Chapter 20

I got a call from Lola at 3:46 am. I groggily reached for my phone and cringed as the light lit up my room.

"What?" I asked

I could hear her crying into the phone, which is something she rarely did.

"What's wrong Lola?" I ask more gently than the first

"My dad... He he he's been shot." She stutters

"Your at the hospital right?" I ask

"Yeah." She said

"I'm on my way." I say

I push the covers off my legs and slide my boots on and rush out the door. I took my keys from my pocket and unlocked my blue mustang. I got in and drove to the hospital.

I parked and shut the door. I locked it and ran in. I opened the door to the waiting room. Julian was here with her. She sat in the seat bunched up and he had his arm around her. He rested his head on her shoulder and rubbed her back.

I sat down on the other side of her.

"Lola Erwin you may come in." The nurse says opening the door

Julian and I get up to follow, the nurse tells us to sit down.

"We're with her." He says

"Family only." She says

"I'm her cousin, he's my uncle let me in!" Julian says

"I'm his sister." I say

"Fine go in." The nurse sighs

Julian and I walk down the hall and see Lola and her dad. He laid on the bed. Various machines beeping and hard at work. Lola held his hand and didn't let go.

"How did you get in here?" Lola asked

"Where your cousins silly." I say

"Your welcome." Julian says

"That was good, how did you think that fast?" I ask

"I'm good under pressure." Julian says

Sheriff Erwin tried to sit up. Lola pushed him back down.

"I need to know how the deputy is doing." He says

"Dad I don't know, all I know is that you need to lay down." Lola says

"Nurse! Nurse! Nurse!" He shouts

She walks into the room.

"Is everything alright?" She asked

"I need to know how deputy Carter is doing." He said

"She is fine, but the other deputy Keller is dead." The nurse says as she starts to walk away

"Nurse." He says

"Yeah?" She asks

"You where engaged to deputy Keller, right?" He asked

She nodded

"Why aren't you balling your eyes out?" He asked

"I can't, I have to focus on work... I don't have the luxury of grief right now." She says

"One more thing, once Doctor Parker gets out of surgery direct her to my room please." He said

"Why do you need my mom?" I ask

"I just do, don't worry kid." He smiled

My mom came in to the room and walked up to Ethan.

"Adena shut the door." She told me

I did as I was told and shut the door. Julian and Lola where sat down on the couch. I sat next to them. My mom started talking, I used my enhanced hearing to hear what she was saying better.

"Ethan what have you gotten yourself into this time?" She asked

"Sorry, Cathy I'm just trying to keep my town safe." Ethan says

"There are other ways." Mom says

"No, Cathy there is no other way... There are many things in this town our children are not aware of... I'd like to keep it that way." Ethan says

Lola looked at me.

"Should we tell them?" Lola asks

"Seems like they already know." I say

Lola and I stand up.

"Mom, Ethan... Lola and I have something to show you." I say

Lola and I halfway transform. My mom screamed.

"What the hell Adena?!?" She shrieked

"Sorry I thought you wouldn't freak out." I say

"What is up with the make-up effects?" She asks

I look at Lola.

"I don't think they know." I say

"Dad, Cathy... This isn't make-up effects this is real." Lola says

Lola walks up to her dad. She held his hand and put it up to her face.

"What have you gotten into girls?" Ethan asks

"There are things that even you both don't know about." I say

"So your-"

I cut my mom off, "A werewolf, yeah."

"Is Sabrina one too?" She asks

"No." I say

"So she's human?" Mom asks

Sabrina walks in.

"Sorry I just saw you called me." Sabrina says to Lola

"No she's not human." I answer

"I know your sisters a werewolf." Mom calmly says to Sabrina

"So you wanna know what I am don't you?" Sabrina asks

Mom nods

"I'm a witch, here I have some herbs to help Ethan heal quicker." Sabrina says

Mom sits down.

"Wow this changes everything, so this is what you've been doing?" Mom asks

We all nod.

"So late nights on the full moon?" Ethan asks

"I've been chained up in a caller." Lola says

"Really... Why?" Ethan asks

"No control, but we can change and stay human when we want... We've got this under control, Now." Lola says

"So late nights at Theo's?" Mom asks

"He's one too, he's also not my boyfriend anymore... He tried to kill my friends, family, and people I love... But I stopped him." I say

"Adena's an alpha now." Lola proudly says

"Your so much more chill about this than I thought you'd be." I say to my mom

"Yeah." Sabrina agrees

"I'm your mother, of course I'd be understanding." She says

"You weren't when it came to my grades." I say

"That's because that is something you can change, this is permanent... Right?" She asks

"As far as I know, yeah." I say

"Dad?" Lola asks

"Yeah?" Ethan looks at Lola

"How do you feel about this?" Lola asks

"Well, like Cathy said it is something you can't change and you are my daughter and I will always love and accept you." Ethan says

Lola looked like she was about to cry.

"Who's he?" Asked Ethan as he pointed to Julian

"That's Julian." I say

"Is he-"

"Yeah." Lola said

"Mom, we have guests... Just to warn you their like me." I say

"Guests?" She asks

"You always told me to be a good person so this is me taking that advice." I say

"I hate when you use my own words against me." Mom says

Sabrina and Lola laugh

"Dr Parker to the main, Dr Parker to the main."

"That's my cue, love you all... Don't let anyone in." Mom says as she leaves

Sabrina starts her spell as she rubbed the herbal mixture on Ethan's wounds. He started to heal like the supernatural.

"You gotta teach me how to do that." Ethan says as he pulls his shirt down

"Sorry sheriff, that's witches only." She smiles