Chapter 822: You forced it to bloom, that's too much

Negris was momentarily confused, Black Stone was the name of the great extinction event, wasn't it?

When Anthony went to take over the Temple of Doomsday, he had soul transferred the basic data of this Plane to it, but what is Ancient Black Stone? The meteor from the original Black Stone extinction event? Why would I want a meteor?

Luckily, Anthony wasn't around and Ange had run far off, so Negris's IQ was dominating once again.

Here's something quite discouraging, its intelligence transfer aura meant that when there's someone with higher intelligence in range, its own intelligence will partially transfer to that person. It always thought its intelligence transferred to Anthony, but in fact, it never did, it had actually transferred to Ange.

Only when Ange wasn't around would it transfer to Anthony, meaning that Negris always thought the goofy Ange was smarter than both him and Anthony, but it was just that the Dead Skull's intellect was all used in fooling everyone.