (FP) versions.
All other Soulsborne Spells are changed to cast with no limit per rest and only cost Focus Pool (FP), Health Pool (HP), and Stamina Pool (SP) as long as their Stat requirements are met.
Items that would increase or restore Magic Points (MP) instead increase or restore Focus Pool (FP) instead.
Items such as Weapons, Armor, and certain Consumables maybe be Upgraded and Altered through the "Shop" Tab similar to how they are from the games.
Items can be modified or created manually but the end result will not be guaranteed to be equivalent to those done through the "Shop" and may be permanently reduced or increased in some ways but doing so allows for more freedom of form and fusing of multiple Items without completely loosing said Items effects and powers if done correctly and skillfully enough.
Certain Key Items such as the Transposition Kiln, Smithing Coals, and Smithing Embers maybe be also used to permanently unlock their features inside the "Shop" Tab, only Soulsborne Items can be sold to the "Shop" for Souls this includes Unique Souls Boss Souls of opponents and any Boss Items made from them as well.
All System Tabs are accessed through a thought based interface.
No other Reincarnatiors, Transmigraters, Trolls, Travelers, Gods, Goddesses, Wills, Entities, Beings, or those with bad/evil intentions can enter, influence, find, spy-on, locate, discover, track, or sense this version of RWBY's Remnant in anyway only the Canonical Ciri from the Witcher Video Games Series being the only one able to do so with her arriving months before the end confrontation with the Wild Hunter at the end of Witcher 3 she will enter appearing within arms reach immediately after Leveling up to Level 500, this Ciri, and all those from this Versions RWBY and Witcher series as well as those Worlds and Universes traveled to are completely without exception hidden and protected from those described in The Company from The Waifu Catalog and similar Groups and Entities these protections can NEVER be worked around, undone, removed, altered, tricked, stopped, turned off, over written, over powered, copied, spoofed, found, found by not being found, suppressed, influenced, manipulated, or weakened in anyway EVER!.
Arrive in the Canonical version of RWBY, and 6 months before the Events of Yellow Trailer would take place. Main Class set as Elden Ring's Hero this includes having the Class's starting Equipment, with Starting Item Bewitching Branch, Sub Classes set as Bloodborne's Noble Scion, Dark Souls 3's Knight, Dark Souls 2's Cleric, Dark Souls's Pyromancer, Demon Souls's Royalty. Starting Stats are those of the Main Class plus 10% of each Sub Class with a Minimum of 1 per Class per Stat, and with up to 5 Items selected from all Sub Classes plus one Weapon, one Shield, one Spell Catalyst or Bow Weapon, one Ring or Spell Scroll, one Helmet, one pair of Gauntlets, one Leg Armor set, and one Chest Armor set. Sub Items selected Long Sword, Knight Shield, Silver Catalyst, Fragrant Ring, Silver Coronet, Knight Gauntlets, Kight Leggings, Kight Armor, Soul Arrow Magic Scroll, Cleric's Sacred Chime, Heal, Pyromancy Flame, and Fire Ball (Dark Souls). With the Stats of Strength (STR) 21, Dexterity (DEX) 14, Vitality (VIT) 19, Endurance (END) 17, Resistance (RES) 6, Intelligence (INT) 12, Faith (FTH) 13, Arcane (ARC) 16, Attunement (ATT) 14, Luck (LCK) 6, Skill (SKL) 6, and Aura (AUR) 6, having 2 Attunement Slots (ATS), and Level set as 10 to start. Aura is not currently unlocked and must be done so manually, by another, or through the System. Awakening inside an empty room in a deserted and partially destroyed village that was only partially looted, and is 3 months travel on foot from the City of Vale. And hidden from others to be as though a native born.
Lastly System also has a "World Travel" Tab that is grayed out and locked until Level 500 or higher, and completed or changed at least 1 Major Plot Point like prevent the Fall Of Beacon Academy, Aura Stat is at least 50 or higher, and possess at least one +10 Weapon. After these conditions are met the Tab will be unlocked, visible, and available for us. The "World Travel" Tab allows for Travel to 1 random World, this can be specified by Genre, Type, and Familiarity durning selection this would limit it to only those that match that setting but one would be randomly chosen from all that match that setting.
Those within 5 feet may also be sent to that World all at the user's choice, everything directly worn and in possession by those Traveling will also transfer other than whatever is inside "Inventory" as well.
Regardless all will be treated as though they had selected "Drop In" for background from a Jump-chain Document, with the Timeline of arrival always be 1 month before "Main Canon Starts". Once "World Travel" is used will be locked until at least 3 Major Plot Points are Completed or Changed.
Other World's unique Energys will instead use (HP), (FP), (SP), and (AP) depending on whatever matches the closest. Like Naruto's Chakra would use mainly (FP) (SP) and some (AP) depending on the Jutsu, or like Bleach's Soul powers would use mainly (AP) (SP) and some (FP), or like Hunter X Hunter's Nen would mainly use a combination of all 4 (HP) (FP) (SP) and (AP), or like Harry Potter's would mainly use (FP), or like Dragon Ball would mainly use (FP) (SP) and some (HP) (AP) depending on the technique used. (HP) covers anything directly Health related, (FP) covers anything non-soul based mystical related, (SP) covers anything directly Stamina related, and (AP) covers anything Soul related. Anything not covered by currently listed Stats may be added though a new option listed under the "Settings" Tab doing so will first ask for confirmation and list a basic explanation of what the new Stat will cover and do, this can be disabled at anytime in the "Settings" Tab doing so would remove the Stat and all its effects.
Anything from the Original From Software Soulsborne Games not listed or described above will be fused and combined with System using whatever matches closest. All of this CANNOT be "Monkey Pawed" or "Suppressed" in anyway.