You'll Know When The Time Is Right!

We are currently driving to my house. My pains have pretty much subsided, but I can still feel my insides burning and tearing apart a thousand times over. I rested my eyes as Aiden drove, wrapping myself in his jacket. When I felt the car stop, I slowly opened my eyes.

Aiden turned off the engine, and I made to open the door when he stopped me. "Don't. I'll get it."

He got out of the car and made his way towards me. A gust of wind hits my side as he opened the passenger's door. Aiden carried me in his arms, holding me bridal style, and I hear him kick the door close.

"Hazel, you weigh a ton." He softly laughed as he walked into the house.

Aiden pulled me up so I could be comfortable, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

I considered hitting him, but I can't, not when I'm in so much pain. I felt my body move up as Aiden starts walking up the stairs. That's when he groaned when he got to the top of the stairs, huffing under his breath. "God! How much does this girl weigh?"