chapter 8

Its been several days since Dabi visited Izuku and Toga in their home, now however he just visits like its no big deal at all. He now does many jobs at many places to keep himself from being broke.

Meanwhile at UA ,written exams where going.

"Keep in mind that if you fail these exams, then you might want to take additional classes, so do your best to not be caught up behind others" said Aizawa in his usual tone while walking towards the class room door "Well that's all for today".

"Man ! I'm not prepared at all aahahah" yelled Mina from the back.

"Well aren't you supposed to be concerned about that?" asked Kaminari who was visibly very concerned for exams.

"Well, why worry when we have Momo with us?" said Mina a very careless tone.

'oh yeah! She can help us again right!" yelled Kaminari.

"Sorry guys ,i can't this time" said Momo after hearing this "I've been focusing on practical for a long time and i myself need time to prepare for writing part."

"WHAT!?!" Mina and Kaminari yelled in unison gaining the entire class's attention except Izuku who was standing by the window ,starring outside without a care in the world.(yeah i just added a window sorry for that.)

Izuku pov

"Wonder what toga is doing, well let me give her a call " i pick up a my phone but to my surprise my is inbox loaded with messages from toga.


Daaaarling! Come home early ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )


Skip school

12:00 pm

You are not looking at a girl are you?


Why are their so many girls in your class :'(


Darling, i don't see anyone next to you, that invisible girl is not standing next to you is she?


Why is that pink girl starring at you?


Did you eat your lunch properly?


Why does that gravity bitch keep Pocking on you?


You are starring out of the window, are you thinking about me?


Well, it doesn't look like you are safe from girls ,so i'm going back home.


I'm home , but you are not :(


Its so lonely without you baby :'(


I'm crying ...


I'm going to sleep, hope i see you holding me when i wake up....


"Now i feel so guilty for not responding,luckily there doesn't seem to be any practicals today, better go home now that school has ended early". Just when i was about to start packing up ,i hear a familiar voice from behind.


I turn away from the window to come face to face with a person i once used to admire.

"What is it Katsuki ?"

He looked a bit shocked coz this is the first time i used his first name and didn't stutter even a bit.

"About the previous fight"

"the one which we fought when you found about one for all?" I asked but he was pissed at this.

"NO ! NOT THAT IDIOT! The previous one where we fought those Nomu's"

"oh that? So? What about it?" i was definitely trying to end this conversation quickly so that i can go home, but looks like I'm not going anywhere.

"Your moves were good" he muttered.

"i didn't catch that"


"Oh... Yeah they were, other wise we couldn't have beat that thing" i said still wondering what he wanted to talk about "that's it?"

"Hear me out DEKU! There is only a little improvement one can gain by training themselves ! So ... As much as i hate to say it ,if our moves are a perfect sync ,then it means only one thing....... we are on equal in terms of strength "

"OH!... I see ,so ?" i asked now even more confused

"I WANT US TO TRAIN TOGETHER SO THAT WE CAN GAIN BETTER FIGHT EXPERIENCE AND ALSO GROW STRONGER " right now i was genuinely shocked, not only was he treating me as his equal, but he even wants us to train together.

"I see.... Alright then ,lets start training from tomorrow , i usually train in the abandoned forest or near the beach area, but if you have any other place in mind then""anywhere is fine!" he interrupted me saying it.

"alright then.... We'll start tomorrow".i finish saying this and head towards my desk and start packing my bag


After i'm done packing up ,i turn around to see him still standing there

"um... Kacchan? Aren't you going ?" i asked.

"One more thing" he said in a low voice.

"what is it Kacchan?"

I walked to him as we both stood in front of the window, with wind breezing through the class

"I hated you as a child because you were weak ,pathetic and kept stuttering , but now you don't seem to be that guy i knew anymore, you've changed , you are not weak anymore, you don't stutter anymore , and when you suggested me to break every bone in Shigaraki's body, i saw the scary determination in you, the look on your face showing your battle spirit , it was so exactly like mine, the moment we got ready to break Shigaraki, both of us had the same determination ,same looks on our faces.

for that one moment when i let go of my inferiority complex against you, i noticed how similar we were, it was as if we both were childhood friends who grew up closely, it made me wish things were different in the past."

I was shocked at hearing this but i didn't show it outside, not only has he treated me like an equal ,but this too?

For someone who is as determined as him to become a hero in future to actually look back in the past. It definitely caught me off guard. I still remained silent as i didn't know how to respond to this, until he spoke up.

