Come, Quick. Call Me Hubby

"Jin… cough, cough, cough, Hengyuan. From now on, I'll call you Hengyuan."

If she called him by his full name, he would definitely feel that she was being too distant with him. He could call her Xiao Su, but she could not possibly call him Old Jin. It was fine if she made him sound younger, but if she caused him to sound old, there would be another complaint. It was still better to call him Hengyuan. Although the address felt a bit intimate and made her feel awkward, it was necessary for her to call him that.

"Compared to calling me Hengyuan, I prefer you calling me hubby. That's more like a couple!"

He flashed his white teeth, and his gaze was a little mischievous. The sunlight made his black eyes sparkle, accentuating some of that wickedness in him.


She felt that he was deliberately teasing her.

She blushed uncomfortably.

His smile deepened as though he had discovered a new continent. He even leaned his head forward deliberately to check her out.

"Aiyo, you're being shy. Your face is as red as an apple…"

Tsk, he was really good at pushing his luck!

She did not want to talk to him anymore and turned to leave—there were already people looking at them. How embarrassing…

He had long legs and was very fast. He stopped in front of her and withdrew his smiling face. However, he could not hide his happiness. "You're angry from just that?" He paused for a while and said again, "All right, all right, I won't make fun of you anymore."

He was indeed messing with her.

She felt a little helpless.

"I just thought that you were a little nervous to see me… Relax. I'm not hard to get along with."

So, he had been trying to lighten the mood on purpose?

She was stunned for a moment and surprised by his attentiveness. She unconsciously glanced at him again. When she saw his stern face break into a smile, it actually looked so charming.

"But, one day, you'll change the way you call me."

He made a solemn vow once more.

Her heart skipped a beat inexplicably. She couldn't imagine that scene. She couldn't.

"Let's go. Accompany me to the mall now to buy some gifts. This is the first time the new son-in-law is meeting his mother-in-law. If I go there empty-handed, I'm afraid that our mother will kick me out. At that time, our mother will probably complain to Grandma Wang: 'What kind of impoverished son-in-law did you introduce? What a waste, marrying off my precious daughter…'"

Speaking blithely, he walked up to her, then dragged her along as he headed outside.

Her heart, which had just calmed down, started beating wildly again.

Because he had taken her hand without warning.

Yes, a very large and sturdy hand gripped her firmly. The palm was moist, and the force of it was so strong that she couldn't ignore its presence.

Holding hands was supposed to be a very normal act, but she was very against it. It was almost a kind of instinct for her to shake his hand off.

However, he held her hand tightly. After sensing her intentions, he even turned his head around and said with a faint smile, "Mrs. Jin, I'm your husband now. It's legal for me to hold your hand. Relax, okay? I won't eat you up. More importantly, you have to learn to get used to me bit by bit… This is really important."