chapter 2

-Meanwhile at U.A.-

The majority of the class was sitting around in the common area. They were just doing things like playing games on their phones, socializing, and in certain cases *cough* Bakugo and Uraraka *cough* making out on a couch (A/N sorry something was stuck in my throat *cough* bunch of hoes).

Tenya Iida approached the pair and started flailing his arms about. "Please do not do such activities on U.A. grounds. It soils the honor of the school."

"Speaking of soiling this schools honor, where's Deku, that little bastard?" Bakugo spat out.

"That is no way to speak about a fellow classmate, not to mention behind their back." Iida said karate chopping the air.

"Tch. 'Behind his back?' He's been gone for the last three days. Probably crying his eyes out to his mommy." Bakugo assumed.

"Really Bakugo? That's low, even for you." said Kaminari, slumping on the couch.


"No, but really shouldn't we be worried about him?" asked Mina. If Mina was worried, something definitely was wrong.

"I think so," analyzed Momo, "he's been emotionally damaged as of late. Along with him running off and his natural sensitivity, this could be bad."

"I concur," replied Todoroki coolly.

"We should probably go to his old home and check on him." Tsuyu suggested, "Ochaco, you dated him, so you could you show us where he lived, kero?"

"Sure," Ochaco replied.

"Ooohoo you guys went over to each other's houses" retorted Kaminari.

"You goddamn little pervert." said Bakugo calmly. Its even more scary when he's calm. Like a kettle before it boils. Or a bomb before it blows up.

-Timeskip to the Midoriya residence-

3rd person P.o.V.

Bakugo, Ochaco, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Tsuyu, and Mina (A/N basically everybody that's somewhat important or I didn't forget because they are like 0% important) arrived to Izuku's front door of his mother's apartment. Inko took a minute to answer the door.

"Oh, hello. Are you friends of Izuku?" she asked when she opened the door.

"Yes ma'am we wish to speak to him." Iida said.

"Shouldn't he be at U.A.?" Inko asked. She started to look worried.

"That's the problem." Momo answered, "He hasn't been at U.A. for a couple days.

And that is when the waterworks appeared. "Oh, my baby. Where are you?" she blubbered.

"We thought he would be here if he wasn't at school, kero" Tsuyu croaked.

"I hope he's ok," She sniffled, "I'm sorry, my heart can't take it." She closed the door to all the students. Dang that's when it hit them. If Izuku wasn't at the dorms or his own home. He had to be in serious danger. Izuku wasn't the type of person to keep people worrying. He had to be in some sort of predicament that was hard for him to get out of. Little did they know.

-Timeskip to, uh, I dunno, some cafe-

The group of students and friends (minus Bakugo, he's a poop) took their conversation to a cafe. They decided to go to a cafe so they couldn't really be overheard, unless someone was intently listening.

Momo was the first to speak up. "Ok so what we know is that he ran off after Ochaco unknowingly revealing her emotions to Bakugo. We also know that he is neither at the dorms or his mother's house. What we don't know is literally everything else."

"No shit, Sherlock," Bakugo said sarcastically.

"Language, Bakugo, Momo is helping us on our search for Midoriya and that is no way to treat her," Iida corrected.

"That'll totally change what I say, four-eyes," Bakugo deadpanned.

"THIS IS GETTING US NOWHERE!" everyone looked up and was surprised to see Ochaco yelling, then crying. "Deku's gone, and its all my fault."

"Oh, poor Ochaco," Mina said, "Its not souly your fault. Its Bakugo's, too."


"A LITTLE, YEAH!" Mina yelled back.

"I'm surrounded by children," Todoroki whispered under his breathe.

"SHUT UP!" Iida started yelling. not a good sign. "Midoriya always went to our aide whenever we where in some sort of predicament that we could not get out of on our own. He almost always succeeded. And now we are fighting like schoolgirls. Unacceptable."

Bakugo sighed, "I can't disagree."

"Let's get this party started!" Mina exclaimed. The entire group left the cafe without even noticing that they attracted some weird stares.

-Meanwhile somewhere else-

The L.o.V. where at a meeting discussing Toga's current behavior. This was their new lair. "Toga has been acting strangely as of late," said Shigaraki.

"I know what you mean." concurred Kurogiri, "She's been acting more giddy than usual. Its been happening ever since she captured that U.A. student."

"What was on her report, Kurogiri?" asked Shigaraki/

"All she said was that, and I quote, 'his blood tasted good.' So all we know is that she damaged his body. That would be good for interrogations-" Kurogiri was cut off by Dabi, who had just entered the room.

"Nope." he deadpanned.

"Excuse me."Shigaraki said.

"Knowing her attitude towards that one boy in particular, she found a different way to suck out his blood," Dabi explained.

"And that would be?" Shigaraki asked.

"Hickeys" Dabi deadpanned.