The Second Meeting Between Husband and Wife

Changning, "…"

He really wanted to ask: 'Brother, if this isn't a marriage scam, what is it?'

At 8:30 am, Jin Hengyuan appeared in the lobby of First Hospital's Inpatient Department. He did not go up immediately but called his newlywed wife first.

Very quickly, she picked it up and answered in a quiet voice, "Hello!"

"It's me."


"I'm downstairs. Which ward are you at? Should I come up directly?"

He probably couldn't.

As expected, she immediately said anxiously, "Don't… I'll come down to find you immediately…"


He hung up.

He didn't have to wait long before she came down. She was wearing a light pink lacy blouse that was very slim-fitting. Her bottom was a pair of light-colored denim cropped pants. She must have come out in a hurry because her hair wasn't tied up and was all scattered. When the wind blew, her hair would fly around. Her whole image looked very ethereal.

She looked around in all directions. When she caught sight of him, she looked a little uncomfortable.

He smiled and leaned against the pillar without moving, watching her walk over gracefully.

Even without makeup, she looked like a spring flower.

His wife was very beautiful.

When their eyes met, her heartbeat accelerated strangely.

Su Jin was 26 years old this year, and she was not that kind of innocent student who would blush and have her heart race just because she exchanged a few words with the opposite sex. She was still quite easy-going when it came to socializing and wasn't surprised by anything.

Only Su Mubai could make her blush and her heart race. However, upon meeting Jin Hengyuan today for the second time, her nervousness was like a huge net that covered the whole sky.

In front of a pillar in the lobby, he was leaning lazily against it. He was wearing a white shirt with the hem tucked into a pair of black suit trousers. He was tall, had a handsome face, narrow hips and long legs. There was also a flower bed behind him, with flowers in full bloom. He had become part of the scenery, carrying an expression that didn't allow strangers to approach him, but he smiled lightly when he saw her.

She didn't know what he was smiling about, but it was a very attractive smile.

She walked closer to him and tidied her flyaway hair nervously. Without even thinking, she called out, "Mr. Jin…"

Jin Hengyuan was stunned. "What? What did you call me?"

Su Jin was also stunned, "…"

"Do people call their husbands in such a formal way?"

Err, I guess not, Su Jin thought.

Traces of embarrassment jumped onto her face.

He smiled again, but this time it was a little playful.

"Although I have never been married, I do know a thing or two. Just like how people who've never eaten pork before have surely seen pigs run. According to what I know, under normal circumstances, wives usually call their husbands 'hubby', while their husbands call their wives 'wifey'!"


What did he mean?

Was he telling her to call him 'hubby'?

The next moment…

"Come on, we're already married. Hurry up and let me hear you call me 'hubby'…"

He demanded with a smile.

That tone had a strange hooligan-like 'come, smile for me' feel.

She widened her eyes and felt sweat ooze out of her pores. Worse, her mouth seemed to be glued shut.

Oh, no no no. Even if she was being beaten to death now, she wouldn't be able to call him that.

If they weren't familiar with each other down to the bone, and if she wasn't genuinely immersed in the role of his wife, how could she possibly utter that word?