chapter 10

good place for Toga to be....

"Young midoriya. Take a seat." said the principle in a calm tone.

I could feel Aizawa sensei glaring at me as i sat down next to all might.

"Well then.. Lets get to the point shall we?" said Nezu as he took a sip of coffee from his cup.

"Yeah...." was all i could say , the more the time passed ,the more i grew worried of Toga.

"this girl right here.." he rolled his eyes towards toga "Is one of the villains that attacked the camp" he looked back at me "isn't she?"

"y-yes b-but S-she is not a villain anymore" it felt like words were struck in my throat and wouldn't come out.

"I wonder about that...."

"I-its true! She quite being a villain many months ago, even though she hurt few people ,she never killed anyone ,so let her be!" my voice was starting to raise.

"Hmm..... Well, i shall look into her records and decide that myself, until then she should be kept under observation." at this time ,my heart was racing, they were about to lock toga up!4

"Why not leave that work to midoriya himself?" Aizawa sensei finally spoke up,"I'll keep an eye on them."

"Well..... I'll leave it to you then Mr. aizawa ."

"you have a soft spot on him,don't you." giggled all might as he said this.

"says who!?"

"Himiko toga- san, please wait outside for a bit" said Aizawa sensei, as toga left the room he made his way towards me.

"Midoriya, as a punishment for hiding this fact, you'll have to clean the dorms as your punishment"


"Also the only reason why i let her be with you is because you cared for her, your depression was in the way of you becoming a hero, i knew i couldn't help, but you found someone who could. So stop being depressed and focus more on your dream."

My mind felt relieved ,finally ,there was nothing to hide. That was until.


"NOT ON MY WATCH!" yelled a angry voice by the door. It was the present number one hero - Endeavor.

"SHE IS A VILLAIN ! AND SHE WILL BE PUNISHED!" he yelled as he grabbed toga by her hand, and rudely started dragging her out of the building.

All might sighed "Young midoriya ,let me talk to hi-" before he could finish Izuku ran behind them, trying to stop the number one hero, But then endeavor did something unthinkable , he had slapped toga for resisting.

"LET HER GO!" Izuku activated full cowl and stomped the ground, creating a huge crater.

All the student had come out to see what happened, to see a flaming Endeavor and Izuku standing in middle of a huge crater.

Endeavor let go of toga and made his way towards Izuku who's pupils had completely vanished.

"Alright right then, if you beat me in a fight, I'll let her go."

"That's going too far Endeavor , he's still a student, moreover a kid" said recovery girl who had come out hearing the commotion.

"ALRIGHT THEN" Izuku said gritting his teeth, everyone is standing in shock. Izuku just agreed to take on a pro! All by himself!

Time skip brought to you by psychotic love -prepare for grand finale.

Soon the arena was prepared . Every student and teacher had gathered to watch the fight.

"Hmph, he's gonna get his ass kicked" said Monoma.

"shut up Monoma!" said the rest of class A and B in unison as they all knew what Endeavour was capable of.

"Deku..... So this is the person you were trying to protect huh. You better win" said Katsuki who was in the front seats.

Of course even the media has arrived, but as for what they know,this was just a exhibition match, no one in the media knew the in depth detail.

Back at home Dabi was watching the match live from TV.


And in the league of villains bar Shigaraki, kurogiri, spinner and twice were watching.

"Brawl between heroes,huh? Interesting." Shigaraki said in a menacing tone.

"I wonder why that kid is going so far for toga."

Back at the arena.

"Hope you're ready brat, i won't hold back, so you better take this fight seriously !" said endeavour giving a smirk.

Without saying a word Izuku got into fighting stance, activated full cowl and sprinted towards Endeavor.

Endeavor quickly shot a huge wave of flames directly at Izuku.

He jumped up high to dodge it ,only to realize another wave heading towards him,he made a straight kick, sending a huge wind to nullify the flames.

"You're not half bad kid"

Izuku landed on his feet and in an instant increased his full cowl to 15% and sprinted towards endeavor.

This time however,due to sudden increase in his speed, endeavor was caught off guard and was met with a punch to his face.

But ,he immediately caught his hand and throw him the other side.

Before Izuku could touch the floor ,he was met with flames. Even though he was caught in the flames he jumped out of the flames,but was again met with Endeavor's fist to his face, and a knee to his gut.

Izuku fell to his knees and was gasping for breath. Then again before he could do anything Endeavor gave him a round house kick to his face , he fell to the ground and started to black out, before he went completely unconscious the last thing he saw was Toga .... She was crying and was watching in horror as her lover was being wrecked in flames.

"" were Izuku's last word before blacking out with the feeling of regret and despair and the thought that he couldn't protect.

Izuku pov.

Black. Dark. Empty .... Where am i ? Why is it so dark in here? I hear someone calling me.

"Izuku..." the voice seems very familiar.

"wake up Izuku...." yes very very familiar.

Its not actually dark ,I'm just closing eyes. I open to see that i am in my room with morning sunlight entering my room through the window. I feel someone sitting next to me in the bed ,before i could turn, the voice came again

"Izuku..." i turn back to see who it was, tears start rolling down my cheek.


