chapter 4

Izuku's P.o.V.

So this past week has been a nightmare. Toga trying to join me in the shower has become a regular thing. Every door must be locked. She constantly says that she'll be good to me and she'll bear my children. She spends most of her time sitting on my lap either feeding me, napping while hugging me (while pressing her chest against mine), or giving me hickeys. Most of these would be turn-offs for most people. BUT WHY? Why does this just make me somewhat happier? At least it's not showing under all my blushing, which I already do to virtually any girl that talks to me.

She was currently down in the kitchen making katsudon. For the seventh night in a row. I mean, it's always good, just a little repetitive. It's almost, dare I think as good as Mom's. I tried to suggest something else. But always she shoved katsudon in my face before I could start objecting. I only got out of my chair to sleep with her, go to the bathroom, or bathe myself. Everything else she helped with. Feeding, oral hygiene, and dressing. Yup, she had extra clothes that she stole from my dorm. What did you think I meant?

Huh. She's been downstairs for a while now. I wonder what she's doing.

Toga's P.o.V.

'Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm out. Of everything in the fridge. Ok ok. I can just go to the store and buy everything that I need. I have no groceries left. So I jotted down everything I will buy. But I can't leave my little baby alone by himself for up to three hours. So I'll just bring him with me. Yes! Bonding time with my future husband!'

3rd Person P.o.V.

Toga walked upstairs and announced to Izuku, "Hey Izu baby, do you wanna stretch your legs today with me?"

"M-meaning w-what?"

"Well I'm out of food, and I can't just leave my prisoner here. What kind of villain does that?" Toga asked. It was supposed to be a rhetorical question.

"Like literally every single one."

"Anyways, Izu baby, you're gonna come with me. Don't try to escape, because I'll just find you again." warned Toga.

"O-ok," Izuku replied, "W-where are w-we going?"

"Well since you asked..." Tog's blush deepened. A telltale sign that this was not going to be good. "First we are going to get groceries, then a walk in the park, a dinner date, and then a little surprise for us. He he."

"U-uh T-toga. T-that s-sounds uh..." Izuku started.

"Tell me me what I want to hear." demanded Toga.

"L-like a g-great idea!" he finished.

"Glad you agree. Let's go!"

-Timeskip to some grocery store-

Izuku finally told Toga that he didn't want only katsudon for dinner every night, so she bought a variety of stuff for meals suggested by her baby. It was a short walk back to the house. Izuku hadn't bothered to look at the outside when they left but it was UGLY. Scuffed boards, cobwebs dead grass. It looked like a generic haunted house. Izuku thought it looked creepy. Toga thought it was the cutest thing ever.

After the errand, Toga took her hosyage on a walk through the park. If you remember, a week ago was Valentine's Day, so its spring in the park. The park was filled with cherry blossoms, giving it a romantic atmosphere. (A/N I am cringing so hard right now.). They eventually sat down on a nearby bench.

"So, Izu..." Toga started. She didn't sound like she needed to be locked up in maximum security when she said this. Just a small voice.


"Well, I was thinking... Could we do this more often? Like, be like this. Together?" she asked. "You know. if I ever decided to let you free."

"U-uh s-sure, Toga," he said.

"Yay!" She resumed her psychotic tone. "My baby loves me! I love you, too Izu!"

Toga's blush paled in comparison Izuku's. "T-toga, I-I-I-"

Toga shushed him. "Shh. I want to savor this moment."

-Timeskip to their dinner-

They were back at Toga's questionable house. Izuku decided to make dinner for them. He had dinner made for him every night and had it literally spoon-fed to him. He had decided to make pasta with sausage and tomato sauce for them. They both made small talk. Izuku kept stuttering whenever Toga brought up something suggestive. They eventually made it to when they ask each other what life was like before either being kidnapped, or kidnapping a 15 year-old.

"Who did you live with before the U.A. dorms?" Toga asked.

"Just my m-mom" Izuku responded."Who d-did you live w-with before you b-became a v-villain?"

"Ooh ooh! I know this one, I know this one, uh... Oh yeah, I remember. I was on my own since the age of five." She answered.

"W-wait, really?" he asked. "What about your p-parents?"

"Ugh. Those oldies were nothing but mean. My quirk manifested, and they didn't like having my quirk across the house. I played a few pranks on them when I found their blood. They decided they didn't need me and kicked me to the curb. So I curb stomped them. But I'm fine, I have a stable job, mentality, and relationship."

"Relationship? Y-you mean t-the L.o.V.?" Izuku asked.

"Nuh-uh. Those guys are to violent for my taste. By relationship, I mean you, my darling."

"W-wait really?"

"Yes. Is there anything wrong?"

"No, n-nothing at all. So w-what was that s-surprise you had for m-me?" There was a hint of fear in this voice and a little bit of a blush.

"Well I'm going to let you out of the chair," Toga answered excitedly.

"R-really? Toga thank you so much!" Izuku hugged her.

"Not so fast. If you want to get out of there. You have to do any one of three things. You can chose between #1: promising to never leave this house unless I let you. Or #2: become my boyfriend. And what's behind curtain #3? Oh yeah, it's allowing me to have sex with you anytime I want, hehe." Oh god, she's a psychopath.

"W-W-WHAT?" Izuku blushed so hard his face looked like it was on fire.

"I think you heard me, what do you chose?" Toga licked her lips, "Would you like me to repeat that last part?"

U-uhh, I'll t-t-take 2." Izuku stuttered fearfully. "On one c-condition."


"No more m-murders." Izuku was scared of what was going to happen next. "And quit L.o.V."

Toga sighed, "If it's for you, Izuku baby, Of course I'll do it."

"G-great now lets go to bed." I'm worried abou what she'll do now that we're together. Hegot out of the chair at the dinner table.3

"Tell me you love me," Toga deadpanned. "Or you don't leave this room."

"I-I-I... Love you, T-toga. I love you Toga."

Toga jumped onto Izuku, wrapping her arms around his neck. She planted a passionate kiss on his lips. It took a few seconds, but he kissed back. "I love you Izuku."