Ceremony 8

"I can understand why you would keep such creatures as company, even if only to pamper them." The Arboreal Maiden reluctantly removed her hand from the black and tan coat. "That sensation is something many people would pay good money for. Let us continue discussing the matter at hand."

"Enabling us to utilize split, yes?" Diana was quick to return from the lax state they found themselves in.

"Indeed. Many times in the past I have assisted in the adjustment of prestigious person's ability to utilize split, usually the result of some wound or trauma. This will be the first, instance I can remember where this ability to manipulate split will be created from scratch."

"Are you confident in your ability? We aren't at risk of death are we?" As it stood, they were capable of living without it. Donovan was comfortable with a small physical disadvantage if it meant they didn't have to accept a risk, even if it was small.

"There is no chance of that. Worst case scenario, the process simply fails and you are left with some residual pain for a period of time. The Great Csillacra assures me that even that is unlikely, and the ritual can be retried after your body has had time to recover."

"In that case I volunteer to go first. I can probably handle the pain a little better than Diana, and in the case that it fails and have to go through with it again I won't be nearly as busy. Does that work for you?" He was looking for confirmation from Diana, who promptly nodded.

If he hadn't been man enough to step up to the plate, she would have recommended he go first anyway.

"How chivalrous." The Maiden smirked. "I think you will find this procedure quite familiar to something you have already undergone, not that you would remember. It will alter what you call your genetic code, similar to the manipulation performed on you before birth, resulting in a few major changes to your body. Most of these will not be visible to the eye.

Perhaps the most notable physiological change will be the addition of an additional organ somewhere in your chest or lumbar region. I think you can ascertain what purpose it will serve. Additional changes will occur in and around your sensory organs, most notably the eyes. These alterations are going to be integrated, not adding or subtracting to volume or changes in anatomy, but giving the ability to 'see' the same way that everyone else does.

Be prepared for an immense sensory overload when you wake up."

"Wake up? Why are we being put to sleep?" Diana didn't understand why that was a necessity.

"Think of it as anesthesia administered before surgery. Your body will be changing very drastically in a very short period of time. The Great Csillacra will have to induce split decay in certain regions of the body in order to make space for certain things to grow or regrow. It wouldn't do to be writhing in pain for hours on end now would it.

Now as I was saying. After you are finished you will be extremely disoriented. Try not to stand up or walk around and just lay down. I plan to finish with your procedures before going to deal with some matters related to my position. I am unsure of how long I will be gone for, but it shouldn't be longer than three hours after you wake.

Just lay and rest, acclimate yourselves to your new condition. The Skwiven will take care of you should you need food and drink."

The Arboreal Maiden stood, producing a jeweled staff of gold and wood from a small alcove in the wall. Lightly tapping the floor with it, what they thought was a wooden wall covered in moss opened to reveal another passage.

"Follow me. This passage leads to the true Sanctum, the Heart of the Great Csillacra."

- - - - -

Diana was sick of walking. So sick, in fact, that she was tempted to ask for a piggy back from Donovan. Societal convention, proper manners, embarrassment, and the threat of rejection precluded her from actually going forth with the idea.

But she HAD walked far more than she had bargained for today.

She had long since passed the point of regretting wearing her not-quite-high heels. There was little padding to lessen the impact of her steps and the solid construction coupled with the small size of her feet meant she was always on the precipice of rolling her ankle on the bumpy surfaces.

Oh how she envied Donovan's boots.

"Are you good Diana? You're falling behind." Donovan paused, a few yards ahead of her, exhibiting concern for how slow she had gotten. Her paces were shorter for sure, so he had to crenate for that, but now she was consistently falling behind him. "Do you need me to carry you?"

As the two of them looked down at her slightly swelling ankles, she desperately wanted to say yes.

But she couldn't, not in the presence of the Maiden.

"I'll be fine." She wasn't convincing. "Just give me a minute to rest."

Mercedes, a good distance ahead, stopped to see what the hold up was.

"There is no shame in admitting you came ill-prepared Diana. There is still quite some distance remaining, and I think we would all prefer it if we got this finished as soon as possible." The Arboreal Maiden didn't even turn around to address them, maintaining a slow speed while they remained stopped. "Assent to his offer."

Reluctantly, but with great relief, she climbed onto the squatted Donovan's back. Her arms around his neck and his under her legs, they continued forward faster than they were going before.

"Good job." Donovan whispered to her. "Six miles or so of uneven ground in heels, not a bad showing. Nobody told us we would be walking on tough terrain. That being said, would you like to start running with me to build up endurance? I noticed you were a little out of breath."

She was extremely grateful that Donovan couldn't see her face, hiding her cherry-red face. She was trying to hide it, but she didn't do a good enough job. Defeated, she assented.