Chapter 821: Picked Up a Plane for Free, and You Want to Plant Trees?

"Kvada, you just stumbled upon a Master Plane, billions of believers, and the wealth accumulated by a religion over tens of thousands of years—are you the lover of the Goddess of Fortune? No, you're not, yet you're actually looking for places to plant trees?" Negris ranted angrily.

Blinded by his anger, Negris didn't realize how fast he was flying. They were used to staying in the Void where, due to the absence of air, they could easily travel tens of thousands of kilometers; however, a circle in the plane wasn't even nearly that extensive.

For a plane with air resistance, this would be difficult, but Negris felt no resistance at all. Multicolor lights flashed on his body from time to time, making the air seem nonexistent in comparison.

Ange scratched his head, "Where can I?"

Negris was about to burst, "I'm questioning! Questioning! Not wondering, damn it, fly towards the equator. This plane has stopped rotating. Just look at the tree canopies—the denser side faces the sun."