Chapter 46

Casey still hadn't figured out how she made the cure. And full moon plus supernatural hunters equals no good. We all impatiently sat in Casey's house. She paced. While we slept she was up trying to figure out what she put in it.

I woke up in the morning. I sat up and walked into Casey's living room. She was still trying to make the cure.

"Casey you've gotta sleep or something because your not gonna be able to-"

"No!" She sternly said

"Casey you gotta-"

"Adena I need to fix this, please leave me alone!" Casey sighed

I walked outside. I sat next to Delilah.

"You okay?" Delilah asked

"I'm okay, Casey's not... I'm kinda worried." I say

"She's always like this whenever the fate of hunters hollow depends on her." Delilah says

"Delilah take over for me will yah?" Asked Sasha

"Sure." Delilah said

I sat there watching what was going on. I stood up.

"I'm sick of being a sitting duck!" I shout

I walk out of the portal. All of the supernatural Mandy and I cured followed me.

"What are we gonna do?" Asked a boy from my school

"We fight! Even if some of us don't make it, you have the privilege of knowing you saved this town!" I say

"Yeah!" They shouted

"Anyone who doesn't want to fight can go retreat into that little hut over there." I point to Casey's house

One left. Everyone else stayed with me.

"Do not kill the hunters, Casey is working on a cure!" I shout

"It's settled then!" I shout

We all charged. Knocking out hunters and restraining them some stayed and babysat the captured hunters.

"Now I know why they named it hunters hollow." Remarked one

Most laughed. Others continued fighting. Very few fell. Soon enough we had all of the hunters. The town of hunters hollow was quite. Which was a very rare occasion for this town. It may be small but people know everyone here and there is always something going on.

Casey bursted out of her house.

"I think I got it... What the hell happened?" She asked

"We... Um... Rounded up all of the hunters." I responded

"Where are they?" She asked

"They are all held in the store across your house." I say pointing across the street

She teleported us into the little store and injected them all with the cure. They all got up and walked out. Casey took a supernatural and pulled them aside.

"Who did this to you?" She asked

"I don't know but the dude said his name was Zachariah ports." He said

"Then you do know." She face palmed

Later that week my friends and I went to school as heroes. Everyone in town knew we weren't normal so life was great. No more living in fear. No more hiding. And definitely no more secrets.

Teachers were a little bit more lenient. Hunters Hollow was practically now the ultimate safe haven for supernaturals.

You could run into school as a wolf and nobody would care. You could cast a spell on a mate and it would be normal. And now everybody seemed to be friends.

School was amazing.

Then junior year started to fly bye so quick. Before I knew it, school was almost over. Then I'd start my final year at high school. My final year on earth.

And since there where no secrets everyone knew that I was predicted to die before senior year ends.

I couldn't pass someone in the hall without a sorry look on their face. But you know what, life hasn't thrown any curve balls at me lately so I'm gonna live my fricken life. After school I went to the hospital and worked my shift. I got my pay check. Lola drove me back home. I got a couple thousand bucks then I ran to the motor dealer.

I bought my self a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I signed everything and the man gave me my keys.

"Aren't you a little young?" He asked

"I'm seventeen, and no I am not." I say

I walk out. I sit in my motorcycle and rev the engine. I drive off back to my house. Julian still lives here. I still have my room. I have left my moms room untouched. Since Finn and Jackson lived on their own I suggested they moved in with Julian and I. Finn now sleeps in Sabrina's old room.

Jackson came into my room.

"Is that motorcycle yours?" He asked

"Yeah." I say

"Wow." He says

He stands in my doorway for a minute before speaking again.

"You should probably clean out your moms old room." He suggested

"I can't." I say

"Would it help if I were there?" He asked

"I can't Jackson." I say

"Adena, listen... At this rate you have three out of five of your pack living here... And pretty soon your gonna have some more pack members and some might not have parents and you having the build heart you do will open your doors to them, but where do they sleep? The couch? Adena that room needs to be taken care of and soon before Julian and I take care of it and I don't think you'll like how we do it." He said

"Fine." I sighed

"Great." He smiled

"I love you." He smiled as he wrapped a arm around my waist

"I love you too." I say

Julian, Finn, Jackson, and I all get to cleaning my moms room out.

"Hey guys I found something you might wanna see." Finn said

He held up a piece of paper. I read it.

"It's an adoption form." I say

Julian eyes widen.

"She was going to adopt you." Finn smiled

Julian took the paper from my hands.

"I was this close to having an actual family." He cried

Tears dropped onto the paper. Finn gave him a hug. Soon enough Jackson and I joined.

"You have one right here." I say