chapter 11

3rd Person's P.o.V.

It is the weekend. Izuku had just finished his first week back. Every student in the 1-A class was tired whenever they went to school. Their eyes were bloodshot. The bags under their eyes were noting less than zombie-like. There were 2 main reasons that included every student. First off, Aizawa was working them like dogs. The other reason, and probably the more effecting was Izuku and Toga. Toga demanded that she has a nightly pounding. Her moans were really, really loud. So loud that when the entire class, besides Izuku (and Mineta), decided to sleep in the common area to try to sleep, but the sounds were still reverberating off the walls.

(Just for future reference, Toga isn't in the class of 1-A. That would be more interesting I must admit, but it makes less sense. I abide by logic, just only when I want to.)

They spent most of Friday after school to catch up on some Zs. They all woke up late morning. They met up in the common area. They were doing whatever they normally did on Saturdays. Momo was studying, Mineta was reading smut in the corner of the room, Bakugo was yelling in an uncontrollable fit of rage, and Aoyama was watching an old re-run of Project Runway.

Izuku walked down to the common area. He was painted with a look that made him look tired, but happy (oh yeah). After rubbing his eyes for quite some time, he looked up and announced, "Has anyone seen where Toga's at?"

Kirishima poked his head up and said, "In your pants." A lot of class 1-A started laughing. Namely, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Jirou, and the people who nobody cares about ( Ojiro, Hagakure, Sato). Bakugo also laughed, but maniacally. Mineta laughed as well, but he looked insane, was crying, and foaming from his mouth. Everyone else didn't have a sense of humor, or was too focused on Project Runway.

They were interrupted by a scream originating from upstairs. Izuku activated One For All and quickly ran to the source of the the screaming. It was coming from the girl's dorms. Izuku ran past them, just to discover Uraraka's door, waiting ajar. Inside it was Uraraka sitting down, cowering into a wall, her left arm reaching towards her attacker in a defensive position. Who was this, attacker? It was the shortish, blonde psychopath wielding a knife held up in the air with both of her hands.

"You're dead, you piece of filth. You hurt my Izuku baby's heart, so I'm a gonna hurt your's!" Toga yelled insanely. As Toga was thrusting down her knife, Izuku grabbed her wrists with both of his hands. "Oh hi, Izuku baby!" Toga said jubilantly.

Izuku released one of his hands and grabbed a squirt bottle on Uraraka's dresser and started spraying Toga. "Bad Toga. Bad bad Toga."

Toga hissed in return like a cat. "Save the squirting and calling me a bad girl for later, k!" Toga said after wiping the drops from her face. Izuku grew a blush on his face, and they strolled out of the room.

Uraraka's was just sitting there and said, "What?"

Timeskip, as ya do

About an hour later, the class was bored. Aoyama just finished binge watching Project Runway. They got bored really fast. "How about a karaoke?" Mina suggested.

"Meh," the entire class said in unison. Hagakure then spoke up, "We did that 3 weeks ago."

"What if we play a game where we sit down in a circle and every time someone moves we have to take off an article of clothing!" Mineta asked, in his perverted tone. Tsuku wasted no time to slap him with her tongue.

"What if we all partook in an activity that improved our school life, such as cleaning the campus, or studying nonstop?" Iida suggested.

Mina looked at him with a ferocious glare that signaled he was about to die. "Ooh ooh! I got it! Laser tag!" She yelled out. The class replied with a "YEAH!"

Time skip to- ah you get the point

They were all assembled on too 3 different teams, separated by color.


Bakugo, Todoroki, Uraraka, Shoji, Sero, Kirishima, Tsuyu


Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Hagakure, Iida


Izuku, Toga (yes she came), Koda, Sato, Aoyama, Mina, Mineta

They were all wearing black vests with glowing pads on the front and back that sported the color that represented their team. They were at a fairly large place. This laser tag arena has been know for being huge. Like, a dark labyrinth of walls, towers, etc. The vests had a cord that connected them to a rifle-like laser gun.

"Aaaaalllllllll right teams, you are going out on the battlefield of lasers," a laser tag employee informed excitedly, "We have certain rules. No fighting, rough housing or anything close to using damaging Quirks. Also, once the glowing part of your vests have been hit by an enemy laser, your pads will stop glowing and your rifles will not shoot." Her voice then changed to a dark one, "Don't die."

They made their way across the battle field. Mineta was the first to go down. A bunch of scattered women in the dark, too hard to resist. Others had their ways of dealing with the situation. Momo created another laser rifle, Jirou and Shoji were using their audial Quirks to evade danger, Iida was running around, Ojiro was leaping, and Tokoyami was using Dark Shadow to block the lasers, but that last one didn't work. L in lasers stands for light.

Before you knew it, only a few people were left.


Bakugo, Uraraka, Shoji3


Momo, Jiro, Iida


Izuku, Toga, Aoyama, Mina

The Green Team was silently treading through the territory. Soon, they were ambushed by The Blue Team. Momo jumped out and was firing blasts. Toga and Mina dodged a few, but one hit Aoyama. "I am too beautiful for this world." Those were Aoyama's final words (before he walked to the exit). The Green Team continued on, and blasted Jiro and barely managed to hit Iida. The Green team continued walking, but soon Mina's pad stopped glowing suddenly. They looked around, but Izuku and Toga saw no players. Then, another blast came a shooting, and then the two looked and saw The Red Team at the top of a distant tower, trying to no-scope them. Toga casually shot her rifle, and hit Shoji, somehow. "Did ja see that Izuku? I sniped him, aren't chat proud of me? I'm good at a knife and a gun!" Toga said ecstatically.

"Y-yeah, now l-let's get the rest."

Bakugo jumped from the distant tower to right in front of Izuku and shot him right in the chest. Bakugo proceeded to look for the last Green player, but that's when he heard, "Omea wa mo shinderu!"

"What the HE-" Bakugo was interrupted by Toga shooting him square in the back. Bakugo then left to find the exit, but then Toga heard Uraraka's footsteps coming from behind her. She didn't even bother to look at her, Toga just shot towards what she was hearing, and happened to hit Uraraka's vest. The arena glowed green, signaling that The Green Team had won.

Timeskip to back at the doors.

Everyone congratulated Toga on winning, everyone except Bakugo. Uraraka caught up to him and asked, "Hey, we're ya going?"

Bakugo grabbed her arm and pulled her. "To go blow off some steam."