chapter 3

Leaving the library with a goal in mind I review what I learned.

'the all star don't exist in this world but wonder woman did from what I saw many still see her as a symbol. the Justice Society did exist with the members as follows, Flash, Green Lantern, atom, Doctor Fate, Wildcat, and Red Tornado. there are more members but right now those are the ones that matter the most to me right now.

if I want to learn how to fight the best way would be going the dojo of wildcat but that can bring problems on its own so its better to avoid him. Well at least I learned everything they have about the brain so that was good. what do you think Loona.'

'it would be better to avoid them, also there In another city so its better to just avoid them for now and hey you never no maybe someone else comes along and trains you?'

'true but the chances of that happening aren't as high so better to not get my hopes up.'

'also why are you staying out instead of going to the orphanage?'

"because they don't care if I disappear they might be even happy about it plus when I set my mind at something I sometimes get tunnel vision so I will need your help for that. since right now I have a plan so crazy that it might just work."

Anyone walking in the sidewalk was looking at me strangely for the fact that I was talking out loud to myself.

my plan was simple go to the district that was that had the most amount of prostitutes and mind controls the pimps and the local gangs there. Problem was I had no idea where that was so for now I was looking for the most sketchy person I could find and make him talk.

when night rolled around there were many people that saw me. honestly I thought they might make a move on me like kind nap or sell me because of my eyes. surprisingly many avoided me probably thought it was a trap since a 6 year old looking kid walking around in Gotham at night is already suspicious and with my eyes they avoided me like a plague.

now I had power so I used it just as much as a the next person would. found a drug addict and used my telekinesis to bring him somewhere secluded and ask him questions he was happy to do so when I promised him some a high.

Thanks to that I found what I was looking for and gave him his high. I could have left him dead but I was a man of my word another good thing of biology manipulation.

Finding what I was looking for was simple as well so I used my plan and acted on it as quick as I could. I was able to master 7 pimps and I now have a location for two small gangs.

I buffed them so that they are less likely to die and cured the girls they were protecting and made them more immune to any type of disease or infection so they don't suffer as much. finished all that in five hours and still had time to do more, the night is young.

Thinking on the fly was my go to but I really wanted a nice place to sleep in and the orphanage was not comfortable to sleep in especially since they gave me the worst bed with the worst location to sleep in. right next to a broken window with no intention for fixing it. at least I have a blanket so that's good.

still if my plan works I will have to make other gangs in Bloodhaven fight each other while the ones I control start to absorb them into our gang and grow. honestly when you have power you don't wait but if I start to make a lot of moves too quickly that might Catch the attention of other gangs and mob families. so for now it will have to be slow and steady.

reaching one of the gangs what I do is use pheromones to start a mind control act. of course there are problems the pheromones won't last long so after I hit each one with a dose I will need to my biology manipulation to enforce it.

'wouldn't the endless interfere for the fact that I am messing with destiny?'

'the ROB as you call him made a deal in where he let go of this reality.'

'the IT had that much strength?'

'no, the thing is if they fought more than one reality would have been lost and so what's losing one reality instead of multiple realities. simple thought process'

'huh, neat'

---random gang member

taking another dose of heroine since the last one was already fading away.

our gang was made of a lot of frug addicts. we did really amount to much in this city and we don't really want to. as long as we get our high that's enough for us.

I take drugs to forget and at least to have a sense of peace. many of us do that. many seem to forget that we are also people and treat us less than human. nothing that we are used to but it would be nice to have a purpose or at least be treated better.

*bang* *crash*

as soon as I thought that the door went flying and I saw was could be described as a child pointing at the door with a finger pistol sign and one word came out of his mouth "kneel" and we all complied because why wouldn't we. He was our leader, he was our king.

-------Alastor cain

'huh that was easier than I thought'

'what did you think would happen when you flood the place with pheromones, seriously you should have at least suspected something like this.'

'docent this mean I can use this as much as a I want? if it those then that would mean I can take over Bloodhaven in a week.'

'no since they can break away from the pheromones it might work for a limited amount of time but the pheromones are temporarily you are lucky that you are in place with little amount of people since there could have been a chance to break away from it and you would have to use it repeatedly if you want them to stay with that loyal mindset. also I would recommend that you hurry up if you don't want any of them to realize what you are doing to them.'

'oh yeah probably should get on that'

Taking the time to think while I mastered them was how I was going to use this to my advantage since I use biology and air manipulation to achieve this was easy not as difficult as many would think. The problem would be what Loona said.

That this is not a reliable way to get people loyalty and its time consuming since I need to use biology manipulation on each one to make them complete loyal. Good news is that I might have worshipers in my hand since the powers that relies on leadership is growing a lot and this building is being seen as my territory.

Might as well I don't have enough energy right now but I can make a couple food storages and a garden so that was enough for now. Still need to get the seeds if I want this to work. I was thinking of sleeping here but the place was dirty and smelled horrible.

"clean this place properly and everyone get something to eat. having you guys starving is useless for me so eat properly and take care of your guys. there are no longer freebies and I will give you orders later and leave the food storage and garden alone. I will be back tomorrow and I expect this place to be clean."

As soon as I gave my orders they moved and stated to work. honestly think of sleeping here was a mistake. so I started to go to the other gang and after I do the same thing to them as I did to the other gang one I start to head back to the orphanage. Not sure what I will do tomorrow since its Saturday might as well head to the library and learn more things. I really miss my laptop. I even forgot to erase my search history. well better luck next time.

'hey Loona you been quiet for a bit. everything alright?'

'I think you should relax more. you just came into this world after dying and you already had a panic attack and took over a gang. you might need to rest instead of making your brain work more thanks to your modification that you did. don't think I don't notice what you are doing its bad to rely on this method. take a break for a bit, practice your powers tomorrow instead of planning on how to take over a city district.'

"....fine, tomorrow I will explore where I am and just relax and get use to my surroundings"

'thats better, see it's not that hard right?'

Ignoring the last remark I head to the orphanage and just walk there thinking. better to relax? why not. so when I reach the orphanage I sneak in with little amount of resistant and use air manipulation to make no sound and go to my bed. To sleep the day off.

*the next day*

waking up somewhat better than last night I go get my briefest not caring the looks of shock the nuns gave me and wait my turn to be given food. oh its seems that there was another 'abomination' from what I hear someone was introduced yesterday when I wasn't here.

'guess they were the punching bag since I wasn't here and they probably thought they got rid of me just to get another, I should probably stick with them for bit. until I leave this place of course.'

When I was walking I found the person I was looking for. I never saw her face before and her eyes confirm it that she is the other 'abomination' fucking hate that title but we can't win them all I guess. Her eyes are brown and pink. Pink on the right side and brown on the left. the things that stand out is her hair pink with some white on her right while brown is on her left. She looks sad as well, probably the lost of her guardian and being a punching bag on the same day probably not a good combination. She looking at her food hasn't even looked up once.

I sit next to her and she flinches when she notices me. I just look at her straight at her eyes. She seems to be the same age as me. Well first impressions matter.

"my name is Alastor. whats yours?"

She doesn't respond even after I wait. so I just finish my food and get up. if she docent want to talk its okay. Not really mad but more curious but for now just keep moving the same. she seems to follow me, actually trailing would be the right definition. so I walk as the same pace my location is the library since they have something that might kill my boredom. I will explore tomorrow I got time might as well make use of it.