Reaching the library I look at my side. keeping the same pace as her so that she docent feel left out. i look and see her looking at the place with some curiosity.
I enter with her at my side. Its better to be distracted by something when you are sad. It might not make the pain go away but it helps sometimes.
getting closure is better but everyone griefs at their own pace and pushing someone to mature faster because they want to is not healthy.
getting inside I tell her to sit down and get her a book. not a complicated one since she is a six year old child I doubt she can read something that complicated.
coming back with a piece of paper and a broken pencil I see her reading the book with a small smile. progress its better than seeing her look depressed at least.
grabbing a chair and siting next to her I tell her "can you write your name if you don't feel comfortable talking at least."
She does and takes some time writing it down. NeO she wrote while struggling writing her e.
"want me to teach you how to write?"
If I was to describe how she looked it would be like a puppy. so how could I have not. Spend the whole day teaching her how to write. she is a fast learner as well figured out how to write. I didn't ask her anything just thought her how to write.
When walking home I felt like I forgot something. Probably not important if I forgot it.
random gang member pov
"our king has not come back. we are not sure why but we are scared. have we displeased him in some way?"
"what if he want us to to take over another gang and teach them our ways? he did say to eat healthier. Maybe it's so that we can be better use for him?"
"there is a local gang near here, lets get them first to show them our kings might."
Funny enough the gangs and pimps under the same person had the same thought and before they fought they all saw they had the same color and figured out they worshiped the same guy. planning on how to get the most benefit to their leader and the man they worship.
Alastor pov
Going to sleep I start to think to myself. On what I can do, on what I can really do. maybe make some chips with information like the ones from Cyberpunk. honestly I just want to rest and forget what is happening to me. I wonder how my family is doing. hope there okay especially my mom, my uncle and niece. Dad was never there, I guess you can say I have daddy issues but who docent nowadays?
Now that I think about it I really needs some clothes. might hit a thrift store tomorrow. I doubt there is much of a difference here and back home when it comes to those places.
*next day* Sunday
I woke up remembering what I was meant to do yesterday. actually remembering would be a lie Loona reminded me. When I ask why she didn't reminded me she said.
"you seemed relaxed and happy. Wanted you to act like the age you look instead of planning for city domination."
I guess she does have a point. clearing my head I take a deep breath in to take up all the Gotham air.
Smelled horrible but I can change that I guess. Air manipulation really comes in handy in times like these. The usual routine I have been doing so far, get up, get food, sit down this time next to Neo and eat my food.
I should probably go visit them but I really don't want to leave Neo here alone. Not really sure what will happen if I bring her with me and it just docent seem right to me to use my mind control trick on her. I felt okay with those people because they might have deserved it but she is a child that just suffers something horrible.
Decision, decision, decisions. well for now might as well ask her what she wants to do. not sure how its going to play out but might as well. No time as the present
"Neo i am going somewhere do you want to stay here or go with me?"
Honestly speaking that sounded really fucking sketchy. she will probably go with me since the first day she stayed here she has been bullied and I was the only one that was kind to her. I forgot but I am pretty sure this is a type of manipulation.
she nods her head. not sure what that means
"so you want to go with me?"
She nods her head again. This is going to be difficult but I can make this work. So going out isn't really a problem since the nun don't give a fuck about us. oh that reminded me.
"Neo stay here for a second I will be right back." I saw while living her alone thankfully not on the streets.
Going to the nuns I spray them with pheromones give them commands to treat us better and give them a annoying itch that starts to affect the whole body when it reaches a certain temperature. not going to kill them even if they were complete dicks about this they did technically took care of me even if it was for a while.
leaving them alone I catch up to Neo waiting patiently for me. wasn't gone for long maybe two to three minutes. Going around to the block I can still hear some people fucking well the place I was going to was known for the high rate of prostitute in this area. looking around I spot a man that looks similar to the father that I had to go to because I was in Christian church. The guys looks like he had his fun. I would wish him luck in not catching a disease but I rather not be associated to him so I just ignore him.
just like everyone else does for us. Funny enough one person offered to give us money. the guy was wearing a ring. probably he was remind of his ids he had and that instead of being there he was here. we took it of course free money was free money.
