Chapter 38

I walk out and followed Stephen and Evelyn. The four of us all walked far into the woods. We all started digging. Once the hole was big enough Stephen and Evelyn threw Robert in the hole. Then we covered it back up.

I slowly started to walk away. Today just was good for me at all. Then my phone buzzed.

I looked at it. It was my mom. I pressed the green answer button.

"Hey Dena, we have to talk." She said

"What's up mom." I say

At this time I'm still walking. Closer and closer to camp.

"It's Sabrina." She said

"What about her?" I asked now standing still

"Sabrina is... Sabrina's dead babygirl." She said

The phone slowly slid down my face and to the ground. My knees buckled from the tremendous weight I just felt. I started crying.

Jackson ran to me and picked me up. He bent down and picked up my phone and put it to his ear.

"Mrs Parker, what's wrong?" He asked

"I'll make sure she's okay." He said

"I'm sorry... We couldn't be there."

He hung up. He carried me into the cabin. He brushed the dirt off my back and I laid under the covers. I laid there, staring into the darkness. He too laid down.

"Dena, I heard about Sabrina... Wanna talk about it?" He whispered

"There's nothing to talk about." I said

I turned the opposite way of him. I laid there. Until I was sure he was asleep. I got up and put all of my things back in my bag. I took out my notebook and and a pencil.

I've decided that the only way to protect my loved ones is to not love anyone or anything. To not get attached no matter how much my heart tells me to. I needed to leave. I needed to leave now. This all has to end.


I left the note on my empty bed. I couldn't keep watching or hearing about the people I care about die. I can't. This was the only solution I could think of.

I'll move to California that's far from Kentucky... Right? I thought

Of course it's far but maybe not far enough. We'll see about that.

I started on foot. Until I got to my house. I put my bag in my car. I went up stairs to get the money I've been saving over the years from under my mattress. I took the cash and left. I got in my car and started driving. I looked over to my bag and the cash.

It included everything I needed. $10,000, clothes, my phone, my charger, and my pillow.

I kept driving. I didn't look back. Not for a second. It wasn't until 12 in the afternoon that I got a text.

Jackson- Adena what r u doing? This isn't going to help.

Lola- wait you can't just leave us!

Mandy- where are u even going?

I shut my phone off and kept driving. First on the list of things to do.

Change my number.

My phone kept going off. I didn't even bother to look at it. I stopped at a gas station or two.

One day later I was in San Francisco. I drove around for a while and found a house. I called the number on the sign.


"Yes I'm calling about the house on Alpha street." I say


"I'd like to buy it, how much?" I ask


"Why so low?" I ask

"Nobody is new around here or looking for houses so I lower my prices."

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with the house right?" I ask


"I'm at the house right now. Can I buy it now?" I ask


Minutes later he arrived. I handed him the $7,000 and he handed me the keys. I drove my car up the driveway. I got out and opened the door to my house. It was beautiful. I feel like I cheated this man out of money.

I walked father into the house and saw the kitchen with was pretty amazing. I walked up the stairs and saw the bedroom.

Now all I have to do is get a job and buy furniture. I lay out my sleeping bag and pillow. I turn out the lights and lay down.

I know I'm gonna miss them but right now I don't have that luxury.

I wake up in the morning to sun peaking through the windows. I sit up and check my phone.



I sit up and get out of my sleeping bag. I took my shampoo and conditioner from my bag. I walked to the bathroom and showered. I got out and got dressed.

I walked out of the house and into my car. I drove around town in search of a job. I saw a book store was hiring. I walked in and found the counter.

"Hello I saw your hiring." I say

The woman at the desk turned around and handed me a resume. I filled it out and have it back.

"I pretty much can guarantee you'll get this job." She smiled

"How so?" I asked

"Nobody has signed up but you." She said

"I'm just going to be a register worker right?" I ask

"And reorganize the books." She said

I looked behind me. Shelves and shelves of books. I love to organize its one of my favorite things to do.

"I love to organize!" I shout

"Are you for real?" She asked

"Hell yeah! I love to organize. You should have seen my closet back home it was organized by color, even the shoes... I went a little overboard." I laugh

"You start tomorrow at ten in the morning." She says

"Really? Thank you!" I shout

"Bring that organization spirit you got there too!" She said

"Will do!" I smiled

That went well. I to walk to my car I open the door and sit down. I start driving home.

I get down on a busy street and then out of nowhere a car came flying down the street. We crashed and glass went flying into various places of my body. I covered my eyes.

All I could hear was a high pitched sounds that pierced my ears. I looked around. I saw the driver in the other car. He had his head on the air bag. I tried to open my door. It was no use the damned thing wouldn't open. I tried the other doors. Nothing. I sat back in my seat and pulled the glass out of my legs, my arms, and my stomach. I got my coat and wrapped it around my fist. I punched my window and got my phone and climbed out.

I called 9-1-1.

"Hello this is 9-1-1 what is your emergency."

"Hello I'm on pine and hickory and there's been a crash." I say

"Where you involved?"

"Yes, I'm okay but the guy who ran into me doesn't look too good." I say looking at him through the window of his car

"Sending forces now, thank you." She says

I started running. To who knows where. I had no clue. I couldn't stay. They'd think it was me. I could get in trouble. What if they saw how quickly I healed. I'd be in so much trouble probably killed on the spot.