Chapter 16

I went to school the next day and it was like every other day... At first. Then Aden walked up to me.

He smiled. His eyes glowed a golden color, then he walked away. What the hell? Was he always a wolf or did Theo do this? I felt light headed so I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror my eyes glowed a dark green.

I'm officially an omega... How the hell am I supposed to beat Theo now? I don't have a pack. I don't have power nor do I have the determination it takes to win. I'm going to die.

Lola opened to door and came in. She too looked in the mirror. She gasped when she saw her eyes where green.

"Omega?" She asked

"Yeah." I sighed

I splashed water in my face. The glowing green went away. It's just Lola and I now. I know Ben will be there for us though. He's always wanted to fight his brother... Until now he never had a reason.

"You do know we have Casey, Sabrina, Mandy, and Nick right?" Lola asked

"Yeah." I says

I took a paper towel and dried my face off.

"What are we gonna do now?" Lola asks

"We plan, but we have to talk to Andy first." I say

"True, so when do we talk to him?" Lola asks

Lola and I walk out and Andy was right there.

"I hear your in quite the pickle." Andy smugly says

"No kidding." Lola said

"Well have you two hooligans figured out what I am yet?" Andy asks

"Well I know your not human." I say

"Any guesses?" He asks

"Nope." Lola and I say

"I'm a Wendigo and so is my girlfriend Heaven." He says

"Oh." I say

"Makes sense." Lola shrugs

"So I hear you require me and someone like me to help you defeat Theo and his pack." Andy says

"You heard correctly." I say

"Heaven and I would be interested, haven't had a fight with a wolf pack in decades." Andy smiles

"Oh." I say

"Don't worry when you get a pack of your own I'll leave you alone... I just can't stand Theo." Andy says

"Thank you, so I can trust you and Heaven are allies?" I ask

"Yeah, unless you cross us... I will kill you." Andy laughs

He walks down the hallway and links arms with his girlfriend Heaven. Lola looks at me with a slight hint of discoloration on her face.

"What?" I ask her

"Andy seems a little demented." Lola says

"I know but if we are going to take Theo down before he takes us down we need him." I say

"Very true." Lola says

"So what are you going to do about the whole Aden thing?" Lola asks

"I didn't say anything to you about that, how do you know?" I say

"Because he showed me his eyes." Lola says

"Oh, makes sense." I say

"How did you think I knew?" Lola asks

"I thought you could read my mind." I say

"Oh, that is a power we have... But not as omegas." Lola sighs

"It feels like being human again." I say

"I feel like my energy is being drained." Lola says


Mean while with Theo and his pack.

"Lola and Adena are weak from going from betas to omegas, so we take this time to strike." Theo says

"What about their alliances with the Hunters, Wendigos, and Witches?" James asks

"What part of surprise don't you understand James?" Theo asks

Theo looks over to Aden who sits in the corner completely contemplating his decision to become a werewolf. He knew that it was a dumb idea but he wanted to be like Adena.

"What's wrong with you Harper?" Asks Theo

"I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind right now." Aden says

"Hey, Theo I'm still really confused why we have to kill Adena and Lola?" Stacy asks

"Stacy your apart of this pack, you don't have to understand you just have to do what I say." Theo says

"I was just wondering quit being such a grouch." Stacy says

"The reason we need to take them down is because Adena will take me down and to prevent that I kill her first." Theo says

"Why Lola too?" Vanessa asks

"As and accessory, why do you care?" Theo asks

"Because I just want to know the motive behind the killer." Vanessa says

"Since when are you smart?" Asked Stacy as she filed her nails

"Whatever." Theo says

"When do we attack?" Stacy asks

"After school." Theo smiled


Back to Adena

Classes went by and school ended. I walked out of school with Lola and into the woods. Then Theo, Stacy, Vanessa, Aden, and James came out of the school and started walking towards us.

Lola and I started running. It was no use. Being an omega is so different than being a beta.

Stacy and Vanessa caught up with us. Theo and James followed.

"My mother taught me it wasn't okay to hit a girl, but their girls so not my problem." Theo smirked

I look over at James and Aden who stood by Theo. Aden looks like he's just been ran over by a semi truck.

Stacy walks over to me and punches me straight in the nose. Blood starts dripping down. I punch her square in the jaw. You could hear it snap out of place. I knew I wasn't going to win but I sure was gonna put up a fight.

Stacy snapped her jaw back in place and then proceeded to sweep my legs from under me. I fell on my butt and she kicked me. I spat the blood out of my mouth. For a moment she stopped. I looked over at Lola who was still on her feet, swinging punches at Vanessa. Then she too was on the ground.

"What are you doing, Stacy?" Theo yelled

Then she started kicking me again. I've had enough. I caught her leg and broke it. She fell the the ground. You know one thing I forgot, It takes longer for me to heal and she heals quicker. So getting up wasn't an option. So I laid there and pretended to be dead.

It was a trick Sabrina had taught me incase this ever happened. I pressed down on a pressure point on my neck. I should be up in three hours. The remaining time of consciousness is...