Its her, it really is her, without a second thought or questioning i run and hug her, i couldn't help but break down into tears. She pat my head "there there, calm down honey."


"I heard you were in pain Izuku, now i can't leave my child behind when he is hurt, can i? So, why are you hurt? Did Katsuki pick on you?"

"No... We became friends..... He doesn't bully me anymore."

"Did all might scold you?"

"No... He is like a father figure to me."

"Then, did you not perform well in your exams?"

"No... I am one of class toppers."

"Then.... What happened honey?"


"'Toga?' so you have a girlfriend huh, looks like my child grew up so much. Sad i'm not there to see it... So, what happened to this 'Toga'?"

"I couldn't save her..." tears start rolling again.

"Why?" she asked confused.

"I was too weak!"

"you were weak when you saved uraraka-chan from the robot, you broke your bones ,yet you saved her.

You were weak you got all your bones crushed, but you still stood."

"Its okay if you are weak honey, you at most times were..... But you never gave up. So why now?" after she finished sating this my eyes widen.

She put her hand on my cheek.

"Get up Izuku, and fight till you win, i don't wanna see you hurt, but i don't want you to be sad either."

"Alright..... I wont give up, yes, i will fight!"

Soon after i finished saying this ,her hand which was in my cheek started to fade a away.


"Looks like the times up Izuku, looks like i don't need to worry about you anymore ,I will let your girlfriend do that for me" she said as she was starting to fade away.

"mom...will i never see you again?"

She nodded a no.

"But know that i will always be with you" she smiled and placed her other hand on my chest.

"In here."

And she faded.

Back at the arena, only two minutes have passed while everyone thought that Izuku lost, one for all lightning started flowing out of his body.

While he started to slowly get up.

"You are strong kid" said Endeavor smiling and he raised his hands.

"But this ends now."

Suddenly a huge cluster of one for all lighting came exploding out if him, while he stood up revealing his glowing emerald eyes, And his heroic yet genuine smile.

"This kid!" thought Endeavor.

"YESSSSSSS DO IT DEKU!" yelled Katsuki.

"This brat is so cool, isn't he!?"

"His will power is remarkable" commented Shigaraki and Kurogiri.4

"That's it kid" said Dabi.

"Young midoriya!"

His Full cowl was at 65%

He clenched fist and pulled it back for a punch.

Endeavor raised his arm loading a flame

First endeavor shot a huge wave of flame. But little did he know Izuku was already at the bottom of endeavor, before he could guard himself, Izuku connected with a huge upper cut ,which made a crater, before Endeavor could be sent flying ,Izuku quickly delivered a jump back to Endeavour's chest and continued his assault with barrage of continues punches, at this point Endeavor was like a punching bag shaped like a human. And he started spitting blood.

Now everyone in the arena ,Dabi, villains were awe struck.

Then Izuku drew his arm back.

"UNITED STATES OF!" he clenched his fist.


Straight to Endeavors chest.

Sending a shock wave to the entire arena ,knocking everyone off their seats.

As the Dust cleared ,everyone slowly got back to their feet to see what happened.

Izuku was standing in the middle of the shattered arena with no arms or legs broken while Endeavor was out in the audience seats knocked unconscious.

Izuku slowly raised his right arm up just like all might while his eyes were shadowed by his hair.

"I did it mom, all might...... Toga."

And he fainted ,before he could fall to the ground he was caught by Katsuki, he picked him up and put his head on his shoulder.

"You almost had me shaking there....Izuku."

"That was breath taking to be honest" said Dabi.

Almight's phone rang.

"Oi toshinori!" said gran torino.

"Oh..s-sensei! W-what is it?"

"Remember me saying that kid was just like you?"

"Yeah i remember"

"I was wrong"


"He is better than you"

Allmight took a glance at Izuku and smiled.

"I know."

Time skip- probably the last one.

Izuku woke up in the nurse room, and noticed he was in Toga's lap, as soon as he woke up, he noticed the burn marks were gone, meaning recovery girl was hear. Toga bent and gave a deep kiss on Izuku's lips,as they disconnected ,Izuku was about to speak but he was stopped with Toga breaking down into tears.

"Izu..... Why? Why did you go so far for me? I thought i lost you in those flames for a second! Why did you take all those pain for my sake? What am i to you izuku!? When even my parents abandoned me ! Why did you-"

Before she could finish, Izuku kissed her back. He wiped away her tears and said

"Because i love you,that's all, so please stop crying."

He said with a calm voice, she stopped crying and hugged Izuku.

"Say cheese!" Mina took a picture of them.

"Midoriya she looks hot ,can i take picture with her?" asked mineta.

Then they both noticed that the entire class was hear and blushed hard in embarrassment.

After speaking with class mates and few teachers ,Izuku and Toga headed home.

They had dinner like usual and went to bed.

This time however they went to separate beds in separate rooms as Izuku said something was bothering him and wanted to be left alone.

Everything was normal until....


Toga woke up in bed, only to see Izuku was standing right next to her near the bed looking down on her with his pupil less eyes.