Katsuki Bakugou pov
My name is Katsuki Bakugou. In all that I can remember I lived my life in an orphanage. I was smarter than most of the people here and stronger as well. But I wasn't smarter than him.
In everything academically he did better than me. This wouldn't bother me since I would consider it a challenge but the first time I saw his eyes I felt something I never felt before.
Fear, maybe it was something in the back of my mind but i felt fear towards him and i didnt like that. Maybe that is why I always picked on him, to make myself forget why I was afraid of him.
I don't know what is different about him today. Everytime we see him he always runs off with clear fear. But today was different. I didn't know what it was but when i saw him he looked at me as nothing more than an annoyance.
I didt like that and was ready to show him how I felt. "Where are you going two eyed freak!" I put my arm on his shoulder expecting him to be afraid but what I saw was annoyance like when there is a fly buzzing around your ear and you try to smack it away but miss. That is how he looked at me.
I HATED that and before i could do anything i already had my fist swinging towards his face.
He didt flinch and took it to the face. I thought he would have a broken nose and move back but no he stayed in the same place.
We weren't in an open area because the sisters told us that if we are going to do anything it has to be somewhere people won't see. My friends where shocked just as I was. "Annoyance" he said and with that my fist hurt so much I wanted to scream but couldt, i could even breath like there was no air.
I looked back and the same thing was happening to them, they were holding their throats and when I looked back I saw his eyes. I think I know why I was afraid and I was right to do so. I should have left him alone were my last thoughts before it all went dark.
Mc pov
"Don't you think that was overkill?"
"Not really i mean if i didt do something they would have kept doing it over and over again, plus i didt kill them just knocked them out and any injuries they had i can just fix it, see no problem."
"Still kinda brutal.""You can't really say that when i heard you laughing and saying 'that what you get for hurting my precious' that really doesn't convince me that you care about them."
"Just wanted to remind you that you shouldn't go overboard."
Finishing my food and adding small comanda in their brain so that they stop making trouble for me so that they stop bothering me. I got up and was ready to walk my way to school.
Observing my surroundings while walking towards the school I saw that there really wasn't much to go off on. This place looks bad, not horrible. I saw a dead body on the street but more on the lines that they are in the alleyway and mind your business way. If that makes any sense.
Going to the school was easy and seeing his memories I knew Barbara Gordon was in my class. That could be useful and dangerous for the fact she has photographic memory and if I mess up now I am screwed in the future. Maybe I am being paranoid about this but she does become batgirl so it's not bad being cautious about her.
Well she was my ticket to not dying next week but i am pretty sure nothing will happen.
When I attended class there was nothing bad about it. Plain if you ask me but I ate my school lunch using biology manipulation to clean and make it taste better. Bakugo and his friends kept avoiding me. I guess the commands worked so that's a good thing about today. After school finished I went to the library. We are meant to go to the orphanage but honestly speaking they would be grateful that I don't come back since it means that they don't get blood on their hands.
When I was making my way to the library I heard a man robbing someone in the alleway in broadlight.
I wanted to check it out, maybe get some cash for it when I saved the person.
Sadly for me I saw that he had a gun and well I froze.
Seeing a gun made me freeze remembering how i died was still fresh in my mind since i just woke up today.
I was sacred at not afraid to admit it. I wanted to run but i was too afraid to move. I didt want the same thing to happen to me again. I don't want to die again.
I woke up from my thoughts when I heard a bang and that's when my emotions went to shit just like my powers. Air started to make a sphere around me while my telekinesis started to pick up anything from stones or cars cameras , broken windows that were affected from the circle of air i made around myself and well they started to go around me. Biology manipulation started to make my muscles stronger and more compact while my bones harder and heavier. My organs started to become just as strong and I seemed to become more healthy, sadly for me I was not paying attention even when a building seemed to be ripped off and started to circle to me.
Thankfully I was not alone. "Stop what the hell are you doing idot, calm down." I kept hearing this over and over again. Thankfully this seems to calm me down. Everything still was there but I had a clear mind now. Well somewhat i was kinda freaking out that a BUILDING or at least what remained of it was revolving around me like earth did to the sun. The hunger I felt did not help at all as well. Loona seems to keep going on not noticing I am getting my mind back together.
"Shit what else can i use to calm you down, uh the sun is getting real low."
"Loona you don't have to worry, I am back well somewhat right now."
"That's good because even holding back your powers and making sure you didt kill your slef was difficult as it was. What triggered you anyway."
"A gun." "....do you want to talk about it?" "later but for now i rather figure out how to calm everything down"
"Well that's not really a problem, you just have to do it to do so. That's why your powers went berserk. You wanted to feel safe and your powers did that. Oh and also you need to eat, you have little amount of nutrients or food inside you so you should get on that."
"....okay and thank you"
"No problem remember i am your number one fan, admirer, and best friend don't forget that okay."
"I won't, and thank you again."
General pov
The news what's already on what happened in a helicopter pointing the camera down to where the destruction happened. "as you see down there, it seems like a bomb went off. We can't get a clear confirmation on what happened. But what we know so far is a chance that it was a metahuman are high since it seems to originate from that crater on the sidewalk .We will come back to you when we get more information and confirmation."
"What a shitshow" the new reporter said "this city is changing and it's never in a good way."
One building that seemed to be thrown around like it was light weight. So many deep cuts on the multiple buildings and the last part is that they found one dead body and one witness that seemed too afraid to even speak. And then there was news about a foodstore crash with nothing taken other than huge amounts of food.
Mc pov
Going to the library was still possible mostly by making the sphere travel but I was hungry so I made a quick stop at a food store and got as much as I could and stuffed it all into a personal dimension that I just learned about when Loona told me that I could have just stored it.
Landing in an alley I used my air control so that I wouldn't make a sound. When i cheeked the streets some looked at me but just ignored me like it was a common occurrence. Works for me.
I went to the library to check up on where I was exactly and from what I saw that I was in a AU version of DC since well computers seem to be more advanced even though it is 2003. Reading the articles it seems that there is no news or rumors on batman. But what there is is that Bruce Wayne just left Gotham on a trip. I leaned back on the chair.
'Loona tell me what universe this is?'
"No, I was just put with you. I generally don't know where we are or who exists here."
After that I just focused on studying as much as I could.
"Loona, honestly speaking I don't think I will ever be immune to what happens to me. I died that time and it was painful. I won't say that I will stay afraid since I know I will overcome it someday but right now I am in another world.
One that gets attacked on a monthly basis with many super villains that can destroy a city and walk away like it's nothing. But for now I think having a goal in mind right now will help me even if it's a little bit."
"Why not untie gotham? It can help with your powers in practice and the other that needs influence to work. It's not a bad goal either since you can't destroy crime but you can at least try to control it. That sounds like a good goal don't it?"
"...i guess that can work for now and why the hell not it could be fun."