(Slight lemon warning)
Izuku's P.o.V.
Toga just finished feeding me the chocolate strawberries. I'm going to be honest, I smelled. Its from 2 things: Not showering today and the constant sweating I do when ever I blush and when I'm scared. "Peeyoo Izuku go clean yourself up" she said in disgust after smelling every part of my body. She untied my ropes.
"O-ok Toga but w-where?" I asked in my stuttering voice.
"In the shower, silly Izuku baby." she replied in her psychotic smile.
-Timeskip to Izuku in the shower-
I was about to start the shower when I actually saw what she did. She had new bathing products on every shelf inside the shower. But what else she did was have a bloodstained curtain and bloodstains all over the inside of the shower. Once I turn on the shower, the nozzle instantly start spraying out its warm water. I kept asking questions in my head. 'Does toga have a plan for me?' 'Is she going to use me as leverage against U.A.?' 'Why would she want me?' a whole lot of these questions were unanswered when Toga abruptly came through the curtain. Completely naked.
"Hi Izu baby!" She said, her blush was bigger than usual. Her hair was at her shoulders. I honestly liked her buns better. That was an understatement. It was of a huge blush.
"T-t-toga! Why did you come in here?" My blush made me look like a tomato. 'Her rack is pretty big, I kinda want to...' 'Nononono I can't be thinking like that. I'm not Mineta, thank God.' I had to cover my face with my hands and advert my eyes to not think like that.
"I came in here to be with you Izuku baby. I can't let my one prisoner escape now can I? No, so I'm here with you."
"B-but people u-usually s-shower alone, T-toga."
"This is an exception."
"B-but I-I n-need my p-privacy."
"Aww come on, I know you like my goods. Your's aren't to bad either."
This made my blush even worse. Like A forest on top of molten lava. "T-T-TOGA P-P-PRIVACY P-PLEASE!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're no fun." she pouted.
'You gave up too easily.' Izuku thought.
Toga P.o.V
Aww, he didn't like it. I thought he would want to shower with me. Starting on a high note. But I'm not worried, I'll get him eventually. But for the time being I'll have to work my way towards that. Slowly. Like a cat pouncing on a rabbit (A/N symbolism, yay).
I got dressed in my new clothes that I 'acquired' while walking out of the shower. I love the outfit though. Black panties, no bra, and Izu's classic T-shirt. I like it. Sure, I look like a slut, but it will get his gears turning.
But I've been thinking. Why don't I want to see him bleed. Cut. In pain or a million tiny peices. Maybe it's cause he's too cute. Eh I wonder.
I heard the shower turn off so I got into an awfully 'playful' pose. He walked out with the sweat shorts that I left for him. But something else caught my eye.
"H-hey Toga, have y-you seen my shir-"
It was his abs. Six packs of shiny, rock-hard muscles. He was obviously cut off by my lustful stare. Oh and my skippy outfit probably had something to do with it.
"I-Is that my s-shirt?"
"Oh, Izu baby, yes it is. I think looks good on me. What about you?"
"I-i-it looks good but c-c-c-"
"Yes you have it back." I took the shirt off. In the progress of taking his shirt off I bared my rack again to him. Just like my plan.
"T-T-TOGA!" Izuku yelled. He adverted his eyes and covered his eyes with his hands to prevent his peripheral vision for taking initiative.
"Mm say it louder, Izu baby" I said devilishly.
"N-N-NO! P-PUT IT B-BACK ON! P-PUT T-THE SHIRT O-ON" he yelled at me.
"Of course. If you say so, Izu baby." I covered my self with the shirt. 'Aww come on Izu baby. Another let down.'
-Timeskip: bedtime Izuku's P.o.V.-
Toga tied me up again. Ya know in another wooden chair. It was now dark outside, a full moon could be seen through the window. She was sitting on my lap again.
"Ok Izu baby. I'm going to give you two options. 1. Sit miserably in that hard, wooden chair with that itchy rope or... 2. Get in my bed. Sleeping. The two of us. Together." She had another episode where she stared of into space with a lustful smile. I didn't need a telepathic Quirk to tell what she was thinking.
"U-u-uh." I couldn't find my words. 'I don't know what to do. One one hand I get to sleep in a comfortable bed with... Toga, instead of sitting in a chair that hurts my back. One the other hand, losing a little of my dignity.'
"Oh Izu baby, there's nothing undignified about going to bed with me." Toga said casually. Turns out I did find my words. And mumbled them aloud. Toga also heard them.
"T-t-toga you heard that?" I asked fearfully.
"Oh I can't stop listening to what you say. I listen to you. Who else can you say has done that? Certainly not your classmates. Make your choice. Spine torture or peaceful sleep?" Toga asked.
"I... I'll s-sleep in the b-bed with y-y-you."
"Great. Can't wait! Be there in 5 Izu baby." Toga replied.
-Timeskip approx. 10 min-
I was already in bed. Toga took her shower and took 10 minutes doing so. Once she got in her bed she tried sleeping on top of me, beside me, snuggling her bust into my arm. She knew what she was doing. All of these managed to make me blush like hell. She eventually fell asleep wrapping her arms around my body. I laid there like a rock. Only one of my arms were free. I looked over to Toga. Her blush was intense even when she was sleeping. I used my free arm to stroke her hair. She smiled while I was doing so. I admired her features while she was sleeping. Her blonde hair. Her messy buns. Her razor-like teeth. Her well-proportioned body. All which made her so beautiful.
"Goodnight Toga."