chapter 10

Bakugo P.o.V.

I was just walking to my mom's house for something stupid, probably. And as I'm walking near Deku's house, I see the damn nerd and the psycho villain that was at the League of Villains holding each other's hands. And I'm just like, 'Shit.'

"DEKU!!!" I yelled.

"AAAHHH!" Deku was caught off guard and jumped back only to fall on his ass. "K-k-kacchan? W-w-what are you d-doing here?"

"I THINK I HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO TO MY HOUSE! THE REAL QUESTION IS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITH HER?!" I pointed to Deku, and then to Psycho. I was screaming. The only reason why I dated that slut, Uraraka was to make Deku depressed and I could win another fight against him.

"He's walking me home, Baka-hoe," Psycho said. "You know, to the U.A. dorms. I'm his prisoner now. Oh how times have changed."

"DEKU YOUR SORRY ASS AND YOUR PSYCHO BETTER BE OUT OF MY SIGHT BY THE TIME I COUNT TO 3!!!" Deku looked terrified. He started running off into the direction of U.A. before I even started counting. "1," He already activated his Quirk, picked up Psycho bridal style, and ran off into the distance. I didn't even get to 2, or beat him to a bloody pulp. Psycho will probably beat me to it.

Izuku P.o.V.

After we were some distance away from Kacchan, not quite at U.A., but close I talked to Toga. "Himiko, y-you can't just b-be saying stuff l-like that in front of anyone, let alone Kacchan. Who knows w-what he'll do to u-us."

"But Izuku, I love you so much that I can't contain it sometimes in my heart or anything else. You can help me stop tonight, huh Izuku." Toga said in her usual voice, then got into a more giddy one. She wanted the D.

"Y-y-y-yeah, s-s-sure, j-just as l-long a-as we g-get into U.A." I told her.

"Great! Lez go!" We started walking, well I started walking, Toga was skipping, to U.A. We were at the entrance when I noticed Toga was a little nervous. "Izuku I'm scared," she said in a sheepish voice. "What if they don't like me?" She placed her hands on her opposite shoulders and started rotating her hips to show anxiety.

I have to say everything correctly, or else she'll be worried. "Himiko I'm sure they'll love you." I lied. I lied HARD. Not only was she in the group trying to overthrow U.A., but she tried to stab some of the students. But I had to tell her a lie, for her sake and my sanity. If she goes in through the way she normally does, no body will take notice. But Kacchan knows, maybe he'll tell, maybe he won't. It's KACCHAN! Rationality is not his strong suit.

They arrived at the front of the U.A. dorms, hidden behind a stretigically placed bush, being careful that no one saw them. They kissed each other good bye, and went their separate ways. Izuku walk through the front, and Toga would climb through the back. This was as dangerous as a war, so taking the best plan of action was optimal.

3rd Person's P.o.V.

Izuku was walking through the front door not one person took notice of him till someone shouted, "DEKU!" Bakugo was at home, probably being abused by his mother, so that left only one suspect to say this nickname. Ochaco Uraraka. "What have you been doing?, Where have you been?! We were so worried!" She came up to him and hugged him, careful not to touch him with her fingers and make him float around. She buried her face into his chest. She said calmly, but sadly "I was so worried. I know this was all my fault."

Mina, who was in the corner whispered to Asui, "I'm not even going to try to disagree this time."2

Uraraka resumed her one-sided conversation, "I'm just happy to have you back. The guilt was to immense. It's like a weight off my chest."

Izuku wasn't going to admit it, nonetheless around or to his ex, but he was kinda happy to see her, too. Along with everyone else in the 1-A class. Except for Bakugo. Screw Bakugo.

After finishing the questioning of his class, Izuku made his way back to his room. Little did he know that he was being followed by the group who called themselves the Izuku Relocation Squad (IRS so you know this isn't good) minus Bakugo and Uraraka ( she's in the bathroom). They rounded corners after he did, walked the same hallways as he did. Izuku eventually made it to his dorm, the IRS hot on his trail.

Toga jumped out of doorway, tackled Izuku onto the floor, and started kissing Izuku all over his face. "I could stand those little minutes without you, Izuku baby." She resumed her kisses, and her talking. She went back and forth. "You are mine. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dead."

"H-h-h-Himiko please not in the hall, Himiko," they started laughing, but they abruptly stopped. Both of the, slowly turned their heads in unison to the part that was peeking from behind a corner. The IRS. Mina casually took out her phone and then captured a picture.

"You didn't see us. We weren't here, You weren't here. This situation didn't happen. Get it? Got it? Good." Toga said in a crazy voice. Not psychotic, per say, but so stern it felt like if you didn't reply exactly the way she wanted you to, that you'd end up dead. Too bad she was outnumbered 1 to 5, and numbers aren't her strongest area.

Mina stepped forward, and asked the question on everyone's mind, "Hello Izuku, nice to see ya. So first, let me start off by asking, WHAT IS SHE DOING WITH YOU!?" and then she asked the question no body was thinking, "AND OMG ARE YOU A COUPLE YOU 2 ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!?"

"U-um well yeah, s-she has been s-sentenced to live with m-me in t-turn for h-her crimes," Izuku responded surprisingly calm. "A-and about our relationship, w-well, ummm...."

"We're dating each other and I know we're so cute!" Toga interrupted.

"And when did this start?" interrogated Asui, her voice in suspense, but her face unchanged.

"Hmm, let me think," Toga responded. "Oh yeah right before he Detroit Smashed me!"

"Midoriya, you are at no age to be doing such actives and at no place to be discussing said activities," Iida informed.

"Never stick your's in a psycho!" Momo said.

"Well we'd love to stay, but Izuku and I have some things to catch up on," said Toga, pushing Izuku into their room.

Todoroki said, "Didn't she say they were apart for a few minutes?"