Chapter 37

This is a fair warning this chapter may get a little confusing because it's going to go back and fourth between camp and hunters hollow. In camp it will be Adena's point of view. And in hunters hollow its will be Mandy's. *** will signify the switch.

"What are we gonna do?" Jackson asked

"I don't know!" I frantically pace around the room

"He's a hunter! What are we gonna do?" He asked

Jackson seemed panicked. I sat him down.

"What if we can't fix this? What if everyone we love dies? What if-"

"Jackson, we will find a way... We always do." I assure him

"What if we don't-"

I kiss him before he could even finish his thought. I back off and stand up. I stand over the hunter. He jolts up.

Jackson gets the pan and hits him again. He fell back down.

"How many more times are we gonna do that?" I ask

"As many as we need to." He said

"What are we going to do with him?" I ask

"Probably kill him! I'm up for that." Jackson says

"How about you stay here, knock him out again if you need to and I find Stephen and Evelyn since they are the only other supernatural I know about." I say

"Hurry!" Jackson shouts after me

I run to Stephen and Evelyn's cabin.


"Mandy can you get me some tea while your up?" Lola shouted

"Sure!" I shout back

I got to the fridge. Hardly anything was in the fridge... What the hell? I'll put a couple of things on the list for Mrs Parker.



Frozen pizza





Ice cream


I got three sodas assuming Julian probably wanted one. I jogged up the stairs and handed them their soda and tea. I sat down.

I heard a thud followed by the sound of glass shattering. Lola, Julian, and and all ran down the stairs I took my compact bow from my purse along with my arrows.

"Are you seriously going to hide behind that bow?" Lola asked

"I'm 158 pounds of pale as Fuck skin and fragile bone, of course I'm gonna hide behind my bow! And you two have claws to hide behind!" I say

"Point made!" Lola said

We all got down the stairs and saw the shattered glass but that's not what made the thud.


"Stephen! Evelyn! I need you outside." I say

They jolt out of bed and we all run back to the nurses office/camp hospital. I open the door and the hunter got up again and Jackson hit him again.

"Who is that?" Evelyn asks

"A hunter." I answer

She backed up. I guess I just found out what scares miss high and mighty. Stephen moved closer.

"Why is he here?" Stephen asked

"I don't know... He's kinda scaring me." I say

"Why?" Stephen asks

"He threatened to kill everyone here." I say

Evelyn looked as white as a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"I know him." She says

"Who is he?" I ask

"He's one of the Lynch's!" She said


The three of us walked around.

"Hey fuck heads over here!" Lola says

"What?" I ask

"Blood." She answers

We followed the trail outside of the house and then all of the sudden it was gone.

"What the hell!" Julian shouts

"Sabrina!" Lola shouts with a sudden realization

"What about her?" Julian asks

"Sabrina's gone you fuck head!" Lola shouted

"Hey!" Julian shouts

"Well she is!" Lola says

"So what do we do?" I ask

"Find her, duh dumbass." Lola says


"Which one?" I ask

"Robert." Evelyn reluctantly replied

"Wait didn't he graduate when we where in like seventh grade?" I ask

"Yeah." Stephen said

"Then why is he back?" I ask

"All of the Lynch's are." Evelyn says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"They left for two years before... All of them, then one day they all just showed up." Evelyn says

He jolted up. This time Evelyn hit him. She hit him so hard I swear it gave him a concussion.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask

"He woke up, someone needed to do something!" She shrugged


The three of us kept walking. Lola used Sabrina's favorite shirt to track her smell. We still found nothing.

"This is hopeless." I sigh

"Are you seriously going to give up?" Lola asked

"No, I'm simply going to call Casey." I say


That shut her up. I took out my phone and called Casey.

"Hey Casey Sabrina's missing and I was wondering if she's with you?" I ask

"No she's not, sorry." She responded

"Well I think she might be hurt or worse." I say

"What?!?" Casey asked in a very shocked tone

"Yeah." I say


"So what are we going to do to him?" I ask

"Kill him!" Evelyn suggests

"Wait I don't think we should." I say

"Why not he's a hunter." Evelyn says

"I'm sorry Adena but I have to agree with them... How else are we supposed keep the people we love safe." Jackson says

"It's the people I love, they're doing it to me!" I say

"What do you mean?" Stephen asked

"I've been threatened more than once and I know when its directed to me." I say

Jackson engulfed me with a hug. He kissed my forehead.

"It's gonna be alright we'll figure this out." He assured me

"Kill him." I say

"Are you sure?" Stephen asked

"Kill him." I say in a less calmer tone

And with that Evelyn slit his throat. Stephen and Evelyn carried him out.

"Why would someone be after you?" Jackson asked

"I'm big game, the day I became alpha was the day I got a big red target on my back." I say

"They're dumb for coming after you!" He said

"Maybe they aren't." I say


Casey teleported to us.

"When did you see her last?" She asked

"Earlier today." I respond

"When?" She asked

"I don't know!" I say

"Well there's a location spell but I need Adena or her Mother to activate the spell and Adena is not an option." Casey says

"Go get Cathy then!" Lola shouts

Casey teleported us to her house and then she got back with Cathy.

"Sorry Cathy your daughters missing and we kinda need your help." Casey says

"Ok I'll do whatever you need me to." She says

Casey slit her arm and Cathy's blood dropped on the map Casey had laid down.

"What's supposed to happen?" Cathy asked

"Shh!" Lola hushed Cathy

Casey did her spell. The blood moved around on the map of hunters hollow. Casey found where she was. Casey teleported to her location and then she can back.

She had Sabrina in her arms. She had several cuts and bruises. Casey set her down on the table. I looked closer. She had a bullet go straight through her skull.

"The Lynch's!" I shouted in anger