The Talk

"You know Aife ,when i see you i feel like there is more to what meets the eye ,you have this new aura to be quite honest you bring back the aura that i once felt from Ashanti .I want to know more about you ,your eyes say a lot and have a deeper meaning ,they have a force but not your normal force ,it is a force that demands power ,power to lead and power to be led .I am sorry if i am going too deep but i have to tell you this because i feel like you need to know about it," Adolfo said as he turned to face Aife ,who also looked at him smiling slightly .She put a few strands of her curly hair behind ears and looked at her bare feet .

"I am not a good English speaker but i understood what you said ...i know you wondering how you not a good English speaker yet i speak it like i know it ...well i sometimes find it hard to write it down and construct the words ...haha look at me speak about English ..about what you said i'm delighted with what you said ..nobody has ever said something so nice about me and it makes me happy ," she said as she continued walking forward scanning her surroundings ,she was fascinated by everything even the streets light made her beam ."Adolfo may i ask a question?" she said as she turned to look at the man who was still standing at his usual position smiling from ear to ear ," Where is your family?" . " Well it makes me feel like you are avoiding my sentimental compliment but anyways family leaves down town ,we are not one of the rich ones but we are financially stable family is my pillar and they mean everything to me even though my parents are really strict," he said smiling like a little child who was eating his favourite dessert. "Tough love, they love you i can tell ," she said as she sat on the bench that was by the pavement .

Adolfo came to join her and they just sat there looking around with Aife asking questions about what was what...

Ashanti had just come from calling the party off ,everyone had gone and only a mess and his friends were left ..Jeremiah was knocked off by the shots he had taken earlier."We gonna see this mess later i am totally drained ,i heading to bed,"Grey said ,his friends joined him and they left Jeremiah on the couch alone with a blanket .Aife and Adolfo got back from their refreshing walk and were met by a messy house ."Wow this doesn't look apleaying," she said picking a soggy sock from the floor, "You mean appleasing,right?' Adolfo asked ,'Yes that.' '

'I am quite pleased with how less messy it is today ," Adolfo said walking upstairs ."Are you not going to clean up ?" she asked shocked at how at ease he was ," I might be reasonable and smart but i am one lazy guy ," "Great!" she exclaimed as she started picking everything up ,she separated the dirty and the less clean ,as she was cleaning Ashanti showed up and he was surprised at what Aife was doing , "Uhm," he said trying to remember her name ,Aife looked at him and held up a load of dirty plastic cups and smiled tiredly ," I thought of helping out but i do not know where to find your compost manure pile must be outside but i don't think this plastics will degrade so where is ..your dipose can..i mean disposer can ?" she said looking so adorably confused.Ashanti chuckled and went into the kitchen to get disposal plastic bags and comes back ," You know here in Ashanti's world we use what we call disposal bags ," he said handing her one ," Ashanti is your name and your world you mean Shanta Manica or your parents house ?" she said putting everything inside the bag ," Well i can say both ...after all we gotta enjoy both of the two worlds," " So where are your parents?" she asked wiping surfaces ," Well my parents are ..are in France," he said ,"France ?oh the contry with tower? ."

"Yes ..that."

"Uhm okey we done with the sorting now the sweeping and mopping will be done tomorrow by the maids,"he said .They looked at each other and Ashanti smiled ,he had this unusual feeling but it was a feeling of connection ," Ashanti your friends are the truest people you have now and they are your strength ,they will never doubt you and they will always remain true to you ,i know it might seem unbelievable to some but they will believe you ...It's better late than never because you know this year might be your last you need to go back home ,your people need you ," she said...she had her back on Ashanti and her eyes were dark blue ...she suddenly walked away going upstairs to where Liam was sleeping .When she got to the room she became her usual self and wondered how she got here.

Ashanti was left surprised by what Aife said did she know he was hiding something ...he then thought about what she said , thought everything through and decided to sleep it off....