chapter 9

Early morning 3:00am at corporation beach.

Izuku was sitting cross legged ,wearing his white T-shirt and trousers ,starring at the reflection of full moon on the ocean.

"He should be hear any minute"


While back at home at dinner table at 8:30am. He made dinner for everyone and placed them on the dining table.

"Dabi-san, should i store your food in fridge?" Asked Izuku while placing the dishes.

"Um.. Nope, i got work to do at night shift, so i'd rather finish it now" said Dabi while he came out of the room and sat at table started eating in a hurry.

"Um...... Toga?" Izuku glanced at toga who was already at dinner table and had a poker face.

"Toga... Is something wrong?" Izuku asked while Dabi was stuffing food in his mouth ignoring them.

"Izuku..... You are not cheating on me right?" she asked wearing a sad expression.

"*cough!* *cough!* sorry for that" Dabi said as he began choking.

"Huh?...of course i'm not .. What's that even supposed to mean?" asked Izuku confused and worried from seeing her sad expression.

"Then what was that scent on your shirt!?" asked Toga wearing a puppy eyes.

"BUSTED!" exclaimed Dabi who seemed to have stopped choking.

Izuku couldn't help but chuckle at his girlfriend's cuteness.

And he explained what happened the entire day in school.

Toga let out a sigh of relief.

"But still ..... If you ever think of cheating on me... Everyone except us both dies."

"Hitman for hire" said Dabi who making fun on situation Izuku was in.

Izuku smiled and went to toga , he started to pat her head while she was blushing and embarrassed.

He leaned close to her .

"Toga..." he said giving off a smile ,while she looked up to him with a blushing puppy face.

"You are the only person i care about the most, its thanks to you that i am not depressed anymore ,but regardless of all that i love you more than anyone,so......"

As he said this his pupils vanished ,leaving him with a fake smile and a life less eyes.


After this toga pulled him close holding his collar, and gave him peck on the lips, which returned him to his senses.

"*cough* thanks for the meal, i shall be leaving then" said Dabi dragging them to reality.

"oh!.... Alright" said both of them in unison.

"Well.... Toga, lets sleep early ,i got training to do."

Toga had bit mischievous look "Okay... While we are at it... Shall we..."

"Not today..... Please." Izuku interrupted.

"But why??" toga asked wearing a sad face.

"Toga... When i'm with you ,my true emotions start leaking out , my emotions were held block after my depression occurred, but since you came, I've been getting them back, But at a rapid rate ,thinking about doing it with you.... It's over flowing with emotions, it's too much i might go crazy in the process.... I just ..... Don't wanna end up hurting you.... I'm sorry" Izuku said putting his head down.

"Why are you apologizing?" toga asked angrily.

"Do you really think i can't understand that?! Izuku! i know how it feels to have over flowing emotions and go crazy, i had no other intentions than hurting people until i met you , if anything i'm angry that you hid something like this from me, and i feel guilty that i couldn't understand your troubles even that being your girlfriend , Izuku, no matter what, even if you go crazy, ill still be there for you, so......"

She pulled Izuku to a hug.

"If you are troubled ,please don't hide it from me." she said while gently running her fingers through his hair.

Flash back end.

"Yo Deku *YAWN*" said Katsuki who was wearing a black tank top and trousers, just arrived at the beach ,making his way towards Izuku while shivering a bit.3

"So you were able to wake up after all" Izuku said in a sarcastic tone.

"Okay, i know you wanted to train, but why at this hour?" Katsuki asked still shivering.

Izuku stood up and brushed of the mud.

"You know ,this beach is coldest at this hour." said Izuku.

"okay? So?"

"Your quirk is to cause explosions through your sweat . But does your body release same amount of sweat even in this cold temperature?"

Katsuki eyes widen realizing why Izuku called him at this hour.

"Your moves combined with explosion are good but, training your explosion in an unfavourable condition will help you lessen the attention on your explosions and help you concentrate more on your moves and make it more fluent."

