Chapter 17

I woke up in the woods. Lola was on the ground too. I got up and ran to her side. I lifted an arm and I felt for a pulse. It was there but growing weak. I saw she had claw marks all over her. She's loosing blood and fast. But I can't go to the hospital because they'll ask all of these questions. So I called Casey up.

"Casey I need your-"

I didn't even finish the sentence and she was already here. She put her hands on my shoulders. And she teleported us to her house. She clapped her hands and the room transformed and all her potions where on shelves.

Casey went to a jar and took a plant out. She shoved it in Lola's mouth and put water in with it. Lola swallowed and jolted up. Just then Lola's wounds started to heal.

"Holy shit!" She gasped

"What the hell happened to you?" Casey asked

"Theo." Lola says

"More like Stacy and Vanessa." I say

"I fucking hate those two, I suggest we kill them first." Lola says

"AGREED!" I shout

"You guys have to stay out of trouble." Casey says

Casey puts her jars back in place. Lola gets up and nearly falls. I pick her up before she hits the ground.

"Is there a spell that can make us have more power?" Lola asks

I sit Lola down on the couch and I walk back over to Casey.

"I don't know, I can always look it up in my spell book." Casey says

"Please do." Lola impatiently says

Casey looks at her spell book. She flips through the whole thing.

"Nope." She says as she puts it back on the shelf

Casey claps her hands again and her house looks like a normal house.

"What'd yah mean nope?" Lola asks

"I mean there's no magical way to make a omega to an beta or to an alpha, you can go from beta to alpha magically... But not from omega." Casey says

I sigh and plop down on the couch next to Lola.

"I do suggest on calling Adrianna and her pack." Casey says

"The one from Wicked Hollows?" I ask

"Yeah, she has become an alpha by killing the tyrant alpha in Wicked hollows, she can come here and make you apart of her pack then you become betas." Casey says

"How do I contact her?" I ask

"It's the twenty first century and she's a teenager, you contact her by phone." Casey said

"What's her number?" I ask

Casey got out her phone and sent me Adrianna's contact info. I program the info into my phone and called Adrianna.

It rang a couple times before she answered.

"Hello?" Adrianna asked

You could hear Alex in the background asking who it was on the phone with her.

"I'm Adena Parker, you remember Ben Lykoan right?" I ask

"Yeah, he came with Casey maxwell." Adrianna said

"I'm a friend of his, Ben's brother is threatening my life, my friends lives, and family, and my friends families too and I can't defeat him as an omega." I say

"Your looking for a pack aren't you?" Adrianna says

"For me and my friend Lola." I say

"I can come February 20th." Adrianna says

"Thank you Adrianna." I say

"Any thing for a friend of Ben's." Adrianna says

I hung up.

"Thank god for Casey and her contacts." Lola says

"Your welcome." Casey smiled, "When is she coming?"

"Three days from now." I say

"What happens if Theo decides to attack us again?" Lola asks

"You call me." Casey says, "Which you should have done today."

"I know it just happened too fast." I say

"Well not to sound like a total bitch but you had time." Casey said

"No, we didn't." Lola said

"You should've." Casey said

"You weren't there so you can't say a thing!" Lola says

"Whatever" Casey sighed

Then Sabrina walked in. Lola and I walked out.

"So what are you gonna do about Aden?" Lola asks

"Nothing." I say

"Oh come on!" Lola says

"What?" I say

"He likes you." Lola says

"Your forgetting one important detail." I say

"What?" Lola asks

"He's in Theo's pack." I say

"Oh yeah, totally forgot about that." Lola says

"I swear your blonde." I say

"I'm not though, unless my dad secretly dyes my hair brown without me knowing." Lola says

"It's a real possibility." I say

"What do you mean?" Lola asks

"I was spending the night at your house one time and he came in your room and organized your closet... Like even your shoes." I say

"He's such a neat freak, I purposely make my room a mess just to piss him off." Lola laughs

"Anyway, are we gonna go to your house or mine?" I ask

"Yours." She says

"Ok." I say

As we walk to Lola's house there's a silence. Her phone buzzes and she looks at it.

"Is it okay if Ben comes from over?" Lola asks

"Sure." I say

We walk through the woods to Lola's house. Ben was already waiting at the door when we arrived.

"Took you long enough." He complained, "I also ordered pizza while I was waiting it should be here soon."

Lola pulls out her keys and opens the door. The three of us walk in.

"Ben you said you wanted to talk?" Lola asked

"Yeah... I wanted to tell you something... Promise you won't flip." He says

"I promise." She says

The doorbell rang and I got up to open it. It was the pizza guy. I the pizza Ben had pre-paid and shut the door. I ran back to the couch and I sat there hoarding the pizza.

"Do you want any?" I ask

"No the box was for you." Ben said

"Really?" I ask

I shove a piece in my mouth. I finish the whole box in no time. I get up to put the box in the trash.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted... I'm gay." Ben said

"Oh  I already figured." Lola said

"How?" Ben asked he seemed shocked

"Your not very incognito about being gay." She says

"True." I admit

"How so?" Ben asked

"Killian." She said

"What about Killian." Ben blushed

Killian has emerald green eyes, blonde hair styled like Jace Wayland, he was taller than Ben by a couple inches, he always wears tight clothes, he's very sarcastic, he is in several honors classes with Ben, he's not afraid to slap a bitch, and he's built but not built as in body builder but built as you can tell he works out.

Killian is a senior like Ben. Killian has a little sister in my grade named Delilah. He plays baseball, football, and he's apart of the local dance team.

"YOU LIKE KILLIAN???" The both of us shouted

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure he's straight though." Ben sighed

"Are you kidding me?" Lola laughed

"What?" Ben and I asked

"You don't know." She paused to laugh, "Killian checks guys on his teams out!"

"Guys, my mom texted me... I've gotta go... Thanks for the pizza Ben." I say

"Welcome." He says

"Bye Adena, love you sis." Lola says

"Love yah too." I say

"Am I fricken chopped dick over here or what?" Asked a very offended Ben

"Love you too." I say

"Yeah. Sure." He says

I walk out the door and see sheriff Erwin pull up.

"Hey Ethan, can you give me a ride home?" I ask

I call Lola's dad by his first name cuz we're that tight... Just kidding he told me to call him that.

"Sure Adena." He smiled

"Thank you." I say

We walk to his car and I shut the door.

"Ben is over so don't be alarmed when you see him." I say

"The gay kid?" He asked

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask

"You and Lola talk." He says

He stops at my house and I get out.

"Thanks Ethan." I say

"Anytime, tell your mom I said hi." He said

"Okay." I say