Became His Wife After Registering Their Marriage


At this moment, her phone rang again. Jin Hengyuan took a glance at it and saw the caller ID: 'Little Brother'.

"Your younger brother is calling!"


Su Jin took the phone but did not pick up the call immediately.

"I'll get going first then!"


Jin Hengyuan turned around and hailed a taxi before stepping into the backseat. "To Shanghai Bund!"

The car made a u-turn and merged into the traffic which was growing heavier, disappearing quickly.

Su Jin had thought of countless happy scenarios for her marriage registration, but never this kind of situation.

Stepping into the Civil Affairs Bureau with a stranger. Stepping out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a stranger still.

She didn't have time to reflect on the bitterness in her heart. She took a deep breath, gathered her senses, smiled, and answered the call.

"Hello, Musheng. What's the matter?"

"Sis, can you come to the police station?"

Su Jin stopped smiling. "What's wrong?"

"I… injured someone…"

Su Jin pinched the center of her eyebrows.


At the police station.

After Su Jin saw Su Musheng, she understood the situation.

The police officer pointed at the ironclad evidence of Musheng injuring someone. "Young people these days have a hot temper. If they don't agree with a few words, it can turn into a murder case… Look. Look at how badly you've hurt him…"

There were a dozen photos of the injured victim. There were colorful bruises and even areas that needed stitches. The injuries did look serious.

"Why did you hit him?"

Su Jin asked with a straight face, looking like an older sister.

Musheng was the child she had saved when she was young. He was not her adoptive father's biological son, but her adoptive father loved him very much and had spoiled him from young.

Five years ago, her adoptive father and his ex-wife reconciled. Her adoptive mother signed the divorce agreement and left the Su family then with her younger brother.

A year later, Mubai had married someone else and Su Jin left the family to find her adoptive mother.

Two years later, her adoptive father passed away unexpectedly.

In other words, Su Mubai's mother was the head of the current Su family.

Musheng had originally been an obedient child. After his parents got divorced, his personality changed drastically, and he often got into fights with others.

"That person is an *sshole. He harassed a female classmate in our class! I couldn't stand it so I beat him up."

Su Musheng, who had his head lowered, pursed his lips and explained.

"But the problem is that he is from the Zheng family. Don't you know what kind of family the Zheng family is? Why did you provoke them for no reason? Do you think that your life is too peaceful? Just wait, they are going to sue you…"

The policeman was familiar with Su Jin and could not help but scold Su Musheng.

Su Musheng shrank back.

After paying the bail, Su Jin brought him out of the station, feeling extremely annoyed.

"Sis, I didn't mean to hit him. He's blackmailing me!"

Su Musheng muttered softly as he followed behind.

"What did he blackmail you about?"

"He pulled a game of jumping cactus [1. Chinese version of the badger game, which is an extortion scheme where the victim is tricked into a compromising situation and blackmailed for money with it.] on me. He got my friend to get me drunk, and put a woman in my bed. Not only did he take photos, but he also got that girl to sue me for rape. I knew that he was the one who set this up, so I hit him out of anger. That's the main reason. That woman is his person. They colluded to mess with me… Sis, there's nothing between me and that woman. I slept like the dead… How could I do her…"