The Married Couple's First Phone Call


She quietly acknowledged him, not wanting him to realize her peculiar state of mind.

"Is something wrong?"


"Oh! Don't tell me you miss me!"

He gave a short laugh, like he was very happy.


Su Jin was speechless. The feeling of being teased by her own husband was really weird.

At this moment, it seemed like nothing she said would be right.

Miss? How could she have missed him? She was not a retard. How could she possibly miss a male stranger for no reason, even if he was her husband?

But she didn't want to say that. It would be too rude and hurtful. Even if a couple can't act lovingly, they should treat each other with respect.

"Did you want to remind me that tomorrow is Friday?"


She had no such thoughts whatsoever.

"Don't worry, I remember. I'm still outside the city today. I'll return to Shanghai tomorrow morning. I'll call you again then."


There were some faint voices on the other end, but she couldn't hear them clearly. It seemed like he was busy.

"Xiao Su, I have something to settle here! I'll contact you again later…"


She called out anxiously.

"What is it? Tell me?"

"I wanted to ask you…"

There seemed to be someone rushing him on that side. It looked like the person was very anxious.

"Forget it! Go do your work! We'll talk when you get back."

"All right, I'll hang up then!"

Putting away her phone, she leaned against the window and looked out. Her worries had not lessened at all. What should she do with her brother's two problems…


At the same time, Jin Hengyuan had just left the courtroom and hung up the phone when a call came in. It was another major case. He had to arrange a time to meet the client later.

At this moment, an acquaintance came up to him and patted his shoulder with a smile. "Great Attorney Jin, congratulations on winning another case. I just saw your opponent look so angry that his nose turned crooked. I truly felt great…"

Jin Hengyuan smiled lightly. In official terms, he was socializing.

On Friday afternoon, Jin Hengyuan headed out to discuss a case. He brought Changning along with him and drove onto the Shanghai Hangzhou Expressway.

Their destination was the Zheng Corporation.

They had a case they wanted to entrust to him.

It wasn't the case that Jiang Tao had mentioned previously, but another land transfer dispute.

The case was relatively simple. Initially, there was no need for him to step in. However, since his mother called and asked him to help, he would give her face.

He was aware that the other party was just using this case to get closer to him.

Sitting in the back seat, he was dozing off while thinking to himself that he would get to see Su Jin by tomorrow. That bit of unhappiness faded from him. After that, he pulled out his phone and sent a text.

Looking at the time again, it was 1:30 pm. He reckoned that she should be busy at this time.

Su Jin was indeed busy. Suddenly, she heard an incoming message on her phone.

She picked it up and saw that it was actually a message from Jin Hengyuan.

"I'm back. I have something to take care of in Jia City. I also have to visit my grandparents later. I might not be returning to Shan County today. I'll head out tomorrow morning."