Chapter 8

I spent the entire night on my bed, tossing and turning so as to find a comfortable position until I eventually gave up and used my phone till sunrise.

I was grateful that the insomnia that is ever present spared me sometimes; it can be non existent in a history class or during lunch, anytime at all, and I made sure to sleep whenever, not regarding I there is a teacher that will give me detention (hopefully, more sleep), or I will be famished till school ends. I hardly went 24 hours without sleep but never feel sleepy at night.

I know it is weird. You can stop thinking about it now...

I slide off my glasses and rub my eyelids while yawning. I blinked numerous times for my eyes to adjust to the blinding natural light that managed to pass through the curtains of my room.

Going to the bathroom, I brush my teeth, take a shower and go downstairs because I was hungry and one mustn't miss the first food of the day.

"Good morning, Jemima"

The woman gasps and spurn around to face me.

At least she didn't scream this time.

"G-Good morning miss" she quickly replies.

"George is fine" I mumble and start opening cabinets till I found an unopened Fruit Loops.

Getting a bowl, spoon and milk from the fridge, I sit on the island and look up to find Jemima looking at me like she wanted to say something.


"I've just made breakfast, miss George"

I look at my display, knowing it wouldn't fully pacify the soliders in my stomach.

She slides two sunny side up eggs, 3 strips of bacon to make a smiley face, pancakes, French toast and a cup of tea. English tea.

I turn the smile of the eggs to a frown, my fingers moving in slow and nonchalant motion then I eventually remember that Jemima was watching me.

I look up slowly and find a solem look in her eyes. So solem that it felt like pity.

Shaking my head, I slide the whole tray back to her, earning a confused frown.

"I eat either hard boiled eggs, scrambled or omelette, my pancakes with fruit and whipped cream, not maple syrup and butter, my French toast with berries and powdered sugar, not berries and syrup and I abhor tea.

"Well sorry things here aren't up to your standards your majesty", I hear Liz's voice from behind me but I simple ignore her, but her mother reprimands her in a strange language.

"I get it ma, respect is everything" her reply plain rude and sacarstic.

I kept eyeing the bacon strips but I ate the cereal instead. The hunger had noticeably reduced and I decided to make chicken salad sandwich, politely turning Jemima down when she offered to help me.

"Good morning ma'am"

This time I turn around to see my mother immaculately dresses and expertly made up, her hair in loose curls and doing a wonderful job framing her heart shaped face.

She was a very beautiful woman and she damn well one how to take care of herself.

"Jemima. How was your night?" She asks smiling at Liz when she greeted her and taking the breakfast I earlier rejected.

"It was with wonderful miss Roosevelt"

The silence lasted for only a few seconds until I couldn't bear feeling my mother's unwavering gaze drilling holes at the side of my head.

"It's rude to stare" I tell her, cutting my sandwiches into triangles. Liz scoffs, muttering bitch under her breath. Again.

I look up and point the knife at her.

"Watch your tongue honey. I'm now tempted to feed it to you and if you keep this up I will".

She rolls her eyes this time and walks out of the kitchen. I lower the knife and pour myself a glass of milk as Jemima excuses herself and walks out as well.

"And where are you going to miss Roosevelt?"

I fix my eyes on her, watching as she took a sip of the English tea.

"To work"

I release a humorless chuckle, eyeing her obviously expensive and fancy pencil skirt and long sleeve blouse.

"Aren't you supposed to be wearing scrubs nurse?" I take a large bite of my sandwich, reducing it into half.

"I'm a doctor hon-George" comes her reply.

"You definitely weren't dressed as exquisitely as this yesterday, spare me the bullshit" I fire back after taking a sip of my chilled milk.

Her cheeks flamed and my eyes narrowed, observing the different scent she wore. I lower myself on the stool directly facing her.

"To work or you have a date, Olivia?"

"Both" she squeaks.

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline and I took another sip of milk.

"Kindly expatiate"

"I'm meeting Dr. Baker this morning for breakfast, then I'll go to work" she explains.

I pick up my own breakfast.

"Please make sure this one is not married and marry before making babies. We don't want the the society to have more individuals like myself now, do we?"

She deflated a little and I take my food upstairs and finish it there.

* * *

I stay holed up in my room the entire morning and afternoon - occasionally coming downstairs to refill my stomach - watching movies or stalking my old buddies through my newly created social media accounts given as I had deleted the former.

You do it as well, stop staring at me like that.

There was peace and silence as I was home alone; a little lonely but fine never the less.

Currently binge watching a series - whose name I had forgotten - I hear the doorbell ring. Ignoring it the first time, it rings again, the third one following almost immediately. Clicking on the pause icon on my Mac book and dropping the computer on my bed, I walk to the entrance, ready to give whosoever it was a piece of my mind.

I pull the door open and find Liz there with two other girls. One sporting a hot pink hair, the other a natural coffee brown and the three of them had their hands full of shopping bags.

They all but pushed me out if their way to get into my house.

"Eww! What the hell are you wearing?" Hot pink's high pitched voice makes me grimace. I looked down at my sweatpants and oversized basketball vest, then lock gazes with her.

"Who are you?"

"These are Rose and Rosa. They are here to help me prepare for my party" Liz replies.

"Party where?" I wonder out loud.

The brunette rolls her hazel eyes.

"Jesus, Liz. I know you said she was a bitch but you should have told us she was dense as well".

Hot pink giggles as Liz smirks. I fist both hands and take a deep breath.

"Oops. Must have slipped my mind"

"That aside. We need to call the people we hired to come and decorate the house, then prepare the pool-"

"Get out"

Hot pink looks stunned as I interrupt her.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused. Now get the fuck out" I snarl.

Like air heads, they just stood there and gaped. I felt fury was over my whole being.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" I roar and all three of them flinch but Liz recovers quickly and steps forward, shoulders squared defensively.

"Listen Georgia, I've tolerated enough of your bullshit-"

"My bullshit? You are my fucking employee's child, do I need to remind you?" Her eyes harden. I pick up as many of the bags as I could carry and dropped them on the porch.

Breathing heavily and almost shaking due to the uncontrolled rage I felt.

"I won't say it again. Get. Out. The three of you" my voice dreadfully calm.

Both visitors glare at me and walk out Liz remains behind.

"You heard me Lizard. Get out of my house"

Never in a million years would I have expected what came next.

Liz shoves me, hard enough to make me stumble then I lose my cool and slap her across the face, the force pushing her head to the side. I hear gasps from the entrance but I don't take my eyes away from Liz.

Pointing towards the door

"Get the fuck out of my goddamn house. I've repeated myself too much.

She swipes her hand at my face but I step away just in time then grab a fistful of her hair.

Oblivious to the shoutings and ruckus and even a phone recording me, I pull her right out of my house, my porch and into the yard the pushing her to the dirt covered ground, I storm back into my house making sure to lock it behind me.

Good riddance to bad rubbish bitches.