Chapter 26

We went and got Mandy from her house. We drove to Killian's house and walked in. I immediately took a cup and downed it.

"Hey where's Julian and Lola?" I ask Mandy and Ben

"We must have lost them already." She said taking a sip out of her own cup

I turn and Ben's already gone.

"Damn, oh well... Mandy? Where the hell did they go?" I ask... Myself apparently

Then a girl from school walks over to me, her name is Sasha... I think.

"Hey your in my performing arts class." She says

"That's me." I say

"Your an amazing actress!" She complements

"Thank you Sasha." I say

"Your welcome." She smiles warmly

"Have you seen Lola or Mandy around?" I ask

"Mandy's over by the alcohol and Lola's with Julian outside at the Bon fire." She says

"Thanks!" I say

"Anytime!" Sasha says

Walk outside and find Lola and Julian making out... Fun. I go back inside to find Mandy, drunk off her ass. Apparently hunters can get drunk. I stand there wondering if I should take a video of her or take her home. Then someone taps my shoulder. I turn to see Jackson.

"Hey I didn't expect to see you here!" I say to Jackson

"I didn't expect me to be here." He says

"Why are you here then?" I ask

"Try to make some friends." He says

"You've got me." I say

"We're friends, I didn't mean that as in we we're friends I just meant-"

I don't know what the hell came over me but I kissed him. I backed away and ran toward Mandy.

"Mandy it's time to... Go." I fall to the ground

Suddenly the room was spinning and Jackson was standing over me.

"Adena are yoooouuu ooookaaayy?" He asked

I shut my eyes and the noise was gone. No music no nothing.

I woke up in the morning in my bed. How the fuck did I get here? I look around my room and I see Jackson sitting in my chair. Why is he here, I ask myself.

Then suddenly memories can drifting back. Last night the party... Oh shit what about Mandy. Oh wait she's a hunter she can... Wait she was drunk awe shit I won't be able to live with myself if she got hurt.

Then Jackson woke up.

"Morning." He says groggily

"Hey." I say getting out of my bed

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah... Did you carry me home from Killian's?" I ask

"Well I drove you... And Ben, Lola, Julian, and Mandy." He says

She's okay... Good.

"Thank you, why Ben, Lola, and Julian though?" I asked

"Because they came stumbling in and didn't look in the condition to drive." He said

"How did you know where we live?" I ask

"I called up Sabrina." He said

"Not to ask a lot of questions but how did you get Sabrina's number?" I ask

"She gave it to me and said 'watch out for my little sister okay.' I know weird but it came in handy." He said

"Not to sound ungrateful, but why even bother?" I ask

"I have to make sure I stay on the alphas good side don't I?" He says

"Wait your a werewolf?" I ask

"And omega and so is my brother Finn, we're looking for a pack... And I think yours is one of the two I care about." He said

"Why didn't you say you where a werewolf?" I ask

"Because at the time I didn't know you were until last night at the party." He said

"What do you mean until last night?" I ask

"At the party someone must have brought in wolves bane and you, Lola, Ben, and Julian where exposed to it long enough to affect you so you guys dropped like flies." He said

"How come you weren't affected?" I ask

"I was exposed to it a lot as a child so it doesn't affect Finn or I." He said

"Wait... As a child?" I ask

"I'm a full blood werewolf I wasn't bitten I was born this way." He said

"So your family was a pack?" I ask

"We where hunted down and Finn and I are the only ones left so we came here in search of a pack." He says

"Oh, I'm sorry... I promise Mandy won't bite." I say

"Wait she's a hunter?" He asks

"Yeah, is there something wrong?" I ask

"I thought she was a werewolf." He said

"No she was just really drunk." I say

"Makes sense." He says

"So does your mom know?" He asks

"Yeah she found out a while ago, Lola and I thought our parents knew so we showed them but apparently they didn't so now they know and surprisingly accepted it." I say

"Wow, your mom seems really cool." He says

"She's a doctor and I hardly spend time with her, but when I do she's pretty awesome." I say

"So are Ben, Lola, and Julian are apart of you pack?" He asks

"Yeah." I answer, "But Ben isn't I think he's got a different pack."

"Oh." He says

I get up and walk over to him. I take his face and look straight into his eyes. I admitted him into my pack. But as I did I saw something.

I was in his arms, dead. He was crying. Then from behind him someone beheaded him. I couldn't see the face. It was a quick vision of maybe 10 seconds.

He was officially apart of my pack. And I was officially horrified. Why in hell would I want to know how he dies. Lola and Julian are apart of my pack but I didn't see how they died.

"What the hell?" I say

I sit down on the ground.

"What?" He asked

"It's better I didn't tell you." I say

Later after he left, I walked into Adrianna's and Taylor's room.

"I just officially made Jackson apart of my pack." I say

Adrianna smiled

"That's good, is that not good?" Taylor asked

"It's good, but when I did I got a vision of how he was gonna die." I say

"Oh." Adrianna said

"Is that normal?" I ask

"Yes, I got one when I made you apart of my pack." Adrianna said

"Why didn't I get one when I made Lola and Julian apart of my pack?" I ask

"I didn't get one when Taylor joined or Julian." Adrianna said

"I'll have to talk to Jackson, he might know." I say

"Just don't tell him how he dies." Adrianna said

"Why would I do that?" I ask

"Just telling you." She says