12825 San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90049
In the main suite ,Aife laid on the bed ,her fingers were the first to move and then her eyelids ...she abruptly opened her eyes and sat up straight ,her eyes scanning her surroundings, panic filled her body as she realised that she was not in a familiar room .As she was about to get off the bed ,Adolfo got in holding a tray filled with a variety of fruits . "Hey you are awake, oh..were you planning to go somewhere?" he asked placing the tray on the bed.
Aife kept quiet and held the sheets tightly, "Look i am harmless okey,i am the most reasonable person in this entire group ," Adolfo said as he fixed his glasses and chuckled ,"Uhm i didn't know what to bring for you so i thought of fruits and i didn't know which fruits to bring you so i thought why not all of them and you get to choose," he said raising his hands and waving them slightly .Aife found herself smiling and that caught Adolfo 's eye ,"Oh you can smile...wow ,."
"Uhm Liam ..Wh..where is Liam?"she asked lookng around , "Uhm he is downstairs ,there is a party downstairs so yeah and if you are wondering ,we are at my friends house Liam agreed to bring you here since you had fainted earlier on ," Aife looked at the tray and saw her favorite fruit ,Bananas ,she quickly pulled the sheets off and grabbed all the Bananas she could get hold of,she peeled them all one by one and ate them like her life depended o them , "Oh you love Bananas ,i see so A-a-ai-ai..," "Aife is my name Ai-Aife," she said as she ate her last Banana , "Can you call Liam for me Adolfo ?" she asked getting out of the bed slowly. "Hey ,hey ,slowly now," "I am already slow how slower can i get Adolfo ?" she asked teasingly . "Haha i am sorry ,how do you know my name by the way?" he asked curious . "Well i guessed right didn't i ..uhm your shirt has a paper written Adolfo i like your name ,it is different ." she said . "Thank you..uhm let me get Liam here ,or you can just come with me and join me on my quest," "Quast what is a quast ?" ." Uhm a long searching journey like..uhm do you know Jumanji The Next Level something simi.."
"I am sorry i am not familiar with that sentence what is a Jumnji next level ..i don't understand ," she said trying to process what he was saying ,Adolfo smiled "English is not your first language?" , "Yes Liam teaches me English but i speak French and chinese," Oh okey uhm i am not quite well acquainted with this languages ,Liam is a chinese American ,i should have known but you seem like an African ..don't get me wrong ,your dressing ,accent and you yourself are different ," he said unsure if what he said might seem offending ,"Oh...don't worry nothing really offended me ,well i don't know anything you said but Africa does seem like something familiar to me" .
Liam was busy taking shots ,he had made a silly bet with Jeremiah that if he took 15 shots without stopping ,Jeremiah will have to clean his locker and wash his clothes for 15 days and if Jeremiah won he would ask for anything from Liam 15 times ,Liam was pretty sure he would win but on his 11th shot he was too wasted to continue ,and Jeremiah took his last shot and won. Everyone cheered for Jeremiah as everyone was busy cheering, Aife spotted Liam as he was laying drunk on the bar counter ,she quickly walked to him and held his arm as he was slipping , "Liam ..Liam are you okey ?" she asked worried ,she looked around and saw Adolfo walking towards them ."Adolfo something is wrong with Liam ...he looks sick "s she said making him face her , "Uhm Aife he is just too drunk ,he will be alright if he sleeps it off,"he said helping Aife make Liam stand , "Oh Oh this must be the beautiful Ai..Ai whatever but you sure are beautiful ," Jeremiah said drunk and wasted ,he tried holding Aife's hand but Ashanti stopped him and pulled him away as he knew that his friend was a crook when drunk , "Jeremiah i think you should take a break you are too wasted ," "NO! look i..i need to talk to the beautiful girl ,"he said pointing towards Aife .
"Who is the man in charge ,the owner ,i need to request a favour ," she said making Liam sit on the floor, "Uhm he is over there with Jeremiah ,what favour ?" Adolfo asked ."Uhm i don't know this place very well and i don't know where Liam stays so ..can we sleep here only for tonight until Liam is awake and fine ," she said looking at Liam worried,this was not what she had planned her first day in Liam's world to be like ,she was now worried and wanted her friends closer with her .
She walked towards Ashanti ,everyone else was back to dancing and doing normal party stuff ,minding the business that pays them, Aife was nervous she knew that not everyone would be nice like Adolfo . "Uhm excuse me,uhm i would like to talk to you ," she said tapping Ashanti's shoulder, Ashanti turned to face her and when he saw who it was ,he felt lighter and felt good ,it was a feeling like no other."Uhm ..Uhm..I don't have anywhere to go and Liam is not his self ,i really don't know where to go ,can you please lend us a room ,if that's totally okey with you ..it's fine if you can't ," she said looking down as ,everytime she looked into his eyes she felt some strong force .
"It's totally fine with me ,you can use the room from earlier on ,uhm sorry about my friend's behaviour," he said feeling awkward."To be quite honest this does feel a little awkward ,i am not used to such crowds and..you know talking to strangers..but thank you for granting us access ..." she said as she looked everywhere but not him,"Oh ..it is my pleasure ," he said .She walked away and walked back to the room with Liam with the help of Adolfo ,she felt more comfortable with him as he seemed like a calm person and more reasonable one .As soon as they helped Liam settle down ,Adolfo proposed taking Aife for a walk around the neighbourhood just to clear her head and she agreed as at least she needed one good thing to happen.