"Lets see" Izuku took a glance at his watch "Okay, now its 3:10 am, and the temperature is gonna remain same till 5:00 am, so starting from now to 5:00am we train while you are gonna be focusing on your explosion, naturally to raise your body temperature , try creating the same amount of explosion you would create on broad day light, while i move some large and heavy garbage without one for all. After 5am ,we shall rest a bit and then spar. Is the plan okay?"

"God damnit! Its perfect, but... Can you really move those garbages without one for all? I mean they are like 3 times bigger than you."

"trust me, i got stronger muscles than how it looks" said Izuku laughing.

"I see they are just like your head then" Katsuki said sarcastically.

They both laughed for a bit and started training.

Time skip brought to you by NTR lovers - Just why?


They both had finished training ,Izuku was sitting cross legged and Katsuki was lying on sand, both of them panting.

Izuku stood up "Well.... Kacchan ,about time we head home .... We still got school you know"

"I... Used....too much...stamina.... I can't move..." said Katsuki still lying on the sand.

"Don't worry you'll be fine once you head home and eat break fast." said Izuku while tying his shoes.

"How the..... hell am i... supposed to ...go home?"

"Well.... Guess we got no choice huh?"

Izuku picked him up and put Katsuki on his shoulders like carrying a corpse.

"You don't mind do you?"

"No ... "

Izuku activated one for all full cowl and started sprinting and parkouring his way to Katsuki's home.

Time skip brought to you by yangire Izuku- spare no one, smash everyone.

"Kacchan,your home"

"Oh we finally got here huh" Katsuki got off Izuku. Still keeping one of his hand over his shoulder.

"Hey old hag! Come down!" he yelled in a bloby voice.

A running could be heard inside the house until the door slammed open.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN YOU LITTL- Oh.... Hey Izuku dear." said Katsuki's mom.

"H-hey Mitsuki-san" Said izuku who sweat dropped.

"So where have you 2 been? Did he try pick on you?"


Katsuki got instantly knocked out by chop to his head by his mother. Before he fell to floor , Mitsuki took him in her arms.

"Ahaha...uh.. No... We were just training together" answered Izuku.

"Oh that's a good thing"

"Ah...yeah i just came to drop him cause he was too worn out to walk" Izuku said still sweat dropping.

"Ahh... How sweet of you honey, come on in."

"No thanks, i just came to drop him, i gotta go home and prepare to school"

"Ahh.... That's so sad, alright then take care."

Izuku left Katsuki's home and parkoured to his home.

Time skip brought to you by- we ran out of sponsors.

Izuku prepared breakfast for both him and toga and before leaving home he got a peck on his lips by toga.

On his way to school he met with up with Katsuki and they got to school together. Of course everyone had there jaw dropped at first, but they were happy about it.

The days would go on with him paying attention in class.


Helping Ibara-san and Tsunotori-san study.

Eating launch with those two and Katsuki.

Going home.

Spending most of the time with Toga.


Everything was going well until one day...

"Class 1A Izuku Midoriya , please come to principle's office."

An announcement was made while everyone was leaving home.

A part of Izuku knew this would eventually happen , he clenched his fist and started getting a panic attack.

Katsuki who saw his friend visibly troubled ,went to him .

"Deku, something wrong?"

Izuku was mumbling something while his hairs were shadowing his eyes. but Katsuki couldn't hear anything.

"Deku.....?" he leaned a bit closer to hear what he was mumbling.





"NO! NO! NO!"




He snapped out of it as he felt a pair of arms grab his shoulders and shaking him.

"Kacchan...... Will you..... Stand by my...."

"There is no need to ask, i don't know what happened, but i know you are troubled, and you are trying to protect someone, its okay Deku, if it comes down to a fight, then i will stand by your side. " Katsuki said giving him a thumbs up.

"Thank you .... Kacchan"

"No need for that ,now go."

Izuku gave him a thanking smile and left to Nezu's office.

There as he expect, saw Toga standing there wearing a sad expression near the door while Aizawa and all might was sitting in a chair in front of Nezu's table .

As he entered the chamber, Toga's sad face turned happy after seeing him.

He gave her a smile which said "Don't worry ,everything will be alright."

Nezu noticed this and started.

"Well then, young Midoriya, we believe you have few things to explain."