That Back View Looked Like Jin Hengyuan


She replied with a single word.

She put down her phone and felt inexplicably nervous!

He was coming.

Her intuition was telling her that her disciplined life would be disrupted because of this man's appearance.

That kind of disruption was something she couldn't predict.

On the other hand, she liked to do things according to her plans. Once she encountered something that she wasn't confident about, she would become flustered.

At two o'clock, Su Jin received a call from Han Tong. "Hey, Sis, didn't you say that you were looking for Zheng Kai?"


"He seems to have returned from outside the city today. He's in the company now. He just came down from upstairs to welcome two men. If you go over to confront him now, you should be able to catch him. I happened to see him when I was passing by."

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

"Hey, wait a moment. Are you going alone? Do you want to go together with Musheng?"

"It's fine. No matter how unreasonable he is, he can't possibly swallow me in one bite."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jin went to apply for leave from her boss and rushed out of the company to get a cab before heading to Jia City.

She had no choice but to meet Zheng Kai immediately because she had already received a lawyer's letter today. Zheng Kai was going to file a formal lawsuit against Musheng.

If this matter was really brought all the way to court, Musheng would probably be sentenced to jail time. Once he was sentenced, his reputation would be tarnished for the rest of his life.

She could not let that person ruin her mother's life just like that.

Without an appointment, no one could enter the top level of the Zheng Corporation building.

Fortunately, Su Jin's current company, Jin Hui Company, had worked with the Zheng Corporation before, so she had the number of a supervisor in the corresponding department.

"I'm here on behalf of Jin Hui to discuss a business deal with Zheng Corporation. I've been stopped outside. Sister Yang, please help me call your general manager. Tell him that I'm waiting downstairs."

That supervisor did not suspect anything and called the higher-ups to ask for their permission. Hence, she soon had the authority to go upstairs.

She hurriedly went up to the seventh floor. Facing a passageway that led in all directions, for a minute, she did not know where to go.

After going round and round a few times, she arrived at an office area. Through a floor-to-ceiling window, she suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure walking into a large conference room from the opposite office.

Was she seeing things?

Why did that back view resemble her husband, Jin Hengyuan, whom she had only met once?

Su Jin wanted to follow him to see what was going on. She suspected that she was very much mistaken.

An employee of the Zheng Corporation came forward. "Miss Su Jin?"


"Our General Manager Zheng is waiting for you in his office!"

She could only dispel her curiosity and follow the employee.

A few well-dressed young men walked towards them. As they walked, they were discussing something in a very curious tone.

"It's really surprising that the second young master is actually willing to take on this case today."

"Yeah. That person has pretty high standards nowadays. He simply picks the cases he wants to take on. Even if you have money, you might not be able to hire him."

"Yep, he was willing to come today only because Old Master Zheng called his mother. He only came because his mother ordered him to do so."