Civil Affairs Bureau

She lowered her head, her heart suddenly beating erratically. It was probably because this man was too tall, giving her an indescribable sense of oppression.


"The marriage certificate can be done in a few minutes. However, this marriage agreement will be for a lifetime. Don't act rashly because you got hot-headed in a moment. At that time, even if you want to divorce, I won't agree!"

His gaze gradually turned deep and his words carried a warning.

Su Jin did harbor thoughts of escaping indeed.

But as soon as she thought of her mother, she gritted her teeth and spat out, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

She led the way to the reception counter.

A glint flashed across Jin Hengyuan's eyes as he followed her slowly.

At this moment, a staff member stood up and smiled.

"Do the two of you want to register your marriage? Please take out your documents!"

Getting the marriage certificate really didn't take much time.

After taking the oaths and their wedding photo, all that was needed was a steel stamp. Finally, Su Jin became Jin Hengyuan's wife.

When she received the marriage certificate and saw her own quiet smile in it, her heart throbbed with pain once.

Her life had been handed over just like that.

She must be a fool!

She walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and looked at her watch again. It was only 2:45. She stared at the busy road and was suddenly at a loss for a moment.

Behind her, the man was on the phone and walking a little slowly. He had one hand in his pocket and his leather wallet clasped between his elbow and his body. Holding his phone with one hand, he was speaking in a very steady tone. There was an irrefutable note in his voice and his stance for negotiation was very firm.

The way he walked made one think of a word—domineering.

She stopped in her tracks, thinking, 'I should have taken him to see Mom. Mom would have been very pleased.'

He talked for a long time, so she waited. She stood in the cool breeze, as still as a painting, the wind rustling her clothes.

A little later, he hung up and stood there looking at her.

"Xiao Su!"

No longer addressing her politely as 'Miss Su', Jin Hengyuan directly gave her a nickname instead.

She came back to her senses and agreed quietly, feeling a little repulsed.

However, it was undeniable that these two words sounded a little sweet coming from him.

"I have something on, so I'll have to rush to Shanghai immediately. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow and will be back this weekend. I'll look for you then!"

Right after registration, were they going their separate ways?


She didn't complain or object. She nodded calmly.

Jin Hengyuan stared at her intently, seemingly deep in thought. After a while, he asked, "Why are you so quiet?"

She didn't say anything.

Because she really didn't know how to answer that.

She was a woman of few words in the first place.

"Give me your phone!"

He spoke again.

She had no choice but to retrieve her phone from her bag.

He took it and saved a number in it. Then, he made a call with her phone. Following that, his phone rang.

"I've saved my number for you. If you need anything, you can call me!"

  1. Xiao means 'Little' and is used as a term of endearment in this case.