"Deku.... Neither you nor can i change the past, and the fact that i ruined your school life. But ... We can start over....... Say Deku, would you like to reconsider our past? Shall we start over ? Not as bully and the bullied, but as childhood friends?"

For a moment i was stunned, never did i think that the day would actually come where i am not an eye sore to anyone ,especially Kacchan.

I gave out a smile and raised my hand and reached out to Katsuki

"Sure Kacchan ,lets do it, as childhood friends."

He shook it.

"Yup, as childhood friends."

We both laughed a bit.

"Well, see ya tomorrow then." said Katsuki as he left the class with a smile.

I take a deep breath "a lot has happened today huh?" i smile starring the sky through the window.

When i saw the time it was 2:30pm.

Right now, i was the only one in the class room.

I decided to head home, but when i was about to leave the class , i met up with 2 students from class B.

"Hey there Midoriya-kun" "Nice to meet you."

"Oh, hi there Tsunotori-san and Ibara-san " i said as i didn't expect anyone from class B to come here.

"I'm sorry but, Did you need something? Lida and everyone has already left"

"We don't need that four eyes to help us!" said Ibara.

"Oh!, then what do you want" i asked with a smile.

"We are here to plow your ass!" said Tsunotori in a rather loud and cheerfully tone.

We could here a loud laugh coming from the end of the hallway ,it got lower and lower until it disappeared.

"Um... Tsunotori-san ,you don't realize what you said ,do you?"i asked her a bit embarrassed.

"We are gonna pound a ro" before she could say anything Ibara covered her mouth, while i hear Ibara mumble "damn you Monoma!".

I see ,so that's happened.

"Sorry for that Midoriya-kun , we just came to ask your help in studies for the upcoming written exams" Said Ibara.

"But why me?" i asked them confused because they had kendo in their class toppers list.

"Well in our class kendo is pretty much the only one who studies hard, but it looks like she is doing group study with Momo from your class this time, and others seem to be either careless or prefer undisturbed self study."

"Self study my ass" started Tsunotori only to be stopped by Ibara once again.

"well we did ask Lida first who came class first in last test, only for him to end up chopping the wind while shouting 'it seems highly inappropriate for me!', then there was bakugou who came class third but we couldn't ask him and he was already teaching Kirishima "

She then joined her hands as a beam of sun light from nowhere fell on her.

"So Midoriya-kun , since you came class 2nd in the last test, you are our only hope"

Why does she sound like a nun all of sudden? well whatever.

"O-okay then , which subject do you want help with ?" i asked as i put up a smile.

"Thank god Midoriya-kun ,may you be blessed. Now then... For me its maths and for Tsunotori it's language."

"alright then, so where should i....?" i asked them as i didn't want them to come over to my house with toga and Dabi living there.

"well our class is empty ,so why don't we go there?"

That was a relief for me .

"well, that sounds like a good idea".

"Alright then lets go!" said Ibara as she started to pull me using her tendrils.

As we get inside the empty 1b class, i sat on desk while both of them dragged a desk near me and sat down.

"Well, Ibara-san how much do you know in mathematics ?"

"Absolutely nothing from this year course" she said a bit embarrassed.

"I see.. Alright then, Tsunotori-san ,let me get to you after Ibara-san."

She nodded and i started teaching them.

Time skip brought to you by Bakudeku shippers - Get some help.

By the time we were done ,it was 4:10pm.

We decided to call it a day and head home.

"Ibara-san , Tsunotori-san, please revise what you learnt today once you get home!"

"Sure thing midoriya"

"Thank you midoriya"

I waved them bye before locking the doors and and finally head home.

I reached home at 4:30pm. I felt stress go down my chest.

The doors were unlocked ,i went inside to see Toga sleeping on sofa wearing only my white hoodie ,she was hugging it very tightly ,i couldn't help but notice how cute she was, and how lucky i am. I went and took a bath ,and changed to trousers and T-shirt , i lifted toga lightly and placed her head on my chest and wrapped my hand around her, the light from the setting sun, fell on both of us through the huge windows, the room was illuminated with nothing but evening sunlight. Toga snuggled closer to me and started pressing me against her body, she looked so innocent like a baby.

I kiss her forehead.

I felt a bit sad that i left her alone.

But i'm happy that I will be here holding her when she wakes up, just like she wanted.

Since i was tired from the long day , i leaned on toga a bit without waking her up and closed my eyes for quick nap.

Toga was not awake ,but she still felt warmth from the thing she was hugging, she was happy, since she knew who it was without opening her eyes, she let out a cute smile like a child who was patted on the head and snuggled closer to him.