Ceremony 7

"How are we a threat?" Donovan saw them as nothing but vulnerable at the moment.

"How could you not be? Individually you are better educated than all but three individuals I can think of, myself among that number. The ideas that you consider to be primitive, standardized writing and math beyond multiplication and division, are concepts that escape the grasp of even the most advanced researchers of this era.

I myself had not understood calculus until your people started finding links. Your ability to find patterns is unparalleled.

This speaks nothing of your more advanced and immaterial concepts, basic democratic philosophy would cripple the clannal feudal system that dominates at present. What would fascism do? Socialism? Republicanism? What of theocracy?

Speaking of, I tremble at the thought of what your religions might bring to the table. Perhaps they might bring a new moral paradigm, but they may also serve as cassus belli for one of their never ending wars."

She looked like she wanted to continue, but she saw they understood the point.

"In the future, be mindful of what information you give up, no matter how insignificant you feel it may be. In the academy especially you should be mindful to only regurgitate the information you are given. That goes double for you, Donovan. Do not try to impress others with your knowledge of military tactics, that area has not progressed for at least ten millennia."

Diana gave him an 'I told you so' look. She would be cracking down on his breeches of secrecy with greater vigor in the future.

"Any other questions?"

"You said you only intended for maybe a percent of our population to die. Why did that not happen?" Diana called back to her previous statements.

"While the fault ultimately lies with me, not the Captain, the reason lies in your many and varied treks into the great beyond. Specifically the Voyager series of probes. While assisting in the adjustment of the veil's parameters, I failed to take into account the locations of the first and second probes.

They breached the perimeter set to denote the veil's completion without my knowledge, precipitating the Captain's horrendously late start. The Great Csillacra and I had planned to give your kind at least an extra century to figure out some of split's intricacies."

"Did the Great Csillacra not notice? Wouldn't it be at fault as well?"

"No. My lack of ability caused it. While the Great Csillacra knows everything there is to know inside of the veil and with the range of it's limbs, it is blind to the situation outside of its bounds. Conversely, I understand the world beyond more than any other, but I lack the proficiency to shape the Veil in the same way.

I ask you not hold my faults against the Great Csillacra." Now she was in a dogeza position to the side of the table. The two of them were terribly uncomfortable at this, one of the most powerful people was presenting a submissive pose towards them.

"Please get up. We don't like such pleasantries."

"Nor do I, but I must demonstrate my apologies in the sincerest way possible." She returned to her seat. "Shall we discuss what you will be doing for the next few hours? Where is your dog?"

"We tied Mercedes to a trunk outside because we thought she might cause trouble, why?"

"Bring her here. She must undergo the same procedure as you if she is to be rendered immune to split decay at ambient concentrations."

"What kind of procedure?" Diana didn't fancy needles and knives. She would prefer to forgo any invasive surgery if possible.

"Nothing like what you are thinking. It might be a better idea to call it a ritual if that eases your nerves. It will enable you to sense, store, and use split."

"I'll go get her then." Donovan volunteered, Diana would be slower and already didn't want to walk more than she had to.

- - - - -

"Will everything be alright between the two of you?" As soon as Don was out of earshot, the Arboreal Maiden started a more private conversation with Diana. "I understand you wish to continue your race's existence, but there are other ways to go about it."

"Do you mean romantically?"

"Romantically, sexually, whatever your relationship evolves into. I feel obliged to warn you that Donovan's mental condition is extremely unstable."

"Really? He doesn't seem that way to me. In fact, he seemed to take the loss of Earth better than I could have hoped for."

"A result of your grandfather's extensive preparation. What I mean to say is that there is some vital balancing factor missing in him. One wrong move could very well send him on a tear, though I know not what that move would be or what the ramifications would entail."

Was this the problem her grandfather mentioned? "I will be careful."


- - - - -

Mercedes' entrance into the room immediately signaled that their fears were well placed. She was behaved well enough on the walk down the hall, but she could no longer contain her curiosity and excitement when she was let off the leash.

This was at the Arboreal Maiden's insistence, otherwise Donovan would have practically strangled Mercedes to calm her down.

Running and sniffing around the wooded room, this was her first real experience of 'nature'. Aside from her brief walks on the polished deck of the Oberlux, she had only been exposed to synthetic sights and smells.

Here there were flowers, mosses, herbs, all sorts of natural smells overloading her little brain.

"Quite interesting creatures these dogs are." The Arboreal Maiden was almost perfectly motionless in her chair, but they could tell she was intently focused on Mercedes' movements. "Many others have domesticated animals, either for food, labor, or war, but the process by which you tamed them was quite interesting. They could serve to provide food, labor, and combat prowess depending on their breed and training, but the concept of 'pet' is fairly rare.

For your species to partake in that practice so commonly and with such a variety of animals is an extreme oddity, one of many unique to you."

"If she's bothering you I can make her stop." Mercedes was sniffing at her leg, curious at the stranger in the room.

"It's no issue." She held out her hand for the dog to sniff. "Would it be fine if I pet her?"