Chapter 27

I was thinking about what Jackson said about him and his brother, Finn. They where a pack. But they where hunted by... Who?

The Lynch's?

The Argento's? But the Argento's where out of question because they weren't like that.

That was on my mind all night. Then my alarm clock went off. No sleep again. That's the fifth time this week since Jackson had been in my pack. I have no idea how I'm even still awake.

I somehow managed to get to my car and drive to school without endangering myself or anyone else on the road. I got out of my car and walked into school. All I have to do is last the whole day without falling asleep in any of my classes.

I got through my first four hours no problem. I took a small nap during lunch and got through fifth hour. Then came history. A class in which I was failing.

I thought there was really no point in it, because I'm gonna die after this so school didn't matter anymore.

"In the 1920's there where speakeasy sand they where established after the 18th amendment-"

Eyes shut... Then I had the same vision I had when I admitted Jackson to my pack. I jolted up in my seat. Mrs Carter gave me a look.

"What are you on?" She asks

"What?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"Why do you look like you've been run over by a semi truck... Five times?" She asked

"I didn't get any sleep... Too much things running through my mind." I say

"Like your grades... Obviously three E's aren't going to get you into a good college." She says

This whole conversation has now set all attention on me. Great... Can't I just die now?

"I know Mrs Carter-" I say but she cut me short

"Eleanor will be helping you with your studies." Mrs Carter said

Kill me now... I thought

"Why are you offering up your daughters time?" I ask

"Because I know she get it done and you too are friends." She says

Kinda... We hardly talk. Eleanor and I hardly even look at each other. Just like how we don't talk, not one of the teachers have said anything about what happened at the school a week back.

Principal James is still in the hospital recovering. Now Vice principal Hare is promoted to principal until Mrs James is back.

Mrs hill doesn't even seem shaken by the fact Mr jasper is gone, and those two where best friends. They replaced Mr jasper with a fun 24 year old female. Who is Mrs French.

She's nice but she's no Mr Jasper. He was so good at his job. He did the line game. Where we stepped on the line if the following thing was true. So for an example,

"If you have ever thought about suicide before, step on the line."

So many people stepped on the line.

Then a slammed hand on my desk pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Adena... Where you even listening." Mrs Carter asks

"Yes." I say

"What did I just say?" She asks

"What did I just say." I said

"Good one, but what was the point of my little five minute speech?" She asked

"For me to get better grades and fix things with the help of Eleanor." I said

"Good, so class in the 1920's-"

I was so done with this class. I sat there and tapped my feet to beat in my head. Then the bell rung saving me from this agony. I hurried out of class to get to my locker. I see Jackson. I walk the other way.

He runs up to me.

"Hey have you been avoiding me?" He asks

"Kinda." I itched the back of my neck

"Why?" He asked

"Because of the kiss." I say

"Why?" He asked

I stopped. I looked at him. He stared into my eyes. Satisfied that he has my full attention now.

"You didn't kiss back." I say

He blinks. He looks hurt. I can feel it.

"I was confused, I didn't know what you meant by that." He said

"When I kiss a person, it's either the fact your family or the fact that I like you." I say

I start to walk away. He followed and took my arm and pulled me back. I looked at his eyes. I stared right at him. He looked at me.

"I know I'm going to die, and I'm not going to regret anything." He said softly

He took the strand of hair and moved it out of my face. He got closer to me. He took my face with his hands and he kissed me. I kissed back. This has been all I have wanted since the day I saw him at my locker.

We heard awes though out the halls and a very loud


Which was probably Lola or Mandy. Then someone ripped us apart. Mr Hare.

"No PDA allowed on this campus!" He shouted

"Buzzkill." Says a student

"Who said that?" He asked turning around

Someone threw a wad of paper at him.

"Who threw that?" He asked, "Who ever threw that your moms a hoe."

"What did you say?" Asked a girl

"Who ever threw that paper your mom is a hoe." He said again

"Thanks." She said tapping the screen of her phone she had just recorded Hare

"Shit." He says

"Bye Felicia!" A student says

School goes out in three weeks. Really it wouldn't be to bad if he stays I mean what the harm?

I go to my car and start driving until Jackson stepped right in front of my car. He opened the door and got in.

"I could've run you over!" I shout

"But you didn't. Sorry, I just need to get home and quick." He said

I sped off to his house. I parked and got out with him. We walked in. Finn didn't look so good.

"What's wrong?" I ask Jackson

"I don't know, and we have to help him and fast." He says

"I call Casey." I say

I get my phone out. She doesn't even answer and suddenly we are at her house. She's already at her shelves looking at potions.

"Do you know what it is?" Jackson asks

"No, but I normally find it." Casey answers

"That's really reassuring." He says