Chapter 12

3 days later

Theo has been really weird and my friends are noticing it to. Nobody even has a clue why. I'm starting to worry.

Out of the blue I get a call from Ben.

"Hey what's-"

Ben cut me off, "You've noticed Theo's been acting weird too, right? Or is it all in my head?" Ben asks

"No not in your head at all I've been noticing it too." I say

"Okay cool." Ben says

"Not cool as in he's being weird but cool that it's not all in my head." Ben quickly adds

"I know I got you, so what do you think is up?" I ask

"I have no idea whatsoever my brother has always been a mystery." Ben says

"He hasn't been to me but for these past weeks he's been confusing the fucking shit out of me." I say

"I know, he's been out more lately." Ben says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"He leaves the house a lot and doesn't come back until late." Ben explained

"Thanks Ben I gotta go I'm getting a call from Lola." I say

I wasn't but I called her up and told her what Ben had said to me.

"So I have no fucking idea what's going on... Even his brother notices something is off." I say

"I don't know what to tell you." Lola says

"All I know is he's acting weird and as his girlfriend you should talk to him." Lola adds

"What about as his beta?" I ask her

"Uh huh I am not doing anything, he's your boyfriend." Lola says

"Thanks." I sarcastically mutter into the phone

"Welcome." She says

We hang up and go sit next to Sabrina.

"What's ups sis?" She asks

"Nothing." I say

"Oh really?" She turns to me

"Yeah." I say

"You sure about that?" Sabrina asks

"I'm sure." I say

"Tell me what's wrong." Sabrina says

I sit there with my mouth shut.

"Tell me!" She demanded

"Fine, Theo's been acting weird lately and I'm not the only one who sees it and I'm starting to worry." I say

"How long have you been dating now?" She asks

"Almost five months." I answer

"Oh." Sabrina says

"What?" I ask

She looked off in the distance.

"What Sabrina?" I ask

"I can't." She says

"Sabrina!" I say

"I think he might be cheating on you." Sabrina says

My jaw dropped. Tears rolled down my face at even the slightest possibly that he cheated on me. Sabrina drew me into a tight hugs as I started balling. She rubbed my back.

"I didn't want to say anything because that simple reason." Sabrina says

I pull away from her hug.

"If you find out for sure please tell me." I say

Sabrina goes on her phone. She hands it to me.

"This was in the senior group chat." Says Sabrina

I scrolled through the chat.

Jason Anderson: I feel bad for Adena

Sabrina Parker: what about my sister

Jill Carsik: Theo Lykoan cheated on her.

Sabrina Parker: with who?

Jill Carsik: see for your self

Jill Carsik: video attached

I press play very reluctantly. I see Stacy and Theo leave school together.

Sabrina Parker: what does that prove?

Gregg Hartly: it proves they where together and I talked to his brother Ben.

Sabrina Parker: wait Ben knows?

Jill Carsik: Ben and the seniors all know.

Sabrina Parker: why the fuck r u keeping it from Adena she has a right to know

Jill Carsik: being cheated on sucks it's better if she doesn't know.

Sabrina Parker: seriously r u kidding me?

Jill Carsik: I'm not don't tell Adena.

Sabrina Parker: why wouldn't I tell her?

Jill Carsik: you know how it feels remember Tyler?

Sabrina Parker: never say his name again.

Jill Carsik: then don't tell Adena

Then the text messages ended.

"How long have you known this?" I ask

"Five days." Sabrina says

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" I ask

"Because I didn't want to be the one to tell you, that's Theo's job." Sabrina says

"No, it's who ever knows it their job to tell me." I say

"Well think of it this way now you can get revenge." Sabrina says

"Very true." I say

"So what do you plan on doing?" Sabrina asks

"Make a big performance at lunch and call out Stacy and Theo." I say

"Sounds good, I'd so be there but I don't have B lunch." Sabrina says

"I'm pretty sure someone will film it." I say

"Yeah." Sabrina says

I go to my room and call Lola. It rings a couple times before she picks up.

"Hey." She greets

"I just talked with Sabrina." I say

"What about?" Lola asks

"Theo." I say

"So what's her theory." Lola asks

"She doesn't have a theory she's knows why he's been acting weird." I say

"Why?" Lola asks

"He cheating on me with FUCKING STACY HALL!" I shout

"I called it." Lola said

"What?" I ask

"I had a feeling but I didn't wanna say anything." Lola says

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask

"I literally just said why." Lola said

"But still I'd like to know." I say

"I sorry." Lola says

"Don't tell anyone I know." I say

"Why?" She asks

"I have something planned." I say

"Like what?" Lola

"Call out that butch Stacy and Theo tomorrow at lunch." I say

"Awesome, I'll back you up." Lola says

"I had a feeling you would though." I say

"Love you but I've gotta go." Lola says

"Love you to see you at school." I hang up

I get in my pjs and got to sleep.


I wake up the next morning and get dressed for school. I feel exited for school for once.

I greet Lola at the door of the school. We walk around the halls together and talk. Then the bell rings and the school day officially starts.