Chapter 21


School is back on after the weekend. Adrianna and her pack are still chilling at my house. Sheriff Erwin is still in the hospital, only so they make sure he's not moving too much.

I sit down and go though a boring day of school. I drive home and walk through the door and to my surprise find that my mom is actually home before I am.

"Hey mom, why are you home so early?" I ask

"Well, there was no major cases that had to be done after two so they said I could leave." She smiled


Adrianna, Gregg, and Taylor came down the stairs.

"Hey Cathy." Taylor greeted

"Hey girls... and guy." Mom smiled

I'm surprised she's letting them stay.

"Now if you three going to stay under my roof, your going to go to school." Mom says

I thought too soon...

"What?!?" Gregg shrieked

"Yeah, and your going to start tomorrow." Mom says

"How long do you think the plane is going to be stalled?" Gregg asks

"I have no idea but the mechanics here don't know how to fix that kinda stuff." Mom says

"Why can't we take another plane?" Gregg asked

"Because they won't go to Michigan." Mom says

"What about another airport?" Gregg asks

"Give it a rest!" Adrianna growls

"Okay I have some rules of you kids are going to stay here, no werewolf stuff in the house... Take it outside." Mom says angrily

"Fine." Gregg huffs

Adrianna hits Gregg's head. He glares at her.

"Yes Dr Parker." He says

"Call me Cathy." She says

That went well... Sorta.

They go to sit on the couch.

"Hey, hold up we're going to register you for school now." She says

"Where's Julian?" I ask

"With Lola, duh." Taylor says

"I know that but normally he's here around this time and so is she-" I stop in my own tracks

"Oh, oh oh oh no... Seriously? Why him? Why like Julian? It all makes since now! That's why she said he could stay at her place! And that's why he didn't disagree! Oh damn!" I say pacing

"What the hell are you talking about?" Adrianna asked

"Lola and Julian... Kinda have a thing for each other! I can't believe I didn't notice! I'm such a bad friend!" I say

"I'm sure she'll understand, you and her where busy taking on Theo." Taylor says

"Which is odd I haven't seen him." I say

"I'm so lost, come on kids get in my car." Mom says grabbing the keys

"Where's Sabrina?" Mom asks

"Casey's house." I replied

"Oh, she's such a good girl." Mom smiles

"Casey?" I ask

"Definitely not Sabrina." Mom laughs as we all pile in the car

She backs out of the drive way and continues down the street until we turn to the school. We all get out and walk in. The halls echo with our footsteps. We get to principal James' office and walk in.

"I have three... Four students that will be staying for a while and I was wondering if I could get the transfer forms." Mom says

"Yes, I'll go get them... Four copies?" The principal asks

She leaves and returns within seconds.

"Thank you." Mom smiles

"Have the students turn these in on their first day." She says

We exit the building and ride home. Adrianna, Gregg, and Taylor start filling out their forms.

"Mom I'm gonna run this to Julian." I say holding up the form

"I'd say be careful, but I know you can handle yourself." She smiles as she takes my forehead and kisses me

"Love you mom." I smile

I run out the door and to Lola's. As an alpha I'm much stronger, faster, and I can see, hear, and smell things better than a beta. This was all so new. I was running so fast not even a cheetah could catch up to me. I felt so free... That is until I ran into a tree.

"Ow!" I moan

I get up and start running again. I make it to Lola's and reluctantly knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Her voice called out

"Adena." I answered

"It's unlocked." She said

I open the door and walk inside.

"Where's Julian." I ask

"Taking a shower, why?" She asks

"Because he has to fill this out, my mom says he has to start going to school." I say

"I'll let him know he's gotta fill it out." Lola says

"Ok." I say

I don't understand what the deal is... Lola has been dodging me left and right. I walk out the door and not even five feet from the house I get a text.

I look at my phone expecting it to be Lola, but it was Mandy.

Can u come pick me up?

I replied


Because my parents are fighting and I don't wanna be home rn

On my way

I shut my phone off and run. I jump up to Mandy's window and gently knock. She opens it.

"You got here fast!" She says

"I was in the neighborhood." I say

"Where's your car?" She asks

"Oh, I may have forgot that." I say

"I guess we could walk it." Mandy shrugged climbing out the window

I jumped off the roof and so did Mandy. We started walking. I tuned into Mandy's parents conversation.

"I'm calling James!" Said Mr Argento

"You know what I don't fucking care because I'm calling Jane!" She says

"Who's Jane and James?" I ask Mandy

"Their my mom and dads lawyer friends, it's kinda awkward being a lawyer yourself but you need one." Mandy says

Nick came out of the front door. He walked toward us. He caught up and he was now walking right next to us.

"Why are you here?" Mandy asked

"I'm going to my friends house which is this way." Nick says

Mandy and I keep walking until Nick turns to his friends front yard. A couple minutes later we make it to my house. Adrianna and her pack where there, good thing I got them the rings.

"So these are the werewolves that helped you take down Theo?" Mandy asked

"Yeah." The three of them said looking up from their papers

"So you guys are going to start school at hunters hollow high?" Mandy asks

"Yeah." They say

"So I'll see you around." Mandy says

Mandy and I go up to my room.

"So what are you going to do about the whole dying at the end of senior year?" Mandy asks

"I'm not going to do anything." I say

"Why not?" Mandy asks

"Because there's no point." I say