Chapter 11

Morning of the full moon

"I have a late shift today so I'll be home late tonight." Mom said

"Mom I'm going to Theo's, Lola's gonna be there." I say

"What are you planning on doing while there?" She asked

"Studying we have exams coming up soon and we all decided to study with him." I lied

"Okay, I'll be texting Lola to make sure your being good." Mom says

"You can trust me." I say

"I know, I was kidding." Mom said

"I love you." I say as I leave the house for school

"I love you too babygirl." Mom says

I walk to school. I sit down in my chemistry class. A new student walks in.

"Class this is Andy Valentino." She says

I used my heightened sense of smell to try and figure out if he's human or not. He didn't smell human at all. He didn't smell like a werewolf either. He looked at me weird.

"What's your deal?" He asks

I look away and try to focus on class.

I get to lunch and sit at the table with Lola and Theo.

"Becky's dead." Says Theo

"What happened?" I asked

"Hunters." He said

He looked over at Mandy and Nick.

"People like them killed my aunt." He said

"So what happened is there no alpha now?" Asked Lola

"No I passes on to the next family member." He said

"Oh, so Ben is the alpha now?" Asks Lola

"No, I am." Theo says

"How, he's older than you." I say

"I was with Becky when she died and she gave the alphaism." He said

"So Theo's the big scary alpha now?" Lola mocked

"I can make you an omega." He threatened

"Go right ahead I'm sure your girlfriend would have a lovely chat with you about that." Lola says

"You do know since Becky's dead you can't ever be human again right?" Theo said

"What?" Lola asked

"Yeah she was your only ticket to get you out of this." Theo said

"Wait did Becky ever tell you why she turned us?" I asked Theo

"That didn't come up." He said

Just then Casey and Ben walked in.

"Hey how was wicked hollows?" Lola asks

"It's kinda funny how much you and Alex are alike." Casey says to Lola

"Adrianna was quick to learn, which was good I think she might end up as an amazing alpha." Ben says

"That's cool." I say

"How was Alex learning?" I ask

"She was fast very fast she has the makings of a good witch." Casey smiled

"Wait Theo do you know exactly who killed her?" I ask 

Ben seemed sad for about a second but then returned to his happy state. Like Theo and Ben said they don't really talk to their aunt too much.

"I don't know who killed her it was dark and they had corralled off the area." He said, "Who ever they where they must have had a lot against Becky."

This didn't look like news to Ben.

"Ben how come you know about this?" I ask

"Theo texted me when he found her." Ben said


School ended and I went home with Ben, Lola, and Theo. Theo chained Lola and I up to the support beams. Hey sighed as he sat down on the stairs.

Later on the moon started to rise. Lola and I tried to get out of the chains. It wouldn't budge. I gave up after a while. I just sat there and snarled. Theo growled at Lola and she sat still.

I woke up the next morning and sat there.

"Theo, can you undo this?" I ask

He walks over to Lola and I. He undoes Lola's then mine. I look at my arms. They had the marking from the chains.

"It's fine it should heal pretty quickly." He says

Theo walks up the stairs. Leaving Lola and I in the basement.

"Theo seems different." I say

"How?" Lola asks

"I don't know... But he's just seems off lately." I say

"Since it's Saturday wanna hang at my house?" Asks Lola

"Sure." I say

Lola and I walk up the stairs.

"Lola and I are going to her house, bye babe." I say

"Bye." He says

I walk out of the house with Lola. As soon as we got to her car she gave me a weird look.

"What was that for?" I ask her

"What was that in the house he didn't even bother to get off the couch!" Lola exclaims

"I know, see I told you he been weird lately!" I say

We get out of Lola's car and sheriff Erwin is home.

"Hey dad, why are you home this early?" Lola asks

"Low calls, but I'm still on call if they need me." He says

Lola and I go into the living room and watch some tv. I texted Theo.

What is up? Is there something bothering you?

He replied,

I'm fine.

I text back,

It didn't seem like it, I got no hug or kiss when I left... Just BYE.

Sorry I just needed to chill.

Okay. I love you.

Luv u 2

I shut my phone off.

"Who was that?" Lola asks

"Theo." I answer

"Oh." Lola says, "What did you say?"

"I asked what was up." I say

"What did he say." Lola asks

"He said he needed to chill, probably stressing over Becky's death and being the new alpha." I say

"Is that when it started?" Lola asks

"Yeah right around there." I say

"It's been a week." Lola announces

"I know, I've been keeping count." I say

Just then I hear radio feed back, I focus my hearing on that.

Sheriff your needed.

He replied

"Okay thank you deputy Carter, be right there." Sheriff Erwin says, "Bye girls I'll be home later, Adena your moms okay with this right?"

"Yeah." I say

Sheriff Erwin leaves and I can hear his car door shut and his engine start.

"So what's we gon do?" Lola asks

"First off, never say that again... Second I don't know." I say

"We could have a marathon." Lola suggests

"Sure." I say

I still was uneasy about Theo but being with Lola made me forget all about it... That's what friends are for.