chapter 5

Izuku's P.o.V

Well. Guess that's it. I am a love slave to this horrid, psychotic, adorable monster. My monster.

She insisted that she sleeps with me, again. Her blush shone like a lighthouse in the darkness of the room. Her face was warm against my bare chest, probably from said blush. Instead of her usual face when sleeping, which was a lustful smile, she was frowning.

I gently shook her up. "Hey, T-toga, a-are you alright?"

"Of course I'm alright, I'm with y-" her cheeks puffed up and she ran to the bathroom. Shortly following was the sound of vomiting.

"Uh, T-toga, are y-you sure you're a-alright?" I asked.

OOH ! Maybe its mourning sickness!" she got super hyperactive despite just throwing up. She went to a cabinet and pulled out a pregnancy test. When I looked inside the cabinet, my jaw dropped. It was only pregnancy tests. I just stood there looking at different brands. Wow, she had a lot.

"Aww, it's negative." I looked over at Toga who wore a depressed look on her face. Wait, that means... she took the test right in front of me? This girl has no sense of personal boundaries.]

"W-wait. T-toga w-we didn't even h-have s-" I began.

"Yes we did. Last night." Toga's gaze unfocused, "Ugh, it was just a dream. I bet you had the same dream as I did, Izuku baby."

3rd Person's P.o.V.

Izuku had the same dream, but he also didn't. His was a lot more, uh, physical. Toga then started hurling into the toilet again. Izuku would've held her hair back, but it was always in those messy buns of her's, so he couldn't. Their love was like this situation. Toga constantly spews it out, and Izuku holds it down (A/N yay, more symbolism).

'If only,' they thought simultaneously.

Once Toga was done releasing her acids, she limped out onto the floor and was sweating all over the place. "Izuku..."

He grabbed her bridal style and walked down the hall. They both didn't notice but Izuku was groping one of her boobs. He placed her in her bed. He went downstairs to retrieve a bowl for her to throw up in, just in case she can't make it to the bathroom (A/N does anyone else do that?).

When he placed on to her nightstand, her heard her mumbling in her sleep, "No, he's mine, Ochaco you slut." He blushed and immediately went back downstairs. I mean, it was a compliment, kind of. While he was downstairs he decided to make an old western recipe to help cope with the flu. A.K.A. chicken noodle soup. We only shopped yesterday, so the cabinets were stocked full of food that will expire in a few days (A/N expiration dates aren't real. Don't judge me.). He microwaved the soup after he put it into a bowl. Izuku walked up the stairs and went in to his shared room with Toga. 'Wait, we share a room. we're like a long-term relationship or marriage.'

"H-hey Toga, I got soup," Izuku paused. Toga was laying atop their bed, sweating like crazy.

"Kill me...." Toga sighed out. Her sweltering was like crazy. Izuku made a bold decision, and that was to strip her down to her underwear.

He managed to take off her t-shirt and pants, but that was the problem. It was just her khaki bra and black panties. 'Damn. Why does she have to be so hot?' Izuku was never a pervert, but he admired her beauty. His blush was approaching hers in color and size, despite her constantly having a blush and a flu.

"I thought this was a dream, but the shear pain assured me it isn't." Toga managed to whisper out of her mouth. "Now feed meh." Izuku proceeded to spoon-feed her the soup. "Oh how the tables have turned. Thank you."

'Why do I stay with her? I could run away any second and ask U.A. to up their security, but I just can't. It's like I have this compulsive feeling to stay with her. Where is this feeling even coming from?'

'Why don't I just kill him. Or at least cover him in blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. I find it so irresistible, the look, the smell, the taste. I find it so handsome, so hot, so sexy. But he's already perfect and more, so why taint him with scars, cuts, etc. The simple solution: don't. No stabby stabs, no torture, no murder, no ripping limb from limb, no cutting into tiny pieces, no putting little pieces into a suitcase and dropping them at the bottom of the ocean. That got oddly specific. But I love him.'

"Izuku?" Toga squeaked. No nicknames or anything just his name.

"Y-yeah?" Izuku replied.

"Do you love me?" she wore a face that was somewhat sad, somewhat blank. Like a puppy whose owner is at war. Or a child whose parent is at war. Or an Amazon package, whose owner is at war.


"Ok, then once I feel better I need you to prove it."

"O-of course."