Chapter 13

I sit down at the lunch table. Lola sits down next. Then comes Casey and Eleanor. Then lastly Theo. He sits next to me.

"Hey babe." He says

He tries to kiss me. I move my face the other way.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Don't whats wrong me!" I say

He looks at me.

"What did I do?" He asks

By now people are looking.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What did you do? What about what you and Stacy did, huh?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Don't play dumb Theo, I know." I say

"Know what?" He asks

I stand up out of my seat.

"I know and Stacy Hall are fucking every Friday." I say

"She comes to my house for a project." He says

"That's bullshit!" I say

"No, what the bullshit is this I would never cheat on you." Theo says

Ben had just sat down.

"Theo quit talking shit!" Be says, "The least you can do at this point is to tell the truth."

Then Stacy came up to us.

"Your boyfriend was a good fuck, guess you won't be his first." She snickers

"Shit." Theo mutters

I slap Stacy and she falls to the ground.

"You little whore!" I shout

I look at Theo.

"Don't fucking talk to me again." I say

I take my lunch and go to another table. I sit down and my Friends follow. Mandy walks up to my table. Ben looked at her and turned away.

"Didn't you try to kill me the last time you where around me?" I ask

"I know, I'm sorry I just wanted to say congrats on breaking up with that two sided dog." She said

"Wanna sit with us?" I ask her

"I normally sit with Nick, but sure." Mandy says

We finish lunch and stay at the table. Nick sits down at the table at the empty seat next to Lola.

"Hey why are you sitting here?" He asks Mandy

"I felt like it, I kinda want friends my age." Mandy says

"Whatever." Nick says

Nick was still sat at our table.

"What are you still doing here?" Ben asks

"Sitting with my sisters friends." Nick answered

"Why?" Mandy asks

"Because, I wanted to talk to them anyway." Nick says

"Ok." Mandy says

"Since you two left Theo's pack, he's going to recruit replacements." Nick says

"Okay and we care why?" Asks Lola as she took a bite of her meatball sub

"Because they will he students from here." Nick says

"Still don't see why I care?" Lola says

"Because you just should, adding two betas is a lot more power than you think and if he adds more than two you can't hold against him." Ben informs

"What do you mean?" I ask

"There's this witch book, it was written by a witch that had the power to see into the future... And it says an alpha will rise and one will fall." Nick says

"What am I the one who's supposed to rise?" I ask

"Yeah." Nick says

"And how do you know that it's me?" I ask

"I spoke to the witch in person." Nick says

"When was this?" Mandy asked

"Not too long before Adena turned into a werewolf." Nick says

"Non of you felt the need to tell me this?" I ask

I look around at the table. They all look around at each other.

"Well, can someone just say something?" I ask

"The witch also said that you will-" Nick said but Mandy cut him off

"Shut the fuck up." Mandy says

"Tell me." I say

"Okay so what I was going to say before Mandy interrupted... Adena your not gonna live past senior year." Nick says

"Wow... Thanks." I say sarcastically

"Wait, how is she gonna die?" Lola asks

"I don't remember that part." Nick says

"Seriously?" I ask

"Yeah." Nick searches his neck

"That's great." Lola says

"But on a lighter note your gonna make the soccer team." Nick says

"Really?" I ask

"Team captain too." He says

"Wow, at least high school will be great." I say

"Your taking this way better than I thought you would." Mandy says

"Well if I've only got high school to live then I'm gonna live it to the fullest." I say

I take my plate and throw it in the bin for the lunch lady's to wash. I walk out of the lunch room and into the halls. Mandy, Lola, as Nick follow.

"Hey I have that kid in my fifth hour." Mandy said as she pointed to Aden

Aden isn't the cutest guy in school but he is on the basketball team, he also has other redeeming qualities like he's funny, his laugh is amazing, and he's normally polite to girls unless she's a total slut he'll tell her off.

"Ok." I say to Mandy

"He said he used to like you in seventh grade." Mandy said

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask

Seventh grade was the year my sister, my mother, and I moved to hunters hollow. I'm pretty sure I looked worse in seventh grade than I do now in tenth grade.

"I don't know the teacher told us to stop talking." Mandy said

"Oh." I say

"Why, do you like him?" Mandy asks

"Maybe." I say

"Really? he's not that cute!" Lola says

"When I look for a guy that I want to date I look at who they are and not how they look." I say

"Much like you did with Theo." Lola said sarcastically

"Not a good example, but I've learned from my past mistakes." I say

"So wait Mandy, what has Aden been saying?" I ask

"Well he got your number apparently and he says he gonna call you in class and see if you answer." Mandy says

"How did he get my number?" I ask

"I asked him that and he completely blew me off." Mandy says

"I'll talk to him about it." I say

"Why?" Mandy asks

"I'm a curious girl." I say

"We know that but why would you do that?" Lola asks

"Because I wanna know why he doesn't like me anymore." I say