Chapter 47

Senior year comes to a start and classes seem challenging, but it shouldn't be a problem since I haven't been busy with any problems lately.

Summer was okay. Myles moved in. His father died over the summer and he had nowhere to go. I still haven't accepted him in yet but he seems like he has earned it.

Jackson doesn't seem to be fazed by Myles at all. But lately Eleanor and Jackson have been hanging out a lot and it's starting to worry me.

Maybe I'm just being way to paranoid.

I got out of bed and started getting ready for school. I got my keys and drive to school. I parked my motorcycle and walked in.

I haven't seen or heard from my father since I was in the labs. I don't plan on seeing him again for a long time.

I did notice that now a couple humans moved in. And that meant our supernatural utopia was ruined. Now we had to hide who we where.

The human family consisted of a mother, father, son, and a daughter. The son and daughter where twins who where sophomores like Finn.

The boy was Dylan and the girl was Haley. Their last name was Lightham. Which was not very common name to hear. Even here where last names are kinda diverse.

Dylan was a total jock. He became the youngest football captain in school records.

Haley is a total prep. A cheerleader to be exact. She disregards everyone's feelings and steps on them like their some bug or something disgusting.

I haven't done much with my life lately and that's mostly due to the fact that I've completely given up on life.

I just don't care anymore.

I did actually do my work and I went to the hospital to work. But nothing really had any meaning... At least anymore.

Jackson mattered but it's like he's been avoiding me. But I see where he's coming from, I'm a depressed mess. If I where him I'd break up with me. But the only problem with that is he's too nice to do that.

You know I had hopes and dreams that was all crushed when Nick told me I was gonna die. So basically I have Nick to blame for this state I've been in since school started.

I could have been living with those hopes and dreams. I could have lived happy even till my last moments.

I asked Mandy for her book of supernatural. She willing handed it to me with a loving smile. I looked through it in search of the passing of alphaizim after an alpha is killed by something not of a werewolf.

It said it would go to either your first beta or the first beta you bit. So coming to a conclusion it would go to Lola. That was a relief. Because if it went to some random werewolf then it could possibly be chaos.

"Hey, Adena!" Dylan called after me

"How do you know my name?" I asked

"Your all anyone is talking about, they say you saved the town." He smiled

"Dylan why are you talking to me?" I ask irritated by his presence

"I just wanted to ask you if you'd ask Finn to talk." He said

"Why not do it yourself?" I ask

"He's not at school." Dylan said

"I have to find him!" I shout

He's my beta and also my boyfriends little brother... I gotta find him.

"What and leave school?" Dylan asked

"Duh!" I said

"I'm coming with you!" Dylan said as he followed me out the school door

"Your funeral kid." I say

I stop at my motorcycle and put my helmet on. I throw Dylan my spare helmet. He hopped on the back while I put the keys in. I started it and drove off. I stopped at my house. I left Dylan outside. I got Finns shirt and smelled it. I could pick up a scent from here.

"Why did you go in there?" He asked referring to my house

"I went in there to see if Finn left a note or something." I say

"Finn lives with you?" He asked

"Jackson and Finns family died a while back... My mom and I took them in." I say

"Oh." He said

I go on my motorcycle and followed Finns scent. It led to the woods. I stopped my bike before the woods got dense. I put the kickstand down and put my helmet on the seat. Dylan did the same. I kept following it. Dylan followed close behind me.

I got deeper into the woods and I not only found Finn but I found Haley... On top of Finn. Finn at this point was shirtless. Dylan didn't look too happy about this. You could see the anger build up. He clenched his fisted and growled.

Finn and Haley jolted up. Finn grabbed his shirt while Haley bolted up. She was up so fast I'm surprised she wasn't lightheaded.

"Finn! I though we where friends!" Dylan shouted

"We are, and we still are." Finn said calmly

But it was looking that there was no way to calm down Dylan. He ran at Finn. He swung at Finn. Finn caught his fist centimeters away from his face. Dylan was surprised.

"Dylan I don't want to hurt you." Finn said

I looked around the surroundings. There where several dead trees in this area and if you where to just bump into one it would mean trouble. Dylan swung again. Finn caught the punch. Then Dylan did exactly what I feared would happen.

Dylan shoved Finn into a tree. Finn hit the tree and it started to fall. Finn had just enough time to push Haley out of the way but Dylan was right in the way. He was smushed.

Haley cried

"Finn help me." I say

We got positioned on each side of the tree. We slowly lifted it off of Dylan. Haley pulled him out from underneath.

"He's not breathing." She cried

"Haley I'm gonna call a friend here but your going to need to trust me." I say

"Okay." She sniffled

I got out my phone and called Casey. She teleported here.

Haley screamed, "How?"

"Why did you call me when the humans are around?" Casey asked

"I did because it was very important." I say pointing at Dylan

"I can wake him up but he's gonna need the bite." Casey said

"We can't do that!" Finn said

"Why not?" I ask

"He's on the team, how's he gonna control it?" Finn asked

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Haley demanded

I flashed my eyes and teeth at Haley. Finn did the same.

"What the-"

Then she fainted. Finn knelt down next to her.

"She probably gonna punch you when she wakes up." Casey says

Casey walks to Dylan and does her spell.

"You have to give him the bite or he'll die." Casey said

I bit his wrist. He started breathing steadily.

"He'll have enough time for the bite to take effect." She said then she teleported to school

Then Haley woke up. She screamed.

"Haley if I was gonna hurt you, don't you think I would have done it by now?" Finn asked

She calmed down. And sat in his arms. We waited for Dylan to wake up.

"What did you do to him?" She asked

"He's like us now." I say

"What do you mean?" She asked

"He's a werewolf." I say

"He's gonna need some understanding from you, and on the full moons you might need to cover for him for a while." Finn explained

"So the supernatural is real?" She asked


Just then Dylan jolted up. He inhaled sharply and coughed. He stood up as if nothing happened.

He gave me one look and walked away.

"Dylan!" I shout after him

"Give him time." Haley said

Haley kissed Finn and ran after Dylan.

"Cute girlfriend." I say

Finn smiled.

"But I do think your moving a bit to fast." I say

"Adena, have you and my brother done that?" He asked

"No, which is why I think your moving too fast, your brother and I have been dating for almost three years now and the furthest we've gone is cuddling." I say

"So slow it down?" Finn asked

"Exactly what I'm saying, homecoming next month why don't you ask her." I suggest

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled

"Good." I say

"Jack doesn't need to know about this right?" Finn asks

"Not now, if I see it again I will speak to him." I say

"You know, if you ever have kids you'd be an amazing mother." He said

I bring him in for a side hug as we started walking to my bike.

"Thanks kid." I smile