The Sleepover!

"What movies do you normally watch in sleepovers?"

I scan over the DVDs with Aiden in the living room. He is now shirtless, and it's distracting and hard for me to look him in the eye, especially after what happened between us a couple of hours ago. If he's pretending like what happened between us didn't happen, he's doing a hell of a good job. "Depends on the mood, basically. Sometimes, we watch Disney movies or Ari's sappy rom-coms. Whichever felt right at the time."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "We are not watching sappy romantic movies. With the girls I've brought over to my place, watching these movies only leads to something else, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to get it on with me."

"I don't! Why would I?" I exclaim, my chest suddenly closing in on me. That statement shouldn't bother me. I've been hearing cocky comments like this from him since the day we met. So, why? Why does this one feel different?

Why does it hurt?