Chapter 13 – If You Have Never Tried, How Will You Know?

Xing Luo was assaulted by the strong pheromones that were released by Ye Lixiao and it was accompanied by the intensive ice-cold aura. This had caused all the fine hairs on Xing Luo's body to stand on end!

Xing Luo tried to quibble in her fright: "Mr Ye! It's a misunderstanding! You listen to my explanation first!"

Ye Lixiao's eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc, "Misunderstanding? Okay, then I'll listen to your explanation."

Xing Luo smiled flatteringly, and she craftily tried to fawned on him, "Mr Ye, what did I said just now that made you angry? I don't remember, can you repeat it for me?"

Ye Lixiao: "...."

To say this about his ownself...…how could Ye Lixiao said it out loud?

Because of this, Xing Luo became even more confident, "Mr Ye, actually I didn't say anything just now. It was you who actually heard wrongly! Did you heard something bad and thought it was me who said it? That's why you are unhappy? This was all a misunderstanding! How could I dare to disrespect you!"

"Really?" Ye Lixiao gaze turned cold. She really was an eloquent woman. If not because he had an exceedingly good hearing ability, he would have really thought that it was as she said.

Xing Luo nodded, "Yes! Mr Ye! It was all just a misunderstanding. Let us start to prepare for the meal! The two little buns outside still waiting for us!" By implication, it should make Ye Lixiao step aside.

However, the man did not move away from Xing Luo. On the contrary, he closed their gap and moved somewhat closer to her…..

Ye Lixiao only stopped when the distance between the tip of their nose was only one centimetre away from each other.

He condescendingly looked at Xing Luo, his eyes were deep and gloomy. He coldly said, "Did you think that I'm that easy to lie to?"

Xing Luo: "...…" She instinctively shrunk her neck. As expected, it would not be so easy for her to bluff her way out...…

Xing Luo: "Mr Ye, this is really a misunderstanding! I have totally never thought of being disrespectful to you. I....."

"It didn't matter if you have really thought of it or not." Ye Lixiao mercilessly interrupted her.

"....Ah?" Xing Luo was a little puzzled.

In the next second, Ye Lixiao stretched out his hand and hooked Xing Luo's chin. He lifted Xing Luo's head and it was just enough for the tip of their nose to touch each other.

The hot air that was exhaled by Ye Lixiao touched Xing Luo's cheek. It tickled her, "Because you can"

Xing Luo's complexion turned stiff. She forced out an ugly smile, "Mr Ye had an imposing heroic look. Without trying also I will know!"

There was a touch of playfulness flashed through the depth of Ye Lixiao's eyes. The hand that was hooked on her chin shifted to her waist. With a slight hook, Xing Luo was taken into his bosom…..

Xing Luo was instantly surrounded by a scent that solely belongs to Ye Lixiao. This kind of strange unfamiliar feeling caused her to feel somewhat at a complete loss.

"Mr Ye! What are you doing….." Xing Luo struggled but the arm on her waist was like an iron chain that had tightly locked her movement.

Ye Lixiao dropped his eyes and whispered softly into Xing Luo's ear: "If you have never tried it, how will you know?"

His voice was obviously still deep and ice-cold but his tone was somewhat languid and sexy. It was especially sultry....

"Who wants to try it with you!" Xing Luo's ear turned red at the speed visible to the naked eyes.....

This man was obviously a two-faced mensao fox!

Who the hell that simply spread the rumours that said he had no desire and don't like to go near women? If Xing Luo knew who it was, she would definitely kill that bastard!

Looking at Xing Luo's shy reaction, Ye Lixiao was very satisfied...….

Right when Xing Luo wanted to resist for real, the man let go of her.

Ye Lixiao had already resumed his ice-cold appearance, "This time, I will disregard it. If there is another time, I will not let you go so easily."