"Neo I am going to be frank with you. I don't know you as well and the only thing we have in common is that we have two separate eye color, we live in the same orphanage and that we live in one of the most dangerous city's probably in the world. so for know I want to offer you this. lets stick together its safer and we can at least not go to sleep with a empty stomach. what do you say?"
She probably docent understand what she is getting into but she nodded her head. Well at least I don't be alone anymore.
getting to the place I start to actually use the advancements I made on my body. my eye sight is really good and well honestly speaking I can see a ant from across four streets. kid you not it hurts a bit if I use it for a while but still that's pretty impressive also I notice that there's a strip club two block down from where I stoped and proceeded to go the gangs. I went to the pimps locations the one that I forced to group up and work together to get more money.
Couldn't find them even where they said they stayed at. I wasn't dumb enough to go and ask so I thought of searching for them later when Neo is a sleep. going to the fist gang location It seem that they are in the house next to them. I would say they bought it but I am pretty sure they didn't.
going inside I open my eyes in surprise. when ic checked this place was really fucking dirty and now it looks like a normal apartment. that is really cleaned. don't know why there lots of seeds on the table but the rest look nice.
"my lord we have done what you ask."
why the fuck they calling me that?
"boss works. no need to be this formal."
"very well. we have done what you ask and we even found out the other people you commend and we unified. we made sure to be discreet about it as well even. here is the money we collected for you."
.... I did not expect this kind of development. and how did they find the other gang and pimps. And unifying for what I barley gave them an order that could not had led them to make this kind of decision. You know what now I don't have to do it.
I am grateful for this. at least I have a food anymore than that is a blessing when you live in Gotham slums you find how bad is nothing compared to horrible. well I will probably find out sooner than later. thankfully I don't have the great ambition of being a hero. that would have messed me up real badly.
Toya pov
my earliest memory was that of my mom being a hooker and being fucked when I was in my crib. many would make fun of me for this but I was numb to it at this point.
It was a general miracle that I was actually born and a even bigger miracle that I survive. of course nothing is ever free and I payed for it I had a burn mark on all over my body and thanks to barley even being fed my body was weak. Thankfully I think there might actually be a good because well I was born a meta human. not sure who my father is but I think that I might have gotten it from him.
my power is simply burning, not burning my self but I can emit fire like one of those flame throwers I heard about.
walking down the street where my mother works I walked past some adults. easily pickpocketing there wallets. none were the wiser they never noticed the first couple time I tired I failed and got a beating for it almost died for it. The second time I would have died if it wasn't for my power awaking and burning that man alive in blue flames. That was the only time I felt power over someone, for the first time I actually felt happy. then realization hit me and I ran. I killed someone and smiled for it.
I was smart, smarter for what many gave me credit for. I could remember almost everything since I was born and not only that I could hold a debate against someone older than me. Never actually said anything mostly in my mind since I didn't feel like getting hit for it but I was positive I would be considered a genius. many might look at me differently because of my burn skin but at least it hasn't affected my face so not many actually cared for it or looked my way only when I was wearing clothes that were loose.
that was a long time ago and no one figured it was me. maybe that is why I felt more embolden to start shoplifting and pickpocketing more. I got better as well but it really didn't help me since many tried to double the fee when I buy some food in a restaurant. Its because I can get in trouble for selling to a child without their parents and this is stolen money they said. Bullshit is what it is called. No-one checks if the money is stolen or anything like that.
Still what can I do, just a kid with powers. honestly speaking I just really want a family or at least someone that won't treat me like shit. I barley go home and I just don't go to school because I can't even apply there since my mom for some reason keeps me even if it was better to go to the orphanage.
when walking down the street I saw a two kids same age as me. street rats just like me, not sure what they are doing I decided to follow them. seeing someone my age walk around here for the first time I got curious nothing wrong with that its normal to be curious. following them as best I could but I am pretty sure they noticed me. kinda difficult to hide when you are a kid in a open streets. following them I see them go into a dead alleyway. not sure what there trying to do but I know that I can at least leave if it starts to get dangerous and I can even use my power if I really need to but I hope it docent come to that. entering the alleyway I see that's its clear when I look but then I feel a tugging motion and I am sent flying and then everything